Ara mostrant els elements 646-665 de 1771

    L'optimització de la competència lingüística i la competència d'aprendre a aprendre: l'ús explícit i sistemàtic de les estratègies d'aprenentatge a l'Educació primària 

    Almagro Nóbrega, M. Isabel (Data de defensa: 2017-11-20)

    The purpose of this doctorate is to explore how the use of explicit, systematic reading strategies optimizes competence in both language skills and learning how to learn. The theoretical and conceptual framework is based ...

    Tracing the creation and evaluation of accessible Open Educational Resources through learning analytics 

    Ávila Garzón, Cecilia (Data de defensa: 2018-06-12)

    The adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) has been continuously growing and with it the need to addressing the diversity of students’ learning needs. Because of that, OER should meet with characteristics such as the ...

    La influència del pensament de Joan Fuster en les cultures polítiques dels Països Catalans (1960-1992) 

    Rico i Garcia, Antoni (Data de defensa: 2018-01-22)

    Joan Fuster was one of the most prominent intellectuals of the Catalan Letters in the last century. His national thought and the construction of a Valencian identity which was an alternative to the existing one, was central ...

    La regla de exclusión de la prueba ilícita en España, estudio comparado con la actualidad mexicana 

    Alday López Cabello, Fernando (Data de defensa: 2018-05-25)

    The present study’s objective is to develop a comprehensive explanation on the origin and development of the exclusionary rule in the Spanish legal system. This rule, created from the interpretation of the exclusionary ...

    Sistema immunitari i marcadors de risc cardiometabòlic en l'edat pediàtrica 

    Gispert-Saüch Puigdevall, Montse (Data de defensa: 2018-03-02)

    We studied the relationship between the circulating levels of the innate immune system molecules (α-defensins and BPI) and the acquired immune system (IgG, IgA and IgM) with obesity and cardiometabolic risk factors in ...

    Aprendizaje móvil y ciudadanía espacial en la educación para el desarrollo sostenible. Una propuesta para la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales en educación secundaria obligatoria 

    Boulahrouz Lahmidi, Meriam (Data de defensa: 2018-05-18)

    This research aims to contribute to the development and improvement of education for sustainable development (ESD) in a society increasingly knowledgeable, reflecting about appropriate ESD practices by promoting the ...

    Response of composite laminates under out-of-plane loading 

    Wagih Abdallah Abdel Hady, Ahmed (Data de defensa: 2018-05-28)

    The objective of the thesis is to provide scaling tool predicting the response of composite structures under out-of-plane loading by testing small coupons. This global objective cannot be achieved without understanding the ...

    Case-level detection of mammographic masses 

    Tortajada Giménez, Meritxell (Data de defensa: 2017-07-17)

    This thesis is focused on the automatic detection of masses in FFDM images by using case-level information which includes bilateral, temporal and/or ipsilateral information. As a first step, FFDM images are preprocessed ...

    La responsabilidad medioambiental 

    Rocasalva, Carles G. (Carles Garcia) (Data de defensa: 2016-12-02)

    This work focuses on the study of current European environmental liability legislation and its implementation in Spain, noting its actual scope. In order to do this, we analyzed all its implementing regulations and subsequent ...

    Estudi de l'activitat antitumoral de nous compostos basats en metalls de transició 

    González Bártulos, Marta (Data de defensa: 2017-03-17)

    Nowadays, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries. Therefore, there is great interest of developing new therapeutic strategies to improve the efficiency of current cancer treatments. The ...

    Influència de l'adherència terapèutica i el suport social en la qualitat de vida percebuda de les persones amb diàlisi peritoneal 

    Sitjar Suñer, Miquel (Data de defensa: 2018-03-15)

    Chronic renal insufficiency is a public health problem that affects about 11% of the world’s adult population. However, the impact of peritoneal dialysis on people who receive this treatment is little known. The present ...

    Cartografia, pràctiques mèdiques i respostes socials a l'entorn del paludisme: Catalunya, segle XIX 

    Torrent Quer, Narcís (Data de defensa: 2017-04-08)

    The PhD dissertation starts off with the research work El paludisme a la Catalunya del segle XIX a través del Diccionario de Madoz i les Topografies Mèdiques, presented as a master’s degree thesis in 2010. By then, the ...

    Glandular tissue pattern analysis through multimodal MRI-mammography registration 

    García Marcos, Eloy (Data de defensa: 2018-04-05)

    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. Several studies have shown that the combination of the different medical image modalities, such as the x-ray mammography and the magnetic resonance imaging ...

    Papel del diffusion tensor imaging en la resonancia magnética cerebral como marcador predictivo del estado motor y evolución funcional en pacientes con hemorragia intracerebral 

    Terceño Izaga, Mikel (Data de defensa: 2018-02-06)

    The present thesis, aims to study whether the evaluation of the CT through DTI and tractography sequences in the first 12 hours from the ICH onset, is able to predict the motor and functional outcome at 3 months. The ...

    Computational study of nuclear magnetic shielding constants 

    Castro Aguilera, Abril Carolina (Data de defensa: 2017-11-17)

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an indispensable structural tool in the modern analytical arsenal of chemists and structural biologists. The present thesis is a computational study of the NMR shift constants ...

    Electronic structure, chemical bonding, and electronic delocalization of organic and inorganic systems with three-dimensional or excited state aromaticity 

    El Bakouri El Farri, Ouissam (Data de defensa: 2017-11-22)

    Aromaticity is a key concept in chemistry, used by chemists to explain the structure, stability, and reactivity of many compounds. Aromatic compounds are present in industrial processes as well as in living systems. ...

    Rhodium-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions for the preparation of highly functionalised cyclic compounds 

    Cassú Ponsatí, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2018-04-20)

    Transition metal-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions involving unsaturated substrates represent one of the most elegant methods in organic chemistry to prepare functionalised cyclic compound. This doctoral thesis is ...

    Impacte de l'estandardització de la gestió de la innovació mitjançant la norma UNE 166002 

    Mir Mauri, Moisès (Data de defensa: 2018-03-16)

    The present doctoral thesis studies the Spanish standard for Innovation management “UNE 166002 R&D&I management system requirements”, from two complementary perspectives. The first, eminently exploratory, analyzes the ...

    Desarrollo de un modelo para el seguimiento y control económico y temporal durante la fase de ejecución en la obra pública. Integration of information for advanced detection of cost overruns-IMADO 

    Gifra Bassó, Ester (Data de defensa: 2018-03-05)

    The primary objective of this research is to modify the models regularly used to record and monitor the implementation costs of public works projects from the perspective of the promotor, the project directors or the project ...

    Avaluació de la promoció de la salut als serveis de salut mental de la Regió Sanitària de Girona 

    Gelabert Vilella, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2018-04-09)

    The aim of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the health promotion in mental health services of the Healthcare Region of Girona. An observational, descriptive and transverse study is presented. We studied ...