Now showing items 1174-1193 of 1780

    Los Fundamentos jurídico-laborales de la obligación general de seguridad empresarial 

    Camas Roda, Ferran (Date of defense: 1999-12-21)

    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to consolidate the preventive perspective as one of priority action, both by public authorities and private companies, in order to protect the health and safety of employees. To this end, ...

    Los límites del pluralismo jurídico. Una revisión del caso de Venezuela: ¿Fractura o aporía? 

    El Fakih Rodríguez, Fátima Josefina (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    Since the approval of the Constitution in 1999, the Venezuelan state recognizes a set of collective rights for indigenous peoples that imply, therefore, the incorporation of legal pluralism as a regulating principle of ...

    Los manuscritos reales de Philippe de Commynes 

    Sánchez Ruiz, María (Date of defense: 2018-12-20)

    This doctoral thesis is responsible for making a critical edition of two Spanish manuscripts, namely: the codex escurialense J.I.6 and the testimony BNE 17638, which we keep of the historiographical work of the French ...

    Los retos y estrategias de la educación inclusiva en la universidad para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Diseño, aplicación y evaluación de una experiencia piloto 

    Mejía Cajamarca, Paulina Elizabeth (Date of defense: 2023-10-27)

    The main objective of this thesis is to design, apply and evaluate an educational program for people with intellectual disabilities at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Girona. For this research, ...

    Los sistemas de información en el sector hotelero: un modelo de éxito 

    Martínez Rodríguez, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2014-05-30)

    This thesis includes a review of how the information technology is used at present in the hotels, as well as the functionality expected from the hotels information systems. We compare these systems characteristics with ...

    Los valores de la creatividad y del goce artístico en el imaginario del docente de arte 

    Cagigós Villacampa, Núria (Date of defense: 2022-02-25)

    Education in values is a cross educational process that develops unique, responsible, and socially conscious individuals who in turn form civic, democratic, and tolerant societies. In this context, art is one of the main ...

    Luck and the control theory of knowledge 

    Broncano-Berrocal, Fernando (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    This thesis presents a diagnosis of the problem of luck in epistemology and an analysis of the concept of knowledge. Part I gives an account of the ordinary concept of luck. Part II gives an account of the philosophical ...

    Luisa Sigea de Velasco: reflexions filosòfiques d'una docta puella espanyola del segle XVI 

    Font Mareñà, Immaculada (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)

    The PhD entitled "Luisa Sigea de Velasco: philosophical reflections of a sixteenth-century Spanish docta puella" focuses on verifying and justifying if Luisa Sigea (1522-1560) was a genuine philosopher. To carry out this ...

    L´onconasa com a model per l´estudi de les bases moleculars de la citotoxicitat de les ribonucleases pancreàtiques. Aplicacions a la construcció de ribonucleases amb activitat antimicrobiana 

    Torrent Albertí, Gerard (Date of defense: 2009-03-27)

    La primera part d'aquest treball s´ha centrat en la caracterització i optimització del procés d'activació de l´onconasa recombinant per tal d'obtenir l´enzim igual a la forma nativa. Per això, les reaccions d'eliminació ...

    L’adopció dels recursos tecnològics digitals en educació: factors facilitadors i factors limitadors 

    Codina Regàs, David (Date of defense: 2022-05-19)

    This research is based on the need and curiosity that, as a teacher who is interested in educational digital resources, I had often felt, specifically regarding the factors that affected its success in the implementation. In ...

    L’associacionisme arqueològic a Catalunya en el segon franquisme i la transició. Estudi del cas del Grup de Prehistòria i Arqueologia del Museu de Berga 

    Farguell Magnet, Josep (Date of defense: 2020-09-22)

    The purpose of this research work is focused on the archaeological practice that was carried out from the archaeological associations in Catalonia. The Renaixença cultural movement claimed a glorious past in Catalonia ...

    L’àcid úric, el greix perirenal i la mida renal com a nous marcadors de risc cardiovascular en població pediàtrica sana 

    Martínez-Calcerrada, José María (Date of defense: 2022-06-16)

    Despite notable advances in health promotion over the past decades, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, with obesity being a rising contributor of it. Cardiovascular risk factors appear in ...

    L’empoderament de les persones joves amb mesura de convivència en grup educatiu de medi obert. Anàlisi de la tasca socioeducativa i disseny d’estratègies per a la intervenció en el sistema de justícia juvenil 

    Trull Oliva, Carme (Date of defense: 2021-06-30)

    The present work investigates the empowerment processes of young people who have complied with the judicial ruling of living in an open educational group in Catalonia for having committed crimes of child-to-parent violence, ...

    L’extracte de fulla d’olivera redueix la pressió arterial de pacients amb hipertensió arterial lleugera sense malaltia vascular subclínica 

    Espín Sánchez, Rufina (Date of defense: 2023-06-16)

    Introduction: Hypertension is the common cardiovascular risk factor and affects 20 to 50% of the population. Treatment, with drugs or not, involves improving lifestyle. Olive leaf extract has traditionally been taken to ...

    L’impacte de les pràctiques de qualitat i mediambientals en el sector de l’hostaleria 

    Oliveras Villanueva, Marc (Date of defense: 2022-02-21)

    Tourism is one of the drivers of our economy. The importance of this sector, the high competition and the current crisis caused by Covid19 surfaced the need for the operators to gain competitive advantages. Therefore, an ...

    L’impacte de l’aproximació dels fons de coneixement en les relacions família-escola. Un estudi qualitatiu 

    Machancoses Puchades, Mireia (Date of defense: 2023-07-14)

    The present doctoral thesis is part of a large number of research studies that have highlighted the benefits of good family-school relationships in the development and learning processes of children (Blasco, 2018; ...

    L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus 

    Jove Casabella, Eva (Date of defense: 2022-09-23)

    This thesis is entitled "L’impacte social dels museus. El cas de les associacions d’amics dels museus" and focuses on the most loyal audience of museums: museum friends. This associative phenomenon is one of the largest ...

    L’ós de les cavernes (Ursus spelaeus) a Catalunya 

    Millan Arnau, Ferran (Date of defense: 2023-06-21)

    This study comprises an examination of the osteological remains of populations of cave bears (Ursus spelaeus, Rosenmüller, 1794) found in the Late Middle Palaeolithic layers of three caves in northeastern Catalonia, Spain: ...

    Macroalgal-dominated coastal detritic bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeastern Atlantic: description, distribution and sampling methodologies 

    Joher Sais, Sergi (Date of defense: 2016-01-14)

    En aquesta tesi es van descriure els principals fons algals del detrític costaner de la plataforma continental de Mallorca i Menorca (illes Balears, Espanya), i es van proposar mètodes efectius per al seu mostreig tant a ...

    Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi 

    Pla i Quintana, Anna (Date of defense: 2004-11-23)

    La present tesi doctoral s'ha basat en la caracterització estructural i en l'estudi de les propietats catalítiques de nous complexos de pal·ladi(0) amb lligands olefínics contenint unitats de ferrocè. En una primera fase ...