Now showing items 1753-1772 of 1776

    Vida y obra de Pere Torroella 

    Rodríguez Risquete, Francisco J. (Date of defense: 2003-12-22)

    "ADVERTIMENT. La versió definitiva d'aquesta tesi doctoral està en premsa a l'editorial Barcino, Col·lecció Els Nostres Clàssics, Barcelona. En la nova versió s'hi han introduit nombroses millores, nous capítols i correccions ...

    Vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores en el contexto de la prevención de riesgos laborales. Calidad y utilidad preventiva de los exámenes de salud 

    Rodríguez Jareño, Mari Cruz (Date of defense: 2016-07-08)

    Pocas publicaciones estudian la utilidad preventiva de los exámenes rutinarios de vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores. Aplicando técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas a la información proporcionada mediante ...

    Violencia entre pares en el contexto escolar (bullying) y bienestar subjetivo: factores de riesgo y protección para la salud en la infancia y adolescencia 

    Carneiro de Alcantara, Stefania (Date of defense: 2017-01-16)

    The general aim of this doctoral dissertation is to analyse the relationship between peer violence in the school environment, subjective well-being and other psychosocial factors from the individual, family, school, and ...

    Violència i psiquiatria: validació de l'Escala de Valoració de Risc d'Agressivitat (EVRA) 

    Font Pujol, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Prospective observational research over a period of three years. Based on a 722 patient sample hospitalized at the acute unit of the Parc Hospitalari Marti i Julià at the Institut d’Assistència Sanitària. Since admission, ...

    "Visch de mon treball y seguint los amos". Francesos i treballadors a la Catalunya de mas (Bisbat de Girona, ss. XVI-XVII) 

    Barquer Cerdà, Arnau (Date of defense: 2019-01-25)

    Since carachterization of French migration during 16th and 17th centuries in the Bishopric of Girona, I obtained huge data pointing out the strong presence of treballador label, mainly among French immigrants, increasing ...

    Visibility and proximity on triangulated surfaces 

    Fort, Marta (Date of defense: 2008-06-05)

    En aquesta tesi es solucionen problemes de visibilitat i proximitat sobre superfícies triangulades considerant elements generalitzats. Com a elements generalitzats considerem:<br/>punts, segments, poligonals i polígons. ...

    Els visitants infantils dels museus gironins en el marc d'una visita familiar i no organitzada 

    Servitja Tormo, Lada (Date of defense: 2012-11-28)

    The present research try to analyze the objectively patterns of visitor behavior focused on 5 and 12 years old kids, which visited the museums of the city of Girona in a non organized tour. We combined different methodologies ...

    Visualization and processing of diffusion tensor MRI 

    Prados Carrasco, Ferran (Date of defense: 2012-03-01)

    Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a new magnetic resonance imaging modality capable of producing quantitative maps of microscopic natural displacements of water molecules that occur in brain tissues as part of the physical ...

    Vitrification of in vitro produced porcine blastocysts: the effects of culture medium and antioxidants 

    Castillo Martín, Miriam (Date of defense: 2014-07-09)

    In the present Thesis, we observed that vitrifying-warming porcine embryos had detrimental effects. Indeed, vitrification and warming were seen to reduce developmental ability and quality of in vitro produced porcine ...

    Viure o sobreviure? La vida quotidiana de les persones amb dany cerebral adquirit i les seves famílies des de la perspectiva dels agents implicats 

    Gifre Monreal, Mariona (Date of defense: 2014-01-14)

    People with acquired brain damage and their families are described as silent epidemic because, although they have extended their survival, no psychosocial long-term means have been increased to improve their quality of ...

    Vivienda obrera en Bilbao y el Bajo Nervión: las casas baratas, una nueva forma de alojamiento (1911-1936) 

    Domingo Hernández, María del Mar (Date of defense: 2005-04-15)

    A finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX la provincia de Vizcaya despuntó en el contexto internacional como importe centro extractor de mineral de hierro y como relevante foco productor siderometalúrgico. Las ...

    Vivir a oscuras: la construcción analítica de la exclusión energética como problema de política pública 

    Varo Barranco, Anaïs (Date of defense: 2022-09-09)

    The research is built around the idea of energy precarity as an "umbrella" concept in which various manifestations linked to difficulties of access to energy can be included. This thesis dissertation analyzes two of these ...

    Vías legales de acceso a España de personas migrantes con el objetivo de residir y trabajar. Especial atención al Pacto Mundial sobre Migración de Naciones Unidas 

    Ramos Poley, Luis (Date of defense: 2022-01-13)

    The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to study the legal routes of access to Spain for migrants with the aim of residing and working. An analysis of the recent United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular ...

    VLSI architecture for motion estimation in underwater imaging 

    Ila, Viorela (Date of defense: 2005-11-14)

    El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi aprofundeix i aporta solucions innovadores en el camp orientat a tractar el problema de la correspondència en imatges subaquàtiques. En aquests entorns, el que realment complica les ...

    Waves and turbulence on submerged and emergent aquatic vegetation 

    Pujol Company, M. Dolors (Date of defense: 2013-04-16)

    Coastal zones are governed by physical forces originating from tidal currents, waves, winds and night convection, amongst others, and are characterized by the presence of canopy meadows. This thesis studies the hydrodynamic ...

    Web-based application for medical imaging management 

    Mata Miquel, Christian (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    Prostate and breast cancer are the most common cause of cancers in men and women, respectively. Medical imaging plays an important role in breast and prostate cancer detection and evaluation. Then to prove that our web-based ...

    Welfare promoting environments: assessment and management in sanctuary chimpanzees 

    Crailsheim, Dietmar (Date of defense: 2024-02-02)

    Due to the curiosity and interest humans show towards great apes such as chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), we can find large numbers of captive chimpanzees all over the world housed in a wide array of living conditions. ...

    Where nitrite respiration meets electrotrophy: diversity studies and functional characterization of autotrophic bacterial isolates from bioelectrochemical system 

    Vilar Sanz, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Denitrifying biocathodes are used to treat nitrogen contaminated water resources. The present PhD dissertation have been characterized different bacterial families with a relevant role in denitrification process. Different ...

    Wind power supply chain: relevant aspects related to manufacturing and quality management 

    Castelló i Dalmau, Jordi (Date of defense: 2018-06-21)

    In recent years, supply chain management (SCM) has become of great importance as nowadays not only are businesses competing with each other, but so too are suppliers. The main objective of this thesis is to analyse some ...

    WNT5A, SFRP5 y CRTC3: nuevas adipocinas relacionadas con la obesidad en la edad pediátrica 

    Soriano Rodríguez, Pilar (Date of defense: 2015-10-13)

    WNT5A is a protein with proinflammatory properties recently related to insulin resistance. It is believed that this protein might be regulated by SFRP5, which sequesters WNT5A exerting its anti-inflammatory actions and ...