Ara mostrant els elements 786-805 de 1771

    La demanda turística urbana: modelos estructurales de comportamiento de los turistas de Barcelona 

    Moll de Alba Cabot, Jorge Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2016-11-25)

    During recent decades the development of urban tourism has proven extraordinarily successful, to the point where it is the form of tourism that has seen the greatest growth worldwide. The city of Barcelona has become one ...

    Analysis of the interactivity in a teaching and learning sequence with novice rugby players: the transfer of learning responsibility and control 

    Llobet Martí, Bernat (Data de defensa: 2016-09-19)

    This thesis is a compilation of 3 articles, and the main focus of attention is the learning transfer mechanism. The first article explains the Rugby Attack Assessment instrument, a tool that assesses game performance of ...

    Siloxane removal in the energy recovery of biogas: sequential adsorption/oxidation processes 

    Cabrera-Codony, Alba (Data de defensa: 2016-07-27)

    The thesis deals with removal of organosilicon compounds in the energy recovery of biogas. Alternative adsorbents for the siloxane removal were studied, and the physical and chemical mechanisms involved in the siloxane ...

    Genetic characterization of the Iberian populations of two invasive mollusks: zebra mussel and asiatic clam 

    Peñarrubia Lozano, Luis (Data de defensa: 2016-10-21)

    The zebra mussel and the Asian clam are two invasive aquatic species worldwide. Both species are present in the Iberian Peninsula for several years. However, introduction history and colonization routes of these two invasive ...

    El Nou Testament i la història. Estudi sobre la interpretació contemporània de la sagrada escriptura 

    Malé Ribera, Joaquim (Data de defensa: 2016-07-17)

    This dissertation studies some of the historiographical approaches that have been carried out with regard to the writings of the New Testament. Part I presents a critical history of the historiography of Jesus of Nazareth ...

    Bioelectrochemical transformation of carbon dioxide to target compounds through microbial electrosynthesis 

    Batlle Vilanova, Pau (Data de defensa: 2016-11-25)

    In 2015 the average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere exceeded 400 ppm. Some technologies, including CO2 capture and storage, are palliative. However, the development of alternatives to burning of fossil fuels focuses ...

    Els hàbits de salut dels professionals sanitaris d'atenció primària 

    Forcada Parrilla, Iris (Data de defensa: 2016-11-04)

    The main objective of OMS global strategy is to promote and protect the people health through healthy nutrition and doing physical activity. The adult health promotion is especially based on stimulating habits and healthy ...

    Reactivity of fullerenes, endohedral metallofullerenes, and nanotubes, and their possible application in solar energy conversion 

    Martínez López, Juan Pablo (Data de defensa: 2016-11-18)

    The physical and chemical properties of fullerenes and nanotubes can be conveniently tuned by the attachment of different functional groups to them. Therefore, the systematic understanding of different problems such as ...

    Cultura campesina, cambio técnico y medio ambiente en el consejo popular "Cuatro Esquina" de Santa Lucía 

    Matías González, Alberto (Data de defensa: 2006-01-19)

    The research subject comes as a result of the need to implement sustainable practices in agriculture, in order to confront the environmental deterioration. The research aspires to explain the relation between peasant ...

    Evaluación de las propiedades de materiales compuestos fabricados a partir de fibras semiquímicas de Leucaena collinsii y polipropileno 

    Granda Garcia, Luis Angel (Data de defensa: 2016-07-29)

    This thesis studies the effect produced by the reinforcement of polypropylene with a semichemical fibre of Leucaena collinsii in the mechanical, thermal and water uptake properties. Samples with different reinforcement ...

    Le système touristique comme un facteur de développement local dans les moyennes villes à travers des attractifs: le cas de Fafe au Portugal 

    Freitas da Mota, Catarina (Data de defensa: 2016-07-18)

    In this thesis carried through the Doctorate Programm about Tourism from the University of Girona, we decided to investigate whether the tourism system could be considered as a factor in local development in medium-sized ...

    Anàlisi del potencial de mercat de la carn procedent de porcs mascles sencers com a alternativa a la castració quirúrgica 

    Borrisser Pairó, Francesc (Data de defensa: 2016-11-28)

    Surgical castration of piglets is a common practice in farms to avoid boar taint (androstenone and skatole) in meat, and to improve its sensory quality. The European Commission is planning to ban surgical castration by ...

    El dogmatismo y el problema de la extrema liberalidad 

    López Amo, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2016-02-10)

    The main goal of this dissertation is to analyse a view about perceptual justification that is known as dogmatism. Dogmatism is a highly attractive view due to its anti-sceptical force and the fact that it seems to follow ...

    El control ex post de la calidad de los enunciados probatorios en materia penal en Chile. De la epistemología a la praxis 

    Araya Novoa, Marcela Paz (Data de defensa: 2016-09-28)

    Is the control of de conclusions concerning the acts of the nullity courts in a system of freedom of evidence possible? This question arises because it is usually stated, that the audit of the quaestio facti made by judges ...

    Advances in the modelling of thermoelectric energy harvesters in waste heat recovery applications 

    Massaguer Colomer, Eduard (Data de defensa: 2016-07-26)

    In this work, we investigate harvesting thermoelectric energy from wasted heat in fluid networks and propose a generic tool for the simulation and sizing of thermoelectric energy harvesters, that can be used in ...

    Estudis bioquímics i moleculars en pacients amb deficiències mitocondrials i de coenzim Q10 

    Buján Murlà, Núria (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The diagnose of a mitochondrial disease implies biochemical studies such as the enzymatic activities of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) and the quantification of the amount of CoQ10 in energetic tissues. Throughout ...

    Bioinspired copper and nonheme iron models for oxygen activation: unprecedented reactivities 

    Serrano Plana, Joan (Data de defensa: 2016-07-26)

    The oxidation of hydrocarbons is one of the most important processes in the chemical industry, and it is often related to highly toxic reagents that generate a big amount of undesired residues. In sharp contrast, oxygenase ...

    Hygrothermal effects on CFRP: testing, analysis and structural optimization 

    Marín Hernández, Lorena (Data de defensa: 2015-11-13)

    In the common design and certification process, a large number of experimental tests, going from small specimens to the full structure, are performed. In these tests, the environmental conditions, especially temperature ...

    Theoretical study of water oxidation and reduction mechanisms by aminopyridine first row transition metal catalysts 

    Acuña-Parés, Ferran (Data de defensa: 2016-07-20)

    One of the major current scientific goals is the development of renewable energy sources. An effective alternative to fossil fuels consists in the conversion of the sunlight energy into chemical fuels. The molecular hydrogen ...

    Identificación de genes de susceptibilidad en esclerosis múltiple. Descripción clínica y análisis genético de una extensa familia de etnia gitana (Estudio EMGypsy) 

    Robles Cedeño, René (Data de defensa: 2016-07-19)

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system which has an unknown aetiology and an autoimmune mechanism. Two pathogenic processes, inflammation and neurodegeneration, converge causing a progressive ...