Ara mostrant els elements 581-600 de 1771

    Muerte súbita natural inexplicada: valor de la investigación genética post mortem 

    Sánchez-Molero Núñez, Olallo-Efrén (Data de defensa: 2017-12-15)

    Natural death defines the death primarily attributed to an illness or an internal malfunction of the body, and not directly influenced by external forces. Most causes can be identified directly with macroscopic forensic ...

    Sintaxis neuronal y sintaxis lingüística. Implementación cerebral de las estructuras sintácticas 

    Ramírez Fernández, Javier (Data de defensa: 2019-02-20)

    We discover properties of language in the light of independent knowledge of the brain and the mind. We will review brain structures and connections on a large scale; the activity, in the form of brain oscillations, that ...

    Rational design of bioinspired iron and manganese catalysts for the effective and selective epoxidation of alkenes and oxidation of alkanes 

    Clarasó Petit, Carlota (Data de defensa: 2019-02-08)

    Metalloenzymes are a fundamental source of inspiration for synthetic chemists. Oxidation metalloenzymes catalyze oxidation reactions with high efficiency under very mild experimental conditions exhibiting exquisite regio- ...

    "Pseudonoble, pseudoestudiant, pseudopolonès, pseudoexiliat, pseudoescriptor, pseudointel·lectual i pseudoprovocador". La recepció de l'obra literària de Witold Gombrowicz a Espanya en textos escollits (1968-2014) 

    Stasiakiewicz, Zofia (Data de defensa: 2018-06-08)

    This doctoral thesis analyzes the reception of the literary works of Polish novelist and playwright Witold Gombrowicz in Spain. The period of analysis begins with the first edition in Spain of a work by Gombrowicz, Pornography ...

    Regulome-seq: a novel approach for the identification of non-coding variants associated with human disease. Assessment of its applicability in 89 Brugada syndrome individuals 

    Pinsach Abuin, Mel·lina (Data de defensa: 2019-01-30)

    Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a cardiac electrical disease with high susceptibility to sudden cardiac death. Approximately 25-30% of BrS patients are explained by pathogenic variants in coding sequences of cardiac ion channels, ...

    Factors associated with arterial stiffness in a general Mediterranean population and in a Mediterranean intermediate cardiovascular risk population 

    Camós Llovet, Lourdes (Data de defensa: 2019-02-26)

    The objectives of the thesis are to estimate the prevalence of pathological arterial stiffness (measured with the Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index –CAVI-) in a general Mediterranean population and in a Mediterranean intermediate ...

    Valoració de l’usuari i del professional d’una tècnica infermera: la cateterització venosa perifèrica ecoguiada versus la tècnica tradicional en un servei d’urgències 

    Salleras Duran, Laia (Data de defensa: 2019-02-20)

    Patients often require venous access. The lack of a scale to predict this difficulty in the emergency department makes the validation of an instrument all the more necessary. The use of ultrasounds to locate veins makes ...

    Factors associats a la incidència de fibril·lació auricular i estudi de l'associació del tractament amb estatines amb la incidència d'aquesta arítmia en població hipertensa sense antecedents de malaltia isquèmica vascular 

    Alves Cabratosa, Lia (Data de defensa: 2016-12-16)

    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and implies a huge social, medical, and economical burden. Analyses of AF risk factors in certain groups of population would allow tailored ...

    Foundations of uncertainty management for text-based sentiment prediction 

    Hossayni, Sayyed Ali (Data de defensa: 2018-07-27)

    Analyzing the sentiment of Social Networks users is an attractive task, well-covered by the Sentiment Analysis research communities. Alongside, predicting the rating/opinion of users in Social Networks or e-commerce platforms ...

    WNT5A, SFRP5 y CRTC3: nuevas adipocinas relacionadas con la obesidad en la edad pediátrica 

    Soriano Rodríguez, Pilar (Data de defensa: 2015-10-13)

    WNT5A is a protein with proinflammatory properties recently related to insulin resistance. It is believed that this protein might be regulated by SFRP5, which sequesters WNT5A exerting its anti-inflammatory actions and ...

    La traducció al català de poesia en llengua anglesa (1990-2010): anàlisi formal i retòrica 

    Bosch Sánchez, Lluís (Data de defensa: 2017-03-10)

    This PhD dissertation attempts to describe and value the translation into Catalan of English language poetry during the period that comprises the years 1990 to 2010. It is the aim of this thesis to consider a theoretical ...

    Synthèse, caractérisation et application des alliages à base de Mn-X-Y (X=Al; Y=Fe,Co) et Ca-Al dans la dégradation d'un colorant azoïque "Black 5" utilisé dans l'industrie de textile 

    Ben Mbarek, Wael (Data de defensa: 2018-11-20)

    This work is framed in the general context of the synthesis and characterization of Mn or Ca based alloys, which are subsequently applied in degradation processes of azo dyes used in the textile industries. The alloys were ...

    A promoção das ilhas como destino turístico: heterotopias e pressupostos antropológicos do turismo insular 

    Carvalho, Adalberto Dias de (Data de defensa: 2018-07-12)

    The present study assumes an interdisciplinary nature and privileges the undertaken assumption as hypothesis that there is a relation of anthropological nature of the human beings with the small islands, which, by conditioning ...

    Cuidando al cuidador: diseño, aplicación y evaluación del programa EMOCARE. Educación socioemocional destinada a familiares cuidadores de personas con trastorno mental 

    Ribot Horas, Arantxa (Data de defensa: 2017-07-20)

    The Spanish Psychiatric Reform in 1985 promoted the change in the treatment of people with mental illness, moving from hospitalization to community rehabilitation. All the services and resources deployed to implement the ...

    SMT techniques for planning problems 

    Espasa Arxer, Joan (Data de defensa: 2018-11-15)

    Automated planning is a discipline in the field of Artificial Intelligence that can be described as the process of finding a course of action that achieves a specified task. In other words, it focuses on reasoning about ...

    Transport, distribution and fate of emerging contaminants in wastewater-receiving rivers under multiple stress conditions 

    Mandarić, Ladislav (Data de defensa: 2018-10-24)

    The main aim of this thesis was to establish a link between the urban origin of chemical contamination (e.g. PhACs) and other stressors, particularly associated to water scarcity (Chapter 1, 2, and 3). Research has been ...

    Validation of availability and policy based management for programmable networks 

    Maldonado López, Ferney A. (Data de defensa: 2017-09-12)

    SDN is a network technology that separates control functions and the data plane. This separation allows flexibility in the management and use of network resources because the software is specialized in controlling the ...

    Eficacia de un entrenamiento en neurofeedback de la onda cerebral alfa en el tratamiento del estrés, la ansiedad, la depresión y los síntomas psicosomáticos 

    Glink Lezana, Alexandra (Data de defensa: 2018-11-26)

    Objectives: To study the effect of alpha neurofeedback training in anxiety and depression and its repercussion on reactivity and recovery from stress. Method: 14 participants (37.85 mean age) with stress, anxiety and/or ...

    Avaluació del servei telefònic amb llevadora com a eina de suport durant la instauració de l’alletament matern 

    Gol i Gómez, Roser (Data de defensa: 2018-07-17)

    This work evaluates the effectiveness of the midwifery telephone support in relation to the abandonment of breastfeeding of primiparous women from a randomized parallel controlled clinical trial. 220 primiparous women who ...

    Biological control of quarantine bacterial plant diseases with Lactobacillus plantarum strains. Improvement of fitness and monitoring 

    Daranas Boadella, Núria (Data de defensa: 2018-11-29)

    The fruit production is threatened by several bacterial diseases, such as fire blight of apple and pear, bacterial canker of kiwifruit, bacterial spot of stone fruits, and angular leaf spot of strawberry. The conventional ...