Ara mostrant els elements 1206-1225 de 1776

    Effects of breed and PRKAG3 and CAST genetic polymorphisms on the quality of serrano dry-cured ham 

    Zhen, Zongyuan (Data de defensa: 2012-07-30)

    Two pieces of complementary research dealing with the study of the importance of genetic factors on the quality of the Spanish dry-cured ham Jamón Serrano were carried out for this thesis. The first one compared Serrano ...

    La propuesta anticipada de convenio 

    Jacquet Yeste, Teodora (Data de defensa: 2012-01-27)

    The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of the anticipated agreement proposal, in its substantive and procedural aspects, through its consistency with the purposes assigned. It is an institution without precedents in ...

    La ofrenda animal durante el Bronce Inicial en Can Roqueta II (Sabadell, Vallès Occidental). Arqueozoología del ritual funerario 

    Albizuri Canadell, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2011-05-27)

    The research focuses on the use of animals in ritual deposits. It is based in the analysis of the faunal remains recovered from the internal funerary and ritual structures carved in the clay, in the site of the Early Bronze ...

    Medium access control messaging scheme for cognitive radio networks 

    Bolívar Díaz, Nicolás (Data de defensa: 2012-07-30)

    Cognitive Radio (CR) is one possible option for mitigating the inefficient wireless spectrum distribution that occurs as a result of fixed spectrum allocation. The use of Dynamic Spectrum Access capabilities will potentially ...

    Factors emocionals associats a la conducta alimentària en adolescents. Adaptació i validació de l'EES-C i de l'EPI-C 

    Thomas, Mònica (Data de defensa: 2012-07-24)

    Study of the impact of some emotional factors related to food intake. The research is based on the design and observational cross-cultural adaptation and validation of assessment tools for emotional eating (EES-C) and ...

    Espectroscòpia NIR per a la determinació on-line de l'AW i del contingut d'aigua i sal durant l'assecat de productes crus-curats 

    Collell i Corominas, Carles (Data de defensa: 2012-07-30)

    The aim of this study was to determine whether NIRS technology would be suitable to develop a control system to correct drying conditions in order to avoid the appearance of defects in the product. Several predictive models ...

    An empirical analysis of integrated management systems 

    Simon i Villar, Alexandra (Data de defensa: 2012-07-27)

    The main objective of the present dissertation is to empirically study the integration of management systems (MSs). Specifically, we aim to investigate how organizations carry out the integration process, which benefits ...

    A molecular approach on sperm changes during epididymal maturation, ejaculation and in vitro capacitation of boar spermatozoa 

    Fàbrega Coll, Anna (Data de defensa: 2012-07-20)

    Mammalian spermatozoa acquire functionality during epididymal maturation and ability to penetrate and fertilize the oocyte during capacitation. Sperm quality results indicated that both epididymal maturation and ejaculation ...

    L'organització de l'activitat conjunta i el pensament del professorat sobre l'acció docent en educació física escolar 

    Pradas i Casas, Ricard (Data de defensa: 2012-07-26)

    Teacher thinking and teaching action of a PE teacher in organising joint activities is studied. The theoretical and methodological bases are founded on principles of the ecological paradigm, the perspective of the reflective ...

    New manganese complexes with nitrogen donor ligands. Catalysts for oxidation reactions 

    Rich Masallera, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2012-06-08)

    The catalytic asymmetric oxidation of alkenes has special interest from both industrial and academic points of view. For this reason, catalysts able to perform these reactions in a faster and more effective manner have ...

    Analytical strategies based on inductively coupled plasma sprectroscopy (ICP) and diffusive gradients in thin fims (DGT) techniques for the assessment of environmental pollution indicators 

    Colon i Bosch, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2011-02-11)

    In this thesis, simple methods to determine sulfide at low levels (µg L-1) in aqueous samples and sediments by water free hydrogen sulfide vapor generation using a commercially available vapor generation accessory have ...

    Metodologia de personalização de productos baseada em design centrado no utilizador. Methodology to design customized product based on user centered design 

    Providência, António Bernardo (Data de defensa: 2012-07-26)

    This PHD is about design as a tool of interaction based in information systems, allowing not only to understand the relationship of design with the user, as also, based on User Centered Design, to create a methodology that ...

    Preparación y evaluación de formulaciones acrílicas autocurables de baja toxicidad modificadas con polímeros biodegradables para cirugía ortopédica y mínimamente invasiva 

    Franco Marquès, Elena (Data de defensa: 2012-07-20)

    In the present work, a study of the preparation of new formulations of acrylic bone cements (ABC) has been carried, to obtain materials with capacity for controlled drug delivery of medicaments useful in the therapeutic ...

    L'acció antròpica sobre les matèries dures animals durant el Plistocè del Nord-Est de Catalunya 

    Rueda i Torres, Josep Manuel (Data de defensa: 1993-03-12)

    Estudi de diferents aprofitament antròpics de la fauna del Plistocè del Nord-Est de Catalunya des d’una perspectiva tafonòmica, de determinació faunística, de processos de formació dels dipòsits òssis (ja sigui per acció ...

    Mecanismos de regulación del anabolismo lipídico en el tejido adiposo del paciente obeso 

    Ortega Delgado, Francisco José (Data de defensa: 2012-06-18)

    Obesity is one of the most important public health problems facing the world today. Gene expression studies applied to fat depots from obese subjects have provided important clues about the pathophysiology of adipose tissue. ...

    Applications of computed tomography in dry-cured meat products 

    Santos Garcés, Eva (Data de defensa: 2012-06-29)

    Computed Tomography and Microcomputed Tomography are X-ray based technologies. They were tested in this thesis as potential tools for the optimization of the processing of dry-cured meat products. On one hand, several ...

    Pattern recognition based on qualitative representation of signals. Application to situation assessment of dynamic systems 

    Gamero Argüello, Fco. Ignacio (Francisco Ignacio) (Data de defensa: 2012-06-26)

    The main focus of situation assessment is to decide on the adequacy of process behaviour with respect to specifications. When is not possible to have a mathematical model to represent the system operation, other non-model-based ...

    Un diálogo hacia la paz: las "Locuras de Europa" de Diego de Saavedra Fajardo 

    Boadas Cabarrocas, Sònia (Data de defensa: 2012-06-01)

    This doctoral thesis deals with Locuras de Europa, the last literary work of the writer and diplomat Diego de Saavedra Fajardo (1584-1648). After several years in the service of Philip IV in Italy and Central Europe, in ...

    One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D reconstruction in structured light 

    Fernández Navarro, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2012-06-22)

    This thesis focuses on the problem of 3D acquisition using coded structured light (CSL). In CSL, a projected pattern impinges artificial texture onto the object surface, increasing the number of correspondences in the ...

    Caminant a les fosques. Estudi i traducció de l'obra apologètica Qéixet u-maguén de rabí Ximon ben Tsémah Duran 

    Frau, Manuel, 1965- (Data de defensa: 2012-05-30)

    New Hebrew edition, annotated Catalan translation, and introductory study of Keshet u-Magen, a comparative study of Jewish, Christian and Islamic theology written in the context of the literature of polemics. This research ...