La Universitat de Girona té més de 15.000 estudiants i 1.400 professors. Ofereix uns 50 estudis de grau i més de 20 màsters. S’organitza en 9 centres docents, 1 Escola de Doctorat, 6 centres adscrits. L’activitat de recerca es du a terme en 24 departaments, 12 instituts de recerca i més de 40 càtedres, a més d’un centenar de grups de recerca especialitzat. Té la seu a la ciutat de Girona i s’integra en el sistema d’universitats públiques catalanes.
També trobareu les tesis recol·lectades al repositori DUGi .
Si sou doctor o doctora de la Universitat de Girona i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents.
Departament d'Arquitectura i Enginyeria de la Construcció [7]
Departament d'Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Computadors [76]
Departament d'Electrònica, Informàtica i Automàtica (fins al 2007) [35]
Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Electrònica i Automàtica [34]
Departament d'Enginyeria Industrial (fins al 2001) [2]
Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica i de la Construcció Industrial [83]
Departament d'Enginyeria Química, Agrària i Tecnologia Agroalimentària [145]
Departament d'Història i Història de l'Art (2009-) [97]
Departament d'Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada (fins al 2012) [9]
Departament d'Informàtica, Matemàtica Aplicada i Estadística (2013-) [30]
Departament d'Organització, Gestió Empresarial i Disseny de Producte [80]
Departament de Biologia [123]
Departament de Ciències Ambientals [77]
Departament de Ciències Mèdiques [112]
Departament de Didàctiques Específiques [44]
Departament de Dret Privat [46]
Departament de Dret Públic [57]
Departament de Filologia i Comunicació (2009-) [75]
Departament de Filologia i Filosofia (fins al 2009) [16]
Departament de Filosofia (2009-) [14]
Departament de Geografia (2009- ) [30]
Departament de Geografia, Història i Història de l'Art (fins al 2009) [34]
Departament de Psicologia [103]
Departament de Química [150]
Escola Universitària de la Salut i l'Esport (EUSES) [3]
Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua (ICRA) [32]
Institut d'Ecologia Aquàtica [55]
Institut d'Informàtica i Aplicacions [30]
Institut de Dret Privat Europeu i Comparat [2]
Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes [16]
Institut de Química Computacional (fins al 2013) [16]
Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (2013- ) [52]
Institut de Recerca Educativa [49]
Institut de Recerca en Turisme (INSETUR) [29]
Institut de Recerca en Visió per Computador i Robòtica [10]
Institut de Recerca Històrica [24]
Castanyer Caballé, Cristina (Date of defense: 2025-01-14)
ENG- Fullerenes are spherical carbon allotropes formed by an even number of carbon atoms organized in twelve pentagons and a variable number of hexagons, being C60 and C70 the two most widely known fullerenes of this family ...
Ollé Vilanova, Judith (Date of defense: 2025-01-13)
ENG- The Little Tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) and the Bullet Tuna (Auxis rochei) are two fish species within the tuna family that are closely related to larger tunas. Although they have a lower market value, thousands of ...
Liedienov, Vladyslav (Date of defense: 2024-12-20)
ENG- The soil is the upper part of the Earth’s crust that irrespective to its little depth allows the organisms life, is a water reserve and nutrients source for plants, owns high buffer capacity but it is not a short-term ...
Moll Dos Santos, Luis Alejandro (Date of defense: 2024-12-18)
ENG- Food security is critical for sustaining the growing global population, but it is increasingly threatened by plant diseases that lead to significant food losses. The frequency of emerging and reemerging plant disease ...
Casabella-Font, Oriol (Date of defense: 2024-12-11)
ENG- Human society has developed around a central pillar that enhances our well-being, increases life expectancy, and improves health. However, while medicines have been instrumental in solving many health issues, they ...
Baena Argudo, Júlia (Date of defense: 2024-12-16)
ENG- The research delves into the relationships between media and information literacy (MIL) and secondary school libraries within the Catalan context, incorporating the perspectives of teachers, librarians, and students ...
Castaño-Ortiz, Jose Maria (Date of defense: 2024-12-16)
ENG- Pharmaceuticals have been broadly detected in aquatic systems, including rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. Their widespread occurrence and accumulation in aquatic organisms have raised concerns about their ecotoxicological ...
Sánchez, José Eduardo (Date of defense: 2024-12-16)
ENG- In this doctoral thesis, the educational discourses and practices developed around three flexible educational models (FEM) in a public educational institution in Cali, Colombia, are identified and analyzed, considering ...
Andrusenko Kalchenko, Lyudmyla (Date of defense: 2024-12-11)
ENG- Spain is the fifth country in the European Union in terms of the number of Muslim residents, for whom a surgical intervention such as circumcision is part of their culture. Circumcision is the total or partial removal ...
Rodríguez Winiarski, María Victoria (Date of defense: 2024-12-04)
ENG- The Spanish Manuscripts 487 of the National Library of France (Fa) and 381 of the Inguimbertine Library (Fb) form a single codex that tradition has designated with the name Cançoner de Carpentràs. Compiled between the ...
Romera Martínez, Ingrid (Date of defense: 2024-12-05)
ENG- The radiotherapy treatment for left breast cancer is widely described. One of the long-term undesirable effects of radiotherapy is heart disease, which often manifests as ischemia or myocardial infarction, especially ...
Cosin Ayerbe, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2024-12-05)
ENG- In this PhD we work in the area of real-time global illumination, proposing three algorithms which contribute to advance in this direction. There are several families of techniques within this area based on research ...
Poblete Inostroza, Roxana Nicol (Date of defense: 2024-12-04)
ENG- This doctoral thesis follows the format of a compilation of articles and focuses on the multiple challenges faced by the implementation of Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) in the Chilean context. This format was ...
Giró-Candanedo, Mar (Date of defense: 2024-12-04)
ENG- Food selection and consumption play a fundamental role in the health and well-being of the population. Various studies have shown that people make many food choices every day, and selecting conscious and healthy options ...
Casellas-Vidal, Dolors (Date of defense: 2024-11-27)
ENG- Introduction: Children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) suffer from biomechanical changes in their muscles, causing excessive spasticity. These changes in muscle tone can be estimated by means of clinical scales or ...
Sojo Vega, Lidia (Date of defense: 2024-12-02)
ENG- Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death and illness in people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, the traditional prediction models for cardiovascular events, which are based on common risk ...
Pla-Juher, Helena (Date of defense: 2024-12-02)
ENG- HER2 positive breast cancer represents approximately 15-20% of breast cancer and it is associated with higher grade, more aggressive phenotype and worse prognosis. The prognosis of these patients has dramatically ...
Ninot, Antonia (Date of defense: 2024-11-29)
ENG- Biodiversity is the result and the expression of a historical, ancient natural process. It guarantees the well-being and the equilibrium of the biosphere. Additionally, it represents a possible primary source of ...
Santos, Jonnathan D. (Date of defense: 2024-11-28)
ENG- The primary objective of this thesis was to experimentally determine the elastic in-plane mechanical properties and interlaminar fracture toughness in modes I and II of Markforged® continuous Carbon Fiber reinforced ...
Young-Silva, Yudy (Date of defense: 2024-11-25)
ENG- Primary Care faces the challenge of promoting healthy behaviors in the Spanish population. Human behavior is complex since several variables can affect a person’s health and quality of life. However, by understanding ...