Agricultural practices, biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by bats in Mediterranean crops 

    Puig, Xavier, 1975- (Date of defense: 2021-07-09)

    We study the effect of organic farming practices on several taxa in olive groves and vineyards. Sessile organisms show a stronger response to treatment, their diversity being higher in organic vineyards. Vagile organism ...

    Correlating sensory attributes, textural parameters and volatile organic compounds for the assessment of distinctive quality traits of melon and peach fruit cultivars 

    Bianchi, Tiago Luís Cardoso Ferreira Pinhanços de (Date of defense: 2021-02-09)

    Melons (Cucumis melo L.) and peaches (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) are two commercially important fruit species in the European Union. The quality improvement of melon and peach cultivars is determinant to maintain and ...

    Cultura campesina, cambio técnico y medio ambiente en el consejo popular "Cuatro Esquina" de Santa Lucía 

    Matías González, Alberto (Date of defense: 2006-01-19)

    The research subject comes as a result of the need to implement sustainable practices in agriculture, in order to confront the environmental deterioration. The research aspires to explain the relation between peasant ...

    Emissions de N2O i desnitrificació en sòls agrícoles i d'ecosistemes naturals. Factors de regulació 

    Saguer Hom, Elena (Date of defense: 1997-10-22)

    La major conscienciació actual dels problemes de pol·lució que acompanyen les pèrdues de N del sòl cap a l'atmosfera ha reorientat les investigacions cap a un coneixement més profund dels processos implicats en les emissions ...

    Feasibility of incorporating treated lignin and cellulose nanofiber in fiberboards made from corn stalk and rice straw 

    Theng, Dyna (Date of defense: 2017-07-28)

    Agricultural waste is of particularly interest due to abudant, cheap, widely available worldwide and renewable material. It represent a good option for wood sources substitution, containing similar in chemical and physical ...

    L'emmagatzematge de cereals en sitges durant l'antiguitat tardana en els bisbats de Girona i Empúries 

    Prat Vilà, Marc (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    Around the Fifth century AD, the use of silos as storage structures reappeared in force throughout large areas of Western Europe. This phenomenon also concerned the territories of the bishoprics of Girona and Empúries. ...

    Methods for remote stock monitoring using depth sensors 

    Vila Clarà, Oriol (Date of defense: 2024-01-29)

    RGB-D cameras return images like an ordinary camera but in addition to color, depthmaps where each pixel value represents the distance to a point of the scene are also obtained. Although originally conceived for gaming and ...

    Natura i cultura en l'evolució del paisatge de closes a l'Alt Empordà (1957-2007) 

    Llausàs i Pascual, Albert (Date of defense: 2008-06-19)

    La tesi doctoral és un estudi de l'evolució del paisatge de les closes de l'Alt Empordà entre els anys 1957 i 2001. Dins el marc teòric s'hi explora el concepte de paisatge cultural agrari tradicional, es fa una introducció ...

    Nueva iniciativa de gestión del uso del suelo (NIGEUS) fundamentada en los enfoques ecosistémico, integrador, participativo y holístico, en el centro-norte de Nicaragua (municipios de Waslala, El Cuá y El Tuma-La Dalia) 

    Muñoz Quintero, William (Date of defense: 2024-06-07)

    There are approximately 608 million farms in the world, of which 84% are small farms and produce 35% of the world's food. Various training programs have been promoted by different organizations to achieve a more sustainable ...

    Underdrain design and operational conditions in sand media filters using reclaimed effluents in drip irrigation systems 

    Solé Torres, Carles (Date of defense: 2020-05-29)

    At present, agriculture is the human activity which requires more volume of water. Given the importance and scarcity of this resource, the efficient use of water has become a priority. On one hand, if possible, it is ...

    Vers una gestió territorial del regadiu. Model i aplicació a tres casos d'estudi de l'Europa meridional 

    Ricart Casadevall, Sandra (Date of defense: 2014-12-16)

    La tesi doctoral "Vers una gestió territorial del regadiu. Model i aplicació a tres casos d’estudi de l’Europa meridional" aprofundeix en la gestió del regadiu des d’una perspectiva territorial, tot definint i aplicant el ...