Now showing items 986-1005 of 1776

    Estudi i edició de Eugeni d'Ors Curs sobre els fenòmens de l'atenció. Estudis Universitaris Catalans. Hivern de 1909 

    Pérez i Flores, Víctor (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    Aquest treball presenta dos àmbits d’interès: la proposta d’una clau interpretativa d’Eugeni d’Ors i la seva obra; la introducció d’un text orsià inèdit i fora de catàleg. Pel qua fa al primer àmbit, presenta aspectes d’un ...

    El paper de les subunitats beta en la regulació del canal de sodi cardíac associat a la mort sobtada 

    Riuró, Helena (Date of defense: 2014-11-05)

    Les Síndromes de QT Llarg (SQTL) i de Brugada (SBr) són malalties hereditàries amb un alt risc de mort sobtada cardíaca degut a alteracions elèctriques cardíaques sense cap defecte estructural del cor. Estan relacionades ...

    Forward-looking sonar mosaicing for underwater environments 

    Hurtós Vilarnau, Natàlia (Date of defense: 2014-10-30)

    Vehicle operations in underwater environments are frequently compromised by poor visibility conditions. In this thesis, we propose an end-to-end mosaicing framework tailored to the characteristics of forward-looking sonar ...

    Síntesi i caracterització d'aliatges amb memòria magnètica de forma 

    Coll Riera, Rosa (Date of defense: 2014-11-13)

    Els aliatges magnètics amb memòria de forma es caracteritzen per presentar tant la transformació estructural austenita – martensita com la magnètica (ferromagnetisme – paramagnetisme). El conjunt de propietats els fa ...

    Les Sentències catòliques del diví poeta Dant (1545) de Jaume Ferrer de Blanes. Edició crítica, estudi i contextualització biogràfica i literària 

    Llorenç Blat, Josep (Date of defense: 2014-11-14)

    Lord Ferrer (Vidreres,~1445 – Blanes,1529), royal and aristocratic attorney, cosmographer, jewelrer, lapidary, merchant and writer, left early age, to the court of Naples at King Ferdinand’s I service. After this eventful ...

    Gràfic de control T2 de Hotelling per a dades composicionals 

    Vives Mestres, Marina (Date of defense: 2014-11-28)

    Compositional data are defined as vectors of components that represent parts of a whole and contain relative information (e.g. %, ppm, mg/l...). CoDa are widely found in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries among ...

    La prueba pericial. Entre la deferencia y la educación 

    Vázquez Rojas, María del Carmen (Date of defense: 2014-10-24)

    The use of expert knowledge in our specialized societies is constantly rising in all kinds of human activities. The same situation is observed in trials, where more and more judicial decisions are making based on expert ...

    Experimental and analytical study of delamination caused by free-edges and matrix cracks in laminated composites 

    Zubillaga Eceiza, Lierni (Date of defense: 2014-07-11)

    In the last decades, the use of laminated composites, such as Carbon Fiber Reinforce Polymer has increased in many industrial sectors. Different failure mechanisms different damage mechanism can appear in laminated ...

    Productos cárnicos fermentado-curados funcionales y seguros. Nueva vía de ingestión de probióticos 

    Rubio Moreno, Raquel (Date of defense: 2014-10-14)

    Fermented meats play an important part in many diets and are very appreciate by the consumer. However, these products are an important source of fat and salt, associated to chronic cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it ...

    Integrated operation of membrane bioreactors: simulation and experimental studies 

    Dalmau Figueras, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    Membrane bioreactors (MBR) are a combination of common bioreactors and membrane filtration units for biomass retention, presenting unique advantages like high effluent quality and a smaller footprint than the one by ...

    Designing, testing and modelling two innovative non-conventional buckling restrained braces for seismic resistant buildings 

    Piedrafita Francos, Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-12-01)

    In this thesis two all-steel BRB have been designed, manufactured and tested, and both satisfy the testing protocols required by EU and US codes. They are composed of a steel slotted restraining unit which stabilizes the ...

    Development of analytical methodologies for the determination of emerging contaminants and phosphorus compounds 

    Valls Cantenys, Carme (Date of defense: 2014-11-21)

    The presence of anthropogenic chemical substances in water resources can affect the ecological balance of aquatic systems, as well as human health, and therefore it is necessary to control their presence in water bodies. ...

    Anàlisi de la vehiculització de compostos metàl·lics com a agents antitumorals i de la família HER-EGF en la resistència als tractaments oncològics 

    Carrion-Salip, Dolors (Date of defense: 2014-09-17)

    Most current chemotherapeutic agents are of limited use due to their side effects and the resistance to treatment that tumour cells develop. In this thesis, we have contributed to the knowledge of these limitations through ...

    Analysis of process-induced defects on steered-fiber panels for aeronautical applications 

    Falcó Salcines, Olben (Date of defense: 2014-04-10)

    Currently, the use of Automated Fiber Placement technology allows, large composite aircraft components to be manufactured with high quality materials and introduce new laminate concepts. Among such concepts are the tow-steered ...

    Esclerosi múltiple i brots: estrès, afrontament i curs de la malaltia 

    Fàbregas Casas, Laura (Date of defense: 2014-06-16)

    The effects of stress on the nervous system, the endocrine system and especially on the immune system have generated the hypothesis that it might be a relevant factor in the evolution of multiple sclerosis (MS). The exposure ...

    Presencia de los procesos matemáticos en la enseñanza del número de 4 a 8 años. Transición entre la educación infantil y elemental 

    Coronata Ségure, Claudia (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    In this thesis practices of teaching and learning of the concept of number of teachers of children between 4 and 8 years are analyzed, observing and analyzing the presence of the five mathematical processes: Resolution ...

    Evaluación de los conocimientos didáctico-matemáticos para la enseñanza de la probabilidad de los profesores de educación primaria en activo 

    Vásquez Ortiz, Claudia Alejandra (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    The purpose of this research is to assess the depth of teacher’s didactic-mathematical knowledge for teaching Probability in elementary schools. It has lately gained relevance considering how this subject has been incorporated ...

    Determinació del patró de miRNA en líquid cefaloraquidi de pacients amb esclerosi múltiple (estudi miEM) 

    Ramió i Torrentà, Lluís (Date of defense: 2014-10-23)

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurological disease of the central nervous system with unknown, autoimmune mechanism, and a progressive and disabling course. Lipid-specific oligoclonal IgM bands in cerebrospinal fluid ...

    Temporal trends of incidence and survival of myeloid malignancies in Girona: a population-based study during the recent fifteen years 

    Osca-Gelis, Gemma (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    Myeloid malignancies (MMs) are a heterogeneous group of haematological malignancies presenting different incidence, prognosis and survival. Changing classifications (French-American-British (FAB), World Health Organization ...

    Strategies for the production of cationic α-helical antimicrobial peptides in plant biofactories 

    Company Casadevall, Núria (Date of defense: 2014-07-24)

    Antimicrobial Peptides have strong interest as a novel class of antimicrobial agents in the phytosanitary field. This Thesis focuses on the development of strategies to produce of BP100 derivatives (BP100ders) in genetically ...