Ara mostrant els elements 810-829 de 1771

    Food webs of Mediterranean coastal wetlands 

    Compte Ciurana, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2010-07-21)

    En aquesta tesi doctoral s'han estudiat els efectes directes i indirectes de dos tipus d'espècies claus de la comunitat aquàtica dels aiguamolls de l'Empordà (aiguamolls costaners mediterranis amb una xarxa tròfica senzilla). ...

    Forecasting and decision support for type 1 diabetes insulin therapy using machine learning 

    Oviedo Castillo, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2019-04-09)

    Insulin therapy for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) has several ramifications with different degrees of automation. The advances in sensors and monitoring devices have led to an increasing availability of data. Additionally, machine ...

    Formació d'educadors en ciutats històriques en el marc de l'educació per a la sostenibilitat. Estudi de cas del Programa d'educació ambiental i coneixement de la ciutat de Girona 

    Medir i Huerta, Rosa M., 1961- (Data de defensa: 2007-05-11)

    La tesi s'estructura al voltant de dues grans finalitats: la primera és identificar les destreses i capacitats professionals, basades en l'educació per a la sostenibilitat, necessàries per als educadors no formals que ...

    Formación del profesorado para una respuesta eficaz a la violencia de género en el ámbito escolar desde la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género 

    Natividad Sancho, Laura (Data de defensa: 2021-09-06)

    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to provide scientific knowledge on the prevention of gender-based violence in schools in order to contribute to the design of an effective response. The objective responds to a reality ...

    Formación profesional de los titulados de educación básica: evaluación de la satisfacción de actores clave para una mejora continua del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje 

    Sepúlveda Riveros, Marcela (Data de defensa: 2019-02-28)

    The objective of this research is to analyze the degree of satisfaction of graduates, academics and employers as key actors in the formation process of the 2007 to 2011 cohorts, with respect to the graduation profile of ...

    Formulació i caracterització de materials compostos de polipropilè reforçat amb fibres lignocel·lulòsiques procedents de poda de taronger. Estudi del seu ús per a materials aplicables a la construcció 

    Reixach Corominas, Rafel (Data de defensa: 2015-10-28)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral i tot el treball experimental s’ha realitzat dintre les línies de treball del grup de recerca, Laboratori d’Enginyeria Paperera i Materials Polímers (LEPAMAP) de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la ...

    Fortuny de Pere Gimferrer o un bric-à-brac de la Belle Époque. Una novel·la singular en el panorama narratiu català dels anys vuitanta 

    Carol Geronès, Lídia (Data de defensa: 2016-10-21)

    This thesis examines one of the most unique novels of contemporary Catalan narrative, Fortuny (1983) by Pere Gimferrer. The aims of the present study are mainly two: to shed light on one of the most important, but least ...

    Forward-looking sonar mosaicing for underwater environments 

    Hurtós Vilarnau, Natàlia (Data de defensa: 2014-10-30)

    Vehicle operations in underwater environments are frequently compromised by poor visibility conditions. In this thesis, we propose an end-to-end mosaicing framework tailored to the characteristics of forward-looking sonar ...

    Foundations of uncertainty management for text-based sentiment prediction 

    Hossayni, Sayyed Ali (Data de defensa: 2018-07-27)

    Analyzing the sentiment of Social Networks users is an attractive task, well-covered by the Sentiment Analysis research communities. Alongside, predicting the rating/opinion of users in Social Networks or e-commerce platforms ...

    Fra Agustí Eura (1684-1763). Obra poètica (assaig d'edició crítica) 

    Valsalobre, Pep, 1956- (Data de defensa: 1998-12-22)

    Estudi de conjunt de la figura i l'obra de fra Agustí Eura i a l'edició crítica de la seva poesia completa. La tesi està publicada en 2 obres impreses. Les referències es localitzen a Qüern 5, refs. 1298 i 1301

    El fracàs d'una utopia. Comunicació política dels feixismes a Espanya durant la Segona República, 1931-1936 

    Jiménez Cortacans, Alfons (Data de defensa: 2013-09-30)

    The thesis "The fail of an utopia. Political communication of fascists groups in Spain, 1931-1936" studies communicative strategies of the following political groups: Las Juntas Castellanas de Actuación Hispánica, La ...

    "Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima" de Luigi Nono: escuchar lo imposible 

    Jiménez Carmona, Susana (Data de defensa: 2015-09-18)

    This thesis presents an analysis of Luigi Nono’s Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima, as a starting point to investigate that this piece for string quartet provides in terms of the notions of sound and silence, the temporary and ...

    Els fragments hebreus amb aljamies catalanes de l'Arxiu Històric de Girona: estudi textual, edició paleogràfica i anàlisi lingüística 

    Valls i Pujol, Esperança (Data de defensa: 2016-02-02)

    In this thesis, we provide the palaeographic edition and the translation of the Hebrew manuscript fragments of the Historical Archives of Gerona with Catalan written in Hebrew characters (14th-15th centuries), reused as ...

    Framework for detection, assessment and assistance of university students with dyslexia and/or reading difficulties 

    Mejía Corredor, Carolina (Data de defensa: 2013-10-14)

    During the past years, the adoption of Learning Management System (LMS) to support an e-learning process has been continuously growing. Hence, a potential need and meaningful factor to provide a personalized support, within ...

    Framework for the design and development of motivational augmented reality learning experiences in vocational education and training 

    Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis (Data de defensa: 2017-06-12)

    One of the advantages of Augmented Reality (AR) in education is that AR increases student motivation. However, there is a lack of research on guidelines to inform the design and development of motivational AR learning ...

    Framework para la educación patrimonial apoyada en realidad aumentada 

    Mendoza Garrido, Raynel Alfonso (Data de defensa: 2019-10-11)

    La Educación Patrimonial es el proceso que permite a las personas comprender y apropiarse de sus bienes patrimoniales tanto tangibles como intangibles. Tradicionalmente, la Educación Patrimonial se lleva a cabo en escenarios ...

    Fraud against individuals in the Internet era: trends, victimisation, impact and reporting 

    Kemp, Steven (Data de defensa: 2020-12-04)

    This thesis aims to examine fraud against individuals in the Internet era to shed light on: current trends and the dark figure of fraud; factores associated with victimisation; how fraud impacts individuals; and the factores ...

    Freezability markers for boar sperm: new proteomic approaches 

    Vilagran Martí, Ingrid (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Sperm cryopreservation is currently the most suitable technique to store boar sperm samples for a long period of time. However, not all boar ejaculations present the same freezability, this allows the classification of ...

    Friendship of young people with intellectual disabilities: supports and barriers. A training programme to work on the social skills related to the establishment and maintenance of friendships 

    Diaz Garolera, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2019-12-04)

    Social relationships and social participation have an important impact on the social inclusion processes of people with intellectual disabilities (ID). However, research suggests that social networks of people with ID ...

    From energy saving technologies to green product innovation: evidence from the European Manufacturing Survey 

    Pons Pairó, Marc (Data de defensa: 2020-07-07)

    Green manufacturers and an understanding of their differentiating characteristics and environmental and economic performance when applying green practices are at the centre of this doctoral thesis. The focus is set around ...