Ara mostrant els elements 746-765 de 1771

    El aprendizaje autodirigido en la educación superior. Percepción de los estudiantes de grado de ciencias de la salud 

    Rascón Hernán, Carolina (Data de defensa: 2017-05-22)

    Achieving this goal requires the use of participative teaching methods and the development of self-directed learning (SDL) curricula that help the student consolidate the skills that will be useful in his or her professional ...

    Controls on the dynamics of riverine dissolved organic matter: insights from a Mediterranean river network 

    Casas Ruiz, Joan Pere (Data de defensa: 2017-05-31)

    In river networks, dissolved organic matter (DOM) constitutes the major pool of organic carbon, and plays a key role as energy source and modulator of toxic substances availability. In this thesis, Joan P. Casas-Ruiz and ...

    Nous formats en la comunicació de la química. Explorant el seu paper en el foment de la cultura i les vocacions científiques 

    Vieta i Corcoy, Pep Anton (Data de defensa: 2017-02-07)

    Throughout this thesis I was involved in different science communication projects where research and innovation have been applied to improve existing proposals and exploring new formats without forget the evaluation of the ...

    Arxius, memòria i drets humans 

    Alberch i Fugueras, Ramon (Data de defensa: 2015-12-16)

    This thesis focuses on an aspect little discussed in searches relating to archives and historical memory : the use of archives as key elements of the policies of reparations for victims of repressive regimes and as witnesses ...

    Informació i persuasió: en els orígens de la premsa catalana (c. 1500-1720) 

    Expósito Amagat, Ricard (Data de defensa: 2014-07-14)

    The main objective of this thesis is to analyse public information in Early Modern Catalonia: its production, circulation and consumption from the end of the Middle Ages until the end of the War of the Spanish Succession ...

    Derecho, muerte y matrimonio: la familia matrimonial en el Mediterráneo cristiano, desde la Antigüedad al final de la Edad Media 

    Vial Dumas, Manuel (Data de defensa: 2012-07-06)

    The thesis analyzes the evolution of family structures in the field of Christian Mediterranean, from Antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages. The first part focuses on the transition from an extensive family structure, ...

    Fatty acid synthase expression and inhibition in triple-negative breast cancer 

    Giró Perafita, Ariadna (Data de defensa: 2017-01-17)

    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents 20% of breast cancer and patients receive only general chemotherapy. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is commonly expressed in TNBC and it is associated with poor ...

    Desarrollo de modelos para el cálculo de uniones estructurales con adhesivos flexibles 

    Cabello Ulloa, Mario Javier (Data de defensa: 2016-07-12)

    The use of adhesive joints in industrial structural applications is currently growing. Nevertheless, the designing process is still a challenge for engineers because there is a lack of effective models to predict their ...

    Diversity, dynamics and activity of Epsilonproteobacteria in a stratified karstic lake. Implications in carbon and sulfur cycles 

    Noguerola Solà, Imma (Data de defensa: 2016-07-29)

    This doctoral thesis studies the abundance, diversity, seasonal dynamics and activity of Epsilonproteobacteria in a meromictic basin of Lake Banyoles during three year cycles. We applied a complementary array of molecular ...

    La pràctica educativa a través de l'aproximació dels fons de coneixement i d'identitat 

    Llopart Rossell, Mariona (Data de defensa: 2017-03-03)

    The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to conceptualise educational practice from the theoretical and methodological perspective of funds of knowledge and identity. The thesis is organised on the basis of three ...

    Assessment of wastewater phytotechnologies for the attenuation of emerging organic contaminants and development of innovative analytical methods for their determination 

    Garcia Rodríguez, Aida (Data de defensa: 2016-09-23)

    Emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), like pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds, are continuously introduced into the environment. Some 2/2 have been found in water bodies, posing a risk on human health and ...

    Estudi dels canvis promoguts per la cirurgia bariàtrica a nivell d'expressió gènica del teixit adipós subcutani i la relació amb la sensibilitat a la insulina 

    Xifra Villarroya, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2017-02-03)

    INTRODUCTION: Bariatric surgery (CB) is the only treatment option that has proved capable of solving the DM2. In addition to the impact on weight and comorbidities, the CB has shown a great impact on adipose tissue. THEORY: ...

    Caracterització del suro i subproductes de la indústria surera. Valoració d'aquests com a biosorbents d'hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics en aigües d'escorrentia 

    Jové Martín, Patricia (Data de defensa: 2016-01-20)

    The main objective of this thesis is to characterize and evaluate the capacity of cork and by-products of the cork industry (collectively called as cork samples) as biosorbents of aqueous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ...

    Reaction mechanisms involved in cross coupling processes catalysed by copper and nickel 

    Rovira Coll, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2017-03-10)

    Organometallic aryl-CuIII species have been proposed as key intermediates in Ullmann-type reactions. However, such species have long remained elusive and mechanistic investigations of a plausible catalytic cycle remained ...

    Freezability markers for boar sperm: new proteomic approaches 

    Vilagran Martí, Ingrid (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Sperm cryopreservation is currently the most suitable technique to store boar sperm samples for a long period of time. However, not all boar ejaculations present the same freezability, this allows the classification of ...

    Characterization and improvement of plant-associated Lactobacillus plantarum. Novel biocontrol agent for fire blight disease 

    Roselló Prados, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2016-06-13)

    Fire blight is a disease caused by Erwinia amylovora. For the limited effectiveness of copper products and the new regulations for the sustainable use of pesticides, biological control is considered a good alternative for ...

    Functional genomics of the periderm: the biosynthetic gene FHT, the transcriptional regulator StRiK and the transcriptome deciphering 

    Boher Genís, Pau (Data de defensa: 2017-02-06)

    We have developed new molecular tools to characterize the FHT and StRIK genes in the tuber periderm. Regarding FHT gene, our results demonstrated that is induced very specifically in suberizing tissues what makes FHT a ...

    Tools for 3D point cloud registration 

    Roure Garcia, Ferran (Data de defensa: 2017-03-08)

    In this thesis, we did an in-depth review of the state of the art of 3D registration, evaluating the most popular methods. Given the lack of standardization in the literature, we also proposed a nomenclature and a ...

    Educar per a la sostenibilitat. Percepció i projecció de les problemàtiques socials i ambientals. Per un model psicopedagògic d'educació per a la sostenibilitat 

    Puig Vilaró, Emili (Data de defensa: 2016-12-07)

    Aquesta Tesi Doctoral parteix d'una motivació i sensibilització personal pels temes i les problemàtiques socials i ambientals. Del convenciment personal que l'educació per a la sostenibilitat pot tenir un paper important ...

    Fortuny de Pere Gimferrer o un bric-à-brac de la Belle Époque. Una novel·la singular en el panorama narratiu català dels anys vuitanta 

    Carol Geronès, Lídia (Data de defensa: 2016-10-21)

    This thesis examines one of the most unique novels of contemporary Catalan narrative, Fortuny (1983) by Pere Gimferrer. The aims of the present study are mainly two: to shed light on one of the most important, but least ...