Now showing items 541-560 of 3276

    Role of histone variant macroH2A and other chromatin regulators in genome regulation and response to drugs 

    Le Pannérer, Marguerite-Marie (Date of defense: 2022-01-21)

    The relevance of epigenetics is increasingly recognized in haematopoietic diseases such as myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Variants of histones, such as macroH2As, and chromatin remodellers, ...

    Climate change and health in India : impacts and co-benefits 

    Dimitrova, Asya (Date of defense: 2022-01-14)

    El primer estudio de esta tesis doctoral demostró que tanto las temperaturas ambientales altas como las bajas y las olas de calor son factores de riesgo de mortalidad por todas las causas en la India, y el riesgo de ...

    Identification of environmental variables in Drosophila melanogaster natural populations 

    Bogaerts Márquez, María (Date of defense: 2022-01-11)

    Entender cómo las especies se adaptan al ambiente es aún una pregunta sin resolver en el campo de la Biología Evolutiva. Mientras el foco principal siempre ha estado en la base genética, los factores ambientales responsables ...

    Anàlisi de la comunicació i el periodisme biomèdics: Estudi dels processos divulgatius, els dèficits formatius i l'impacte de la Covid-19 

    Diviu Miñarro, Clàudia (Date of defense: 2021-12-20)

    La comunicació científica ha evolucionat molt durant els darrers anys. L’interès dels científics i periodistes per divulgar ha augmentat, i el de la societat de rebre informació científica també. Tot i això, hi continuen ...

    Treatment planning in electroporation-based therapies 

    Perera Bel, Enric (Date of defense: 2021-12-17)

    Diverses teràpies mèdiques es basen en l’electroporació. Entre d’altres, l’electroporació s'usa per al tractament de tumors sòlids. Com que només afecta les cèl·lules i la matriu extracel·lular queda intacta, amb ...

    Violencia y discriminación contra las personas LGBT. Los derechos de las víctimas 

    Páez Ramírez, Manuel Yasser (Date of defense: 2021-12-15)

    La investigación pretende ofrecer elementos de juicio para cuestionar los alcances actuales de las garantías de las víctimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos en el caso de los sujetos con orientaciones sexuales y ...

    Organized class struggle against the financialization of housing in Spain: the case of the PAHC Sabadell 

    Jiménez Iglesias, Albert (Date of defense: 2021-12-13)

    This doctoral thesis studies class-based social movements as a response to the collapse of the Spanish mode of capital accumulation, based on the financialization of housing and the extraction of rents. It argues that the ...

    Training sound event classifiers using different types of supervision 

    Fonseca, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2021-12-01)

    The automatic recognition of sound events has gained attention in the past few years, motivated by emerging applications in fields such as healthcare, smart homes, or urban planning. When the work for this thesis started, ...

    Digging into biologically-driven injury mechanisms in the intervertebral disc: an evidence-based network modelling approach to estimate cell dynamics within complex multicellular systems 

    Baumgartner, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-11-22)

    It is well known that injuries affect the tissue integrity. It might be less known that injury mechanisms could be initiated through a compromised cell response, which subsequently affects the tissue integrity. Such injuries ...

    La interculturalidad en el aula de español para adultos migrantes: Aportaciones desde la investigación educativa basada en diseño 

    Holguín Vaca, Denise Paola (Date of defense: 2021-09-27)

    La educación intercultural es una respuesta a las actuales realidades sociales y políticas queclaman por la formación de ciudadanos críticos que contribuyan al desarrollo social sostenible.Sin embargo, en el ámbito de ...

    The Role of positive selection on zinc transporter genes : From genomic signals to adaptive phenotypes 

    Roca-Umbert Würth, Ana (Date of defense: 2021-12-22)

    Zinc is an essential micronutrient involved in many different biological processes. Zinc homeostasis is mainly regulated by 24 zinc transporters coded by the Zinc Transporter Genes (ZTGs). Notably, zinc body content is ...

    Constructing the other: Analysis of foreign correspondent's discourses and practices during the Coronavirus crisis in China 

    Calatayud Vaello, Adrià (Date of defense: 2021-12-14)

    This dissertation examines foreign correspondents’ discourses and professional practices during their coverage of the coronavirus crisis in China from the perspective of intercultural communication. On the one hand, it ...

    Imágenes que liberan: Shock moral y comunicación visual estratégica en el activismo por la liberación animal 

    Fernández, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-12-10)

    Esta tesis doctoral explora la efectividad y la ética comunicativa de las producciones visuales activistas antiespecistas, especialmente las imágenes de violencia y la estrategia comunicativa del shock moral. El objetivo ...

    Evaluación de calidad en sitios web: Factores de análisis, métodos y propuesta de un modelo para el desarrollo de nuevos instrumentos 

    Morales-Vargas, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2021-11-22)

    El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar la calidad web como campo de estudio, examinar sus métodos e instrumentos de evaluación –identificando sus enfoques y los factores que analizan–, y formular un modelo para ...

    El espacio biográfico en comunicación política: un análisis de las narrativas biográficas en las estrategias electorales de Argentina 2015 y Ecuador 2017 

    Castelo Heymann, Santiago (Date of defense: 2022-02-22)

    La investigación estudia las estrategias y narrativas biográficas que se desarrollan en contexto electoral. Tras una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica, se propone una original tipología de narrativas biográficas: i) orígenes ...

    Blockchain technology: driving innovation in the supply chain 

    Della Valle, Fabio (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    This thesis presents a study of blockchain impacts for supply chain (SC) application. By conducting explorative research, the thesis presents a grounded theory analysis based on eighteen interviews with international experts ...

    Essays in economic forecasting 

    Souza, André B. M. (Date of defense: 2021-11-02)

    This dissertation consists of two independent chapters on economic and financial forecasting. The first chapter introduces a nonlinear forecasting framework that combines forecasts of the sign and absolute value of a ...

    The Contribution of roots: the division of labor between grammar and the lexicon in meaning composition 

    Ausensi, Josep (Date of defense: 2021-10-06)

    This dissertation explores the division of labor between grammar and the lexicon from the viewpoint of event structural theories which take verb meanings to decompose into event templates and roots. Event templates ...

    Development of tools for the analysis of cell-free DNA in human blood : Application in the noninvasive prenatal testing field 

    Montaner Domènech, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-11-11)

    discovery of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in blood and the advent of massive parallel sequencing technologies has revolutionized the prenatal screening field by providing a better risk assessment of fetal chromosomal alterations ...

    Exogenous expression of chemokine receptors improves mouse mesenchymal stem cell migration towards the degenerating retina 

    Pesaresi, Martina (Date of defense: 2019-11-25)

    Retinopathies are a heterogeneous group of conditions that inevitably lead to vision incapacitation and blindness. Currently, they are incurable. Cell therapy has been proposed as a potential solution, but further development ...