Desenvolupament i caracterització d'aliatges de base ferro produïts per aliatge mecànic i solidificació ràpida 

    González Gasch, Àlex (Fecha de defensa: 2006-04-07)

    L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és l'obtenció de nous materials nanoestructurats magnètics tous produïts mitjançant la tècnica de l'aliatge mecànic. Forma part d'un projecte més ampli de desenvolupament d'aquests tipus ...

    Development and study of nanocrystalline and amorphous soft-ferromagnetic alloys 

    Bonastre i Muñoz, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-15)

    This thesis deals with the production, characterization and analysis of Fe and Co based nanocrystalline and amorphous soft-ferromagnetic alloys, alloys showing ferromagnetic hysteresis cycles with low energy losses, produced ...

    Electrically tunable thermal conductivity and exhaust heat recovery applications of thermoelectric materials 

    Massaguer Colomer, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-08)

    The current work is focused on two areas related to thermoelectricity: (i) the study of the capability of controlling the thermal conductivity of TEMs and (ii) the development, testing and improvement of an automotive ...

    Roadmap for scaling up thermophilic CO2 bioreduction to acetate : shedding light on using surplus renewable energy and industrial off gases 

    Rovira Alsina, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-02)

    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is largely emitted in the ignition of fossil fuels for transport, electricity generation or other industrial processes. CO2 is an inorganic compound that exists naturally on Earth, but its concentration ...

    Synthèse, caractérisation et étude magnétique des alliages à mémoire de forme de type Heusler Ni-Mn-Sn-X (X= Pd, Cu) 

    Wederni, Asma (Fecha de defensa: 2021-11-26)

    Shape memory alloys witch exhibit magnetically induced phase transformations at room temperatures are the most interesting for magnetic cooling applications. Heusler type alloys (both stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric) ...