Now showing items 100-112 of 112

    Regulation and function of silayltransferases in pancreatic cancer 

    Bassagañas i Puigdemont, Sònia (Date of defense: 2014-12-03)

    Changes in the expression of Lewis-type glycan antigens, especially a predominance of sialyl-Lewis x (SLex) structure, and the glycosyltransferases involved in its synthesis, correlate with pancreatic cancer invasive and ...

    Relació de la proteïna C-reactiva, el quocient neutròfils/limfòcits i l’adiponectina d’alt pes molecular amb paràmetres d’obesitat i de risc cardiometabòlic en nens prepuberals sans. Efecte modulador dels estils de vida 

    Díaz Roldán, Ferran (Date of defense: 2023-07-03)

    Childhood obesity is one of the most important public health problems and is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors (CMR). Low-grade inflammation plays a prominent role in the development of cardiometabolic alterations ...

    Relevance of sperm chromatin protamination, condensation and DNA integrity for sperm function and fertility: the role of toroid linker regions 

    Viñolas Vergés, Estel (Date of defense: 2023-07-27)

    Male fertilising capacity has traditionally been predicted by the assessment of sperm concentration, motility and morphology. During the last few decades, however, research has been particularly focused on the analysis of ...

    Resolució de l'estructura tridimensional de l'helicasa hexamètrica DnaB 

    Arribas Bosacoma, Raquel (Date of defense: 2009-07-22)

    Es presenta el model atòmic a 4.5 Å de DnaB, la principal helicasa replicativa bacteriana, d'Aquifex aeolicus. És un anell hexamèric de 100 Å d'amplada i 80 Å d'alçada amb dues capes de simetria diferenciada, la dels dominis ...

    Role of alpha 2,3-sialyltransferases ST3Gal III and ST3Gal IV in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 

    Pérez Garay, Marta (Date of defense: 2011-02-07)

    Este trabajo demuestra que los genes que codifican para los enzimas beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 3 (ST3Gal III), y en menor medida beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 4 (ST3Gal IV), están directamente ...

    Role of miRNAs in multiple sclerosis: study of miRNAs in cerebrospinal fluid for different clinical conditions 

    Muñoz San Martín, María (Date of defense: 2021-09-15)

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease, characterized by the existence of demyelinated areas in the central nervous system, infiltration of inflammatory cells in the ...

    Signatures bacterianes com a eines de diagnòstic diferencial i monitoratge de les malalties inflamatòries intestinals 

    Amoedo Cibeira, Joan (Date of defense: 2020-12-15)

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a group of immune-based pathologies that affect the digestive tract, causing chronic inflammatory diseases processes. In recent years, the microbial communities that inhabit the human ...

    Structural and functional characterization of Apoptin and design of a monomeric variant with antitumor activity 

    Ruiz Martínez, Santiago (Date of defense: 2016-07-08)

    The main aim of the present study is to characterize the biological and biophysical properties of Apoptin, a viral protein that selectively induces apoptosis of a wide range of tumor cells. Apoptin has been produced and ...

    Study of the anticancer activity of a nuclear directed HP-RNase variant and different metal-based compounds 

    Bravo Bonilla, Marlon Rolando (Date of defense: 2022-06-16)

    Cancer is the leading cause of death due to non-communicable diseases worldwide. Despite the advances in the development of new antitumor drugs, there are still problems such as the resistance that tumor cells acquire ...

    Towards the implementation of a biotechnology for biogas upgrading: role of bacteria in siloxane removal 

    Boada Cahueñas, Ellana (Date of defense: 2020-07-20)

    Biogas is a highly recognized alternative to fossil fuels towards a sustainable energy production. Massive use of biogas depends on the removal of contaminants that may affect performance of processing equipment and energy ...

    Variabilitat genètica i estructura poblacional en tres espècies de la família Scombridae, Sarda sarda, Thunnus alalunga i Thunnus thynnus, basada en la regió control del DNA mitocondrial 

    Viñas de Puig, Jordi (Date of defense: 2001-07-23)

    Aquest treball es centra en el coneixement de l'estructura poblacional de tres espècies piscícoles de la família Scombridae, el bonítol (Sarda sarda), la bacora (Thunnus alalunga) i la tonyina (Thunnus thynnus) en la seva ...

    Variability in the health status and reproductive traits of European sardine stocks in the Mediterranean. Implications for fishery management 

    Caballero-Huertas, Marta (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    Small pelagic fish play an important ecological role mainly due to their contribution in transferring energy from low to higher trophic levels. Likewise, the capture of these species is in many cases an important nutritional ...

    Vitrification of in vitro produced porcine blastocysts: the effects of culture medium and antioxidants 

    Castillo Martín, Miriam (Date of defense: 2014-07-09)

    In the present Thesis, we observed that vitrifying-warming porcine embryos had detrimental effects. Indeed, vitrification and warming were seen to reduce developmental ability and quality of in vitro produced porcine ...