Now showing items 21-40 of 64

    Control and modeling techniques in biomedical engineering: the artificial pancreas for patients with type 1 diabetes 

    Abu-Rmileh, Amjad Hisham Ahmad (Date of defense: 2013-12-09)

    This thesis presents different control strategies, for the closed-loop artificial pancreas, which are based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Sliding Mode Control (SMC). Multiple MPC with linear models and gain scheduling, ...

    Control basat en lògica difusa per sistemes de fangs activats. Disseny, implementació i validació en EDAR reals 

    Fiter i Cirera, Mireia (Date of defense: 2006-03-24)

    En aquesta tesi es presenten dues propostes de Sistemes de Control basats en Lògica Difusa (SCLD), des del seu disseny fins a la seva implementació i validació en dues instal·lacions: l'EDAR Granollers i l'EDAR Taradell.<br/>El ...

    Coverage path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles 

    Galceran Yebenes, Enric (Date of defense: 2014-04-25)

    This thesis proposes new methods to find collision-free paths allowing an AUV to cover an area of the ocean floor with its sensors, which is known as coverage path planning. First, we propose a coverage path planning method ...

    Data-driven models for building energy efficiency monitoring 

    Massana i Raurich, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2018-02-02)

    Nowadays, energy is absolutely necessary all over the world. Taking into account the advantages that it presents in transport and the needs of homes and industry, energy is transformed into electricity. Bearing in mind ...

    Deformable object segmentation in ultra-sound images 

    Massich i Vall, Joan (Date of defense: 2013-12-04)

    This thesis analyses the current strategies to segment breast lesions in Ultra-Sound (US) data and proposes a fully automatic methodology for generating accurate segmentations of breast lesions in US data with low false ...

    Desenvolupament d'un sistema de suport a la decisió ambiental per a la gestió de les infraestructures hidràuliques, amb l'objectiu de garantir la qualitat de l'aigua a la Conca del Besòs 

    Devesa i Peiró, Francesc (Date of defense: 2006-03-24)

    Aquesta tesi presenta un projecte de gestió integral d'infraestructures hidràuliques de sanejament a la Conca del riu Besòs. S'han considerat dos sistemes de sanejament (La Garriga i Granollers) amb les seves respectives ...

    Design and implementation of a closed-loop blood glucose control system in patients with type 1 diabetes 

    León Vargas, Fabian Mauricio (Date of defense: 2013-10-23)

    In the work presented in this dissertation, open-loop and closed-loop control strategies that were aimed at resolving major glucose control problems in the postprandial period were developed. A new model-based control ...

    Designing, testing and modelling two innovative non-conventional buckling restrained braces for seismic resistant buildings 

    Piedrafita Francos, Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-12-01)

    In this thesis two all-steel BRB have been designed, manufactured and tested, and both satisfy the testing protocols required by EU and US codes. They are composed of a steel slotted restraining unit which stabilizes the ...

    Development, implementation and evaluation of an activated sludge supervisory system for the Granollers WWTP 

    Comas Matas, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2000-12-14)

    La present tesi pretén recollir l'experiència viscuda en desenvolupar un sistema supervisor intel·ligent per a la millora de la gestió de plantes depuradores d'aigües residuals., implementar-lo en planta real (EDAR Granollers) ...

    Downward flame front spread in thin solid fuels: theory and experiments 

    Comas Hervada, Bruna (Date of defense: 2014-07-14)

    Flame spread over solid samples has been studied from many points of view, as it is key for fire safety, yet it is a complex phenomenon that involves processes occurring in both the solid and the gas phases. This Ph.D. ...

    Egalitarian behaviour in multi unit combinatorial auctions 

    Murillo Espinar, Javier (Date of defense: 2010-11-10)

    En entornos donde los recursos son precederos y la asignación de recursos se repite en el tiempo con el mismo conjunto o un conjunto muy similar de agentes, las subastas recurrentes pueden ser utilizadas. Una subasta ...

    El disseny industrial, aspectes claus que el configuren com a factor d'èxit per la innovació de producte a les PIMES catalanes 

    Verdaguer Pujadas, Narcís (Date of defense: 2006-02-17)

    El punt de partida de la tesi és cercar si hi ha una relació entre èxit de mercat i aplicació del disseny a les PIMEs catalanes. El mètode de recerca ha estat el d'estudi de enquestes.%&/Una vegada realitzat l'anàlisi s'ha ...

    Eliminación de compuestos causantes de olores mediante adsorbentes/catalizadores obtenidos a partir de lodos de depuradora 

    Ros Sans, Anna (Date of defense: 2006-12-16)

    El aumento de la cantidad de lodos y las dificultades inherentes a su aplicación agrícola y/o disposición en vertederos, hace necesario encontrar nuevas alternativas para su gestión. A nivel europeo, hoy en día se tiende ...

    Endo-β-1,4-glucanasa para la fabricación de micro/nanocelulosa: propiedades y aplicaciones 

    Tarrés Farrés, Joaquim Agustí (Date of defense: 2017-07-10)

    In the recent years, significant interest on the production, characterization and application of cellulose nanofibers has brought out among scientific and technic authorities. This special attention mainly comes from their ...

    Estudi fonamental i aplicat de l'etapa d'eliminació de tinta per flotació 

    Presta Masó, Susanna (Date of defense: 2006-07-14)

    La tesi realitza un estudi detallat dels principals processos que tenen lloc durant l'eliminació de tinta tòner per flotació.<br/>L'estudi del procés d'adhesió de tinta a la superfície de bombolles d'aire s'ha realitzat ...

    Evaluación de materiales compuestos por inyección a partir de fibras procedentes de la biomasa de maíz (Zea mays L.) y polipropileno 

    Rodríguez Monteagudo, Manuel (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    The present PhD work has been done within the research topics of the Laboratory of Paper Engineering and Polymer Materials (LEPAMAP) at the University of Girona. Composite materials from high yield corn biomass fibers ...

    Evaluation and comparison of advanced treatment technologies to enhance the removal of pharmaceutical active compounds from wwtp secondary effluent 

    Sbardella, Luca (Date of defense: 2019-05-22)

    The presence of several pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) in water bodies has garnered increasing attention and worldwide concern. The effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are one of the main sources ...

    Experimental and analytical study of delamination caused by free-edges and matrix cracks in laminated composites 

    Zubillaga Eceiza, Lierni (Date of defense: 2014-07-11)

    In the last decades, the use of laminated composites, such as Carbon Fiber Reinforce Polymer has increased in many industrial sectors. Different failure mechanisms different damage mechanism can appear in laminated ...

    Formulació i caracterització de materials compostos de polipropilè reforçat amb fibres lignocel·lulòsiques procedents de poda de taronger. Estudi del seu ús per a materials aplicables a la construcció 

    Reixach Corominas, Rafel (Date of defense: 2015-10-28)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral i tot el treball experimental s’ha realitzat dintre les línies de treball del grup de recerca, Laboratori d’Enginyeria Paperera i Materials Polímers (LEPAMAP) de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la ...

    Image blending techniques and their application in underwater mosaicing 

    Prados Gutiérrez, Ricard (Date of defense: 2013-05-02)

    The fusion of several images of the same scene into a single and larger composite is known as photo-mosaic. Unfortunately, the seams along image boundaries are often noticeable, due to photometrical and geometrical ...