Ara mostrant els elements 361-380 de 3276

    Los derechos fundamentales y el reconocimiento mutuo en el ámbito penal de la Unión Europea 

    Deus Ramos, Tais (Data de defensa: 2022-10-07)

    La cooperación judicial penal en la UE resulta necesaria para garantizar la seguridad y evitar la impunidad en un espacio sin fronteras interiores. El principio de reconocimiento mutuo garantiza que esa cooperación sea ...

    Animal personhood: a legal and moral defense 

    Montes Franceschini, Macarena (Data de defensa: 2022-10-05)

    The thesis defends the plausibility of nonhuman animal personhood from a legal and moral perspective. It offers an ecumenical defense as it argues that animals can be considered persons from very different, even rival, ...

    Essays in financial economics 

    Gisbert i Rodríguez, Josep (Data de defensa: 2022-07-04)

    This dissertation studies financial technology adoption, learning from financial information, and inter-temporal decisions. It contains three chapters. Chapter one examines the impact of bank branch closures on ...

    Algorithmic bias in graph-based recommender systems 

    Fabbri, Francesco (Data de defensa: 2022-10-25)

    Recommender Systems represent a key instrument to convey consumption of contents available on the Web. They enhance the engagement among the users and the online platforms through algorithmic personalization. Injecting ...

    The Next Wi-Fi Generation: towards intelligent and multi-link enabled networks 

    López Raventós, Álvaro (Data de defensa: 2022-10-26)

    The next Wi-Fi generation poses in front of a massive challenge as the main enabler for new services and applications. Traffic requirements are expected to keep rising year over year, challenging Wi-Fi networks to cope ...

    Hölderlin, Cernuda y Gebser: historia de una traducción 

    Gasó Gómez, Nuria (Data de defensa: 2022-10-13)

    Aquesta tesi presenta una recerca entorn de les traduccions que de Friedrich Hölderlin van realitzar, a quatre mans, el poeta i editor alemany Hans Gebser i el poeta sevillà Luis Cernuda per a la revista Cruz y Raya de ...

    Human-centered machine learning for music emotion recognition 

    Gómez Cañón, Juan sebastián (Data de defensa: 2022-10-26)

    This doctoral thesis is focused on music in terms of emotion -- such algorithms compose the computational task of music emotion recognition (MER). MER evaluates emotionally relevant features from music, correlates them ...

    El cuidado como horizonte de trabajo: los/as trabajadores/as de la cultura como cuidadores/as populares: una mirada desde la comunicación 

    Rodrigues Telles Almeida, João Gabriel (Data de defensa: 2022-09-27)

    A partir de las múltiples correlaciones que permite la lectura de los trabajadores de la cultura ante la emergencia digital desde su dimensión política, cultural y cognitiva, la presente investigación busca proponer la ...

    The influence of meal timing and residential artificial light-at-night in the development of non-communicable diseases 

    Palomar Cros, Anna (Data de defensa: 2022-11-02)

    Les malalties no transmissibles (MNT) causen cada any 41 milions de morts en tot el món. Arran del descobriment del rellotge circadiari i dels efectes nocius del treball de nit continuat, s'ha enfocat molta atenció de la ...

    Coupling by volume conduction as a wireless power transfer and communications method for threadlike biomedical implants. 

    Tudela Pi, Marc (Data de defensa: 2022-10-27)

    Although the use of volumetric conduction to power wireless implants has been experimentally validated in recent years, a theoretical framework to determine the power and efficiency obtained by minimally invasive implants ...

    Essays in labor economics and structural change 

    Jagadits, András (Data de defensa: 2022-09-30)

    This thesis studies questions at the intersection of labor economics and the literature of structural change. The first chapter empirically assesses the impact of emigration on structural change. Exploiting plausibly ...

    Essays on high-dimensional bayesian inference 

    Torrens i Dinarès, Miquel (Data de defensa: 2022-07-26)

    This thesis studies the capabilities of Bayesian estimators in high-dimen-sional generalised linear models, with a particular focus on treatment effect estimation. The first of four chapters provides the necessary ...

    Defining DYRKs interactome: approaches for the characterization of proximity-dependent interactions and identification of direct substrates 

    Balbastre Català, Borja (Data de defensa: 2022-10-27)

    Dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinases (DYRKs) are a conserved family of protein kinases present in all eukaryotes. In mammals, the association of DYRKs with a wide variety of putative substrates and interactors, in ...

    Algebraic techniques for universal succinct arguments 

    Zapico Barrionuevo, Victoria Arantxa (Data de defensa: 2022-10-13)

    In this thesis, we make theoretical and practical contributions to the design of succinct arguments with universal setups in the pairing-based setting. We first introduce a new primitive, Checkable Subspace Sampling (CSS) ...

    Essays on statistical inference in non-regular semiparametric models 

    Lee, Adam (Data de defensa: 2022-07-29)

    This thesis consists of three chapters which relate to problems of statistical inference in (potentially) non-regular semiparametric models. Chapter 1 considers hypothesis testing problems in semiparametric models which ...

    Essays in behavioral economics 

    Rui, Guan (Data de defensa: 2022-07-28)

    This thesis comprises three chapters on topics in behavioral and experimental economics. In the first chapter, I show formally that, in a limited attention framework, the choices made by a decision maker who considers ...

    Symmetries in constraint satisfaction: Weisfeiler-Leman invariance and promise problems 

    Butti, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2022-10-20)

    This thesis focuses on the complexity of the fixed-template Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) and its variants. Our contributions are two-fold. On the one hand, we study how closure of the space of CSP instances under ...

    Essays in the economics of information 

    Donati, Dante (Data de defensa: 2022-07-27)

    This dissertation consists of three essays that empirically test economic theories on the causal effect of information on individuals and firms. The first chapter studies the consequences of lower consumer search costs ...

    The Macroeconomic implications of learning by shopping 

    Gutiérrez-Daza, Ángelo (Data de defensa: 2022-06-08)

    Empirical evidence suggests that consumers rely on their shopping experiences to form beliefs about inflation. In other words, they learn by shopping. This dissertation studies the implications of this information friction ...

    Early-life environmental exposures and molecular markers in children 

    Prado Bert, Paula de (Data de defensa: 2022-10-17)

    L'exposició a factors de risc ambientals durant la vida intrauterina o la infància ha estat relacionada amb un major risc a desenvolupar diverses malalties. Tot i això, els mecanismes biològics subjacents són poc coneguts. ...