Now showing items 1286-1305 of 1776

    Analysis of chemical bonding and aromaticity from electronic delocalization descriptors 

    Feixas Geronès, Ferran (Date of defense: 2011-02-04)

    Interactions between electrons determine the structure and properties of matter from molecules to solids. Therefore, the understanding of the electronic structure of molecules will enable us to extract relevant chemical ...

    Estratègies prèvies al sacrifici que poden afectar el benestar animal i la qualitat de la carn de porcs de diferent genotip RYRI 

    Panella-Riera, Núria (Date of defense: 2011-07-27)

    The main objective of this thesis was to study (i) the effect of the fasting and lairage on carcass and technological meat quality and (ii) the inclusion of magnesium (MgCO3 and MgSO4) and/or tryptophan during 5 days before ...

    Immunomodulation and metabolism: possible role of lactoferrin 

    Moreno Navarrete, José María (Date of defense: 2011-06-20)

    To gain insight in the relationship between innate immune system and metabolic disease, we aimed to investigate the effects of lactoferrin in obesity-related metabolic disturbances. Circulating lactoferrin concentration ...

    Contribution of antioxidant enzymes to toxicity assessment in fluvial biofilms 

    Bonnineau, Chloé (Date of defense: 2011-06-23)

    Per tal d’avaluar l’impacte de la contaminació en els ecosistemes aquàtics, aquesta tesi es centra en una aproximació multi-biomarcador en els biofilms. En complement dels biomarcadors clàssics, es va demostrar que les ...

    Manifold clustering for motion segmentation 

    Zappella, Luca (Date of defense: 2011-06-30)

    En aquesta tesi s’estudia el problema de la segmentació del moviment. La tesi presenta una revisió dels principals algoritmes de segmentació del moviment, s’analitzen les característiques principals i es proposa una ...

    "Pactionibus et stipulationibus". Contribución al estudio de la constitución de servidumbres prediales en el Derecho Romano clásico 

    Carreño Sánchez, Rosa M. (Date of defense: 2011-07-11)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral té per objecte l'estudi de les "pactiones et stipulationes" com a mode de constitució inter vivos de les servituds predials, en el dret romà clàssic. La principal font que ens informa de la seva ...

    Un viaje por los extremos. Eugeni d'Ors entre la Gran Guerra y el fascismo (1914-1923) 

    Fuentes Codera, Maximiliano, 1976- (Date of defense: 2011-07-08)

    Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo analizar el papel de Eugeni d’Ors como intelectual durante el período comprendido entre el inicio de la Gran Guerra y el comienzo de la dictadura de Primo de Rivera en España desde ...

    Creativitat i subversió en les reescriptures de Joan Sales 

    Pasqual, Marta, 1983- (Date of defense: 2011-06-29)

    Creativitat i subversió en les reescriptures de Joan Sales se centra en la figura de l’editor i novel•lista Joan Sales (1912-1983) i pretén ressituar l’autor d’Incerta glòria dins del panorama literari català a partir ...

    Knowledge-based modelling and simulation of operational problems of microbiological origin in wastewater treatment plants 

    Dalmau Solé, Jordi (Date of defense: 2009-11-13)

    The activated sludge and anaerobic digestion processes have been modelled in widely accepted models. Nevertheless, these models still have limitations when describing operational problems of microbiological origin. The aim ...

    Development of an air-scour control system for membrane bioreactors 

    Ferrero, Giuliana (Date of defense: 2011-07-01)

    The thesis involves the development and implementation of a new and robust control system based on permeability trends but at the same time capable of reducing aeration proportionally to permeate flux. Permeability was ...

    Trace elements biogeochemistry in high mountain lake catchments: identifying anthropogenic versus natural components from the atmospheric contamination legacy in remote natural areas 

    Bacardit Peñarroya, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2011-06-01)

    Human activities have been interfering with the natural biogeochemical cycles of trace elements since the ancient civilizations. Although they are inaccessible and remote, high mountain lake catchments are irrefutably ...

    L'efecte de la gestió forestal post-incendi sobre l'avifauna i la dispersió de llavors per ocells frugívors 

    Rost Bagudanch, Josep (Date of defense: 2011-06-28)

    The objective of this thesis is to analyze the effect of the transformation in the habitat that postfire salvage logging supposes on birds in Mediterranean pine forests, at different levels: species, community and ecosystem, ...

    Modificacions en la dinàmica de processat i en les característiques finals de productes carnis amb contingut reduït de sodi 

    Costa Corredor, Anna (Date of defense: 2010-10-01)

    In recent years, several studies have linked sodium intake to hypertension, and the consequent mortality risk due to vascular diseases. Several UE member states and the WHO recommend reducing the salt intake level to a ...

    Jaume Serra Hunter i la teoria de la cultura en el Noucentisme 

    Verdaguer i Turró, Miquel (Date of defense: 2011-05-20)

    Catalan modern and contemporary philosophy has traditionally been little studied so strictly to historical and political reasons for more or less the same conviction that is compared with literature and even in historiography, ...

    Paisatge i models urbans contemporanis. Les comarques gironines (1979-2006): del "desarrollismo" a la globalització 

    Valdunciel i Coll, Julio (Date of defense: 2011-06-14)

    This doctoral thesis offers a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the changes in the urban shape and landscape of the Girona Counties between 1979 and 2006. The theoretical part of the research lies within the framework ...

    Empowerment: model i instrument de mesura basat en les variables primàries o efectives PIEQ (Primary Items Empowerment Questionnaire) 

    March Amengual, Jaume Miquel (Date of defense: 2011-06-03)

    In this thesis a review of the state of the art on empowerment is found. A proposal is put forward for a model of the effective variables of empowerment, a new theoretical model that provides a distinct classification of ...

    Biological nutrient removal in SBR technology: from floccular to granular sludge 

    Coma Bech, Marta (Date of defense: 2011-05-11)

    Biological nutrient removal has been studied and applied for decades in order to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater. However, more anthropogenic uses and the continued demand for water have forced the facilities ...

    Patrons de consum d'alcohol en estudiants universitaris 

    Salamó Avellaneda, Anna (Date of defense: 2011-06-10)

    L’objectiu general d’aquesta tesi és conèixer la prevalença i el patró de consum d’alcohol d’una mostra de 2,137 estudiants de la Universitat de Girona (17-35 anys). S’utilitzà un disseny multimètode integrant la metodologia ...

    Glycan alterations of serum proteins as tumour markers. Prostate-specific antigen in prostate cancer and acute-phase proteins in pancreatic cancer 

    Sarrats Carbó, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2011-02-10)

    Els pacients amb càncer presenten una taxa de supervivència superior si es diagnostiquen a estadis inicials, per la qual cosa és indispensable disposar de marcadors tumorals adequats. Glicoformes de proteïnes específiques ...

    Nous aspectes de la teoria dels subconjunts borrosos i estudi d'algunes aplicacions a models econòmics 

    Bertran i Roura, Xavier (Date of defense: 2000-10-31)

    Fonaments de la Matemàtica per al tractament de la Incertesa. Noves aportacions a l’estudi de les Equacions Borroses i de les Equacions Diferencials Borroses. Aplicacions de la Matemàtica de la Incertesa al comportament ...