Altered glycosylation in pancreatic cancer: development of new tumor markers and therapeutic strategies 

    Guerrero Barrado, Pedro Enrique (Date of defense: 2020-07-29)

    Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDA), the most common pancreatic cancer, remains one of the most lethal tumor types, with extremely low survival rates due to late diagnosis and resistance to standard therapies. Expression ...

    Altered glycosylation of prostate specific antigen in prostate cancer: structural analysis and assessment for cancer risk stratification 

    Gratacós Mulleras, Anna (Date of defense: 2024-07-05)

    The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is the reference biomarker for prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis. This biomarker is increased in PCa, but also in benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) causing a high number of unnecessary ...

    Anàlisi de la vehiculització de compostos metàl·lics com a agents antitumorals i de la família HER-EGF en la resistència als tractaments oncològics 

    Carrion-Salip, Dolors (Date of defense: 2014-09-17)

    Most current chemotherapeutic agents are of limited use due to their side effects and the resistance to treatment that tumour cells develop. In this thesis, we have contributed to the knowledge of these limitations through ...

    Antitumoral properties of epidermal growth factor derivatives 

    Panosa Roqueta, Clara (Date of defense: 2015-12-14)

    The members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) / ErbB family are prime targets for cancer therapy. However, the therapeutic efficiency of the existing anti-ErbB agents is limited. Thus, identifying new molecules that ...

    Bioenergetics mechanism and autophagy in breast cancer stem cells 

    Cufí González, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2015-05-22)

    Aquest és el primer informe que demostra que l'autofàgia està mecànicament vinculat al manteniment de les cèl•lules tumorals que expressen alts nivells de CD44 i baixos nivells de CD24, que són típics de les cèl•lules mare ...

    Caracterización de polimorfismos genéticos implicados con el metabolismo de la citarabina y asociación con la respuesta y toxicidad a la quimioterapia en pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda de riesgo intermedio 

    Díaz Santa, Johana Alejandra (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is adults' most common acute leukemia. Prognostic factors influencing treatment response and patient survival are diverse, the most relevant being those associated with specific cytogenetic and ...

    Dehiscencia de anastomosis en la cirugía del cáncer de recto: incidencia, factores pronósticos y morbimortalidad asociada 

    Farrés Coll, Ramon (Date of defense: 2023-03-10)

    Introduction: Anastomotic leak (AL) is the most feared complication in the postoperative period for patients with rectal cancer. Objectives: To determine the real rate of AL in patients operated on for rectal cancer. ...

    Estudi de l'acció de diferents bloquejadors de la via ErbB en la teràpia antitumoral 

    Ferrer Soler, Laura (Date of defense: 2007-03-30)

    L'inhibidor de carboxipeptidasa de patata (PCI) és un antagonista de l'EGF. Un dels problemes del PCI, però, és la baixa afinitat per l'EGFR en comparació amb el lligand natural. En aquest treball s'han dissenyat nous ...

    Estudio del impacto de UGT2B17 y PD-1 en el trasplante alogénico de progenitores hematopoyéticos a partir de donante emparentado HLA idéntico 

    Santos Carvajal, Nazly (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)

    Study of the impact of UGT2B17 and PD-1 on allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors (allo-TPH) from HLA-identical related donor. everal genetic factors can favor the development of graft-versus-host disease ...

    Factors pronòstics en la dehiscència anastomòtica de la cirurgia del càncer de còlon. Models de predicció actuals i validació externa independent 

    Pigem Rodeja, Anna (Date of defense: 2023-03-03)

    INTRODUCTION: Anastomotic leak (AL) is the most dreadful and life-threatening complication in colon cancer (CC) surgery. It is associated to an increase of morbimortality, longer hospital stay, increased healthcare costs ...

    Glycan alterations of serum proteins as tumour markers. Prostate-specific antigen in prostate cancer and acute-phase proteins in pancreatic cancer 

    Sarrats Carbó, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2011-02-10)

    Els pacients amb càncer presenten una taxa de supervivència superior si es diagnostiquen a estadis inicials, per la qual cosa és indispensable disposar de marcadors tumorals adequats. Glicoformes de proteïnes específiques ...

    El Inhibidor de carboxipeptidasa de patata (PCI): un antagonista del EGF con actividad antitumoral 

    Blanco Aparicio, Carmen (Date of defense: 1998-07-17)

    In this work we report that potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor suppresses the growth of several human and mouse pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. The inhibitor also reduces the growth of solid tumors obtained by ...

    Inhibition of sialyltransferases in pancreatic cancer: effects on the EGFR pathway and on the tumour phenotype 

    Miró Domènech, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-01-13)

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) presents a dismal prognosis mainly due to its delayed diagnosis, its aggressiveness, and resistance to existing therapies. Aberrant glycosylation and, in particular, the overexpression ...

    Moléculas séricas relacionadas con la fisiopatología del adenocarcinoma pancreático como posibles marcadores tumorales 

    Ferri Iglesias, María José (Date of defense: 2012-09-27)

    Serum levels of several molecules associated to pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) pathophysiology are evaluated in this work, in order to determine their diagnostic value, distinguishing between PDAC patients and healthy ...

    New tumour markers for pancreatic cancer based on the altered glycosylation of serum glycoproteins 

    Duran Sidera, Adrià (Date of defense: 2023-11-14)

    Pancreatic cancer (PaC) is the deadliest of all tumours, with a 5-year survival below 12% and a mortality/incidence ratio of 94.5%. One of the main reasons behind this dismal prognosis is the diagnosis of the disease at ...

    Nous factors inflamatoris de la diabetis tipus 2: SP-D, SP-A, a-Defensives i visfatina 

    Chico Julià, Berta (Date of defense: 2009-02-19)

    La DM 2 és una malaltia multifactorial i multigènica. Aquest fet condueix a l'estudi de molts gens i proteïnes susceptibles d'estar implicades amb la DM 2. Algunes d'aquestes proteïnes i gens estan associats a un estat ...

    Nous mecanismes de resistència primària al trastuzumab (Herceptin): bases moleculars per a la determinació d'un nou subtipus de càncer de mama (Basal/ErbB2+) 

    Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)

    The aim of this doctoral thesis was to unravel mechanisms underlying primary resistance to trastuzumab regarding a putative new breast cancer subtype with mixed basal & ErbB2+ molecular features. Using the JIMT-1 breast ...

    Pancreatic cancer markers based on aberrant glycosylation of serum proteins 

    Balmaña Esteban, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2016-07-07)

    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by high intrinsic aggressiveness and late diagnosis, causing poor prognosis and resulting in the lowest ...

    Polimorfismos de los genes moduladores de la respuesta inmune como predictores de recaída en los pacientes con mieloma múltiple 

    Gonzalez Montes, Yolanda (Date of defense: 2024-04-12)

    Multiple myeloma (MM) remains an incurable disease despite the incorporation of new therapies. The natural history of disease is of the relapse following treatments due to the re-emergence of the tumour from residual disease ...

    Role of alpha 2,3-sialyltransferases ST3Gal III and ST3Gal IV in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 

    Pérez Garay, Marta (Date of defense: 2011-02-07)

    Este trabajo demuestra que los genes que codifican para los enzimas beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 3 (ST3Gal III), y en menor medida beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 4 (ST3Gal IV), están directamente ...