Ara mostrant els elements 41-60 de 112

    Identificació de gens i processos rellevants pel fel·lema i la suberina usant noves aproximacions 

    Fernández Piñán, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2018-04-13)

    The periderm is a complex structure that protects plants’ secondary organs and wounded tissues. This function is given by the phellem, a multilayered tissue formed by cells with suberized cell walls located on the outer ...

    Desenvolupament i aplicació dels microsatèl·lits a l'estudi de la dinàmica reproductiva de la Gamba rosada (Aristeus antennatus) 

    Planella Albí, Laia (Data de defensa: 2018-06-27)

    The blue and red shrimp, Aristeus antennatus, is a commercially important crustacean in the Western Mediterranean Sea and has been listed as a priority species for fishery management. In this thesis, 97 potential and novel ...

    Estudi de l'activitat antitumoral de nous compostos basats en metalls de transició 

    González Bártulos, Marta (Data de defensa: 2017-03-17)

    Nowadays, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries. Therefore, there is great interest of developing new therapeutic strategies to improve the efficiency of current cancer treatments. The ...

    Aquaporins in boar and bull spermatozoa: identification and functional implications 

    Prieto Martínez, Noelia (Data de defensa: 2017-03-17)

    Aquaporins (AQPs) are proteins involved in the transport of water and some other solutes across plasma membranes. The fact that mammalian spermatozoa are highly permeable to water suggests the presence of these proteins. ...

    Diversity, dynamics and activity of Epsilonproteobacteria in a stratified karstic lake. Implications in carbon and sulfur cycles 

    Noguerola Solà, Imma (Data de defensa: 2016-07-29)

    This doctoral thesis studies the abundance, diversity, seasonal dynamics and activity of Epsilonproteobacteria in a meromictic basin of Lake Banyoles during three year cycles. We applied a complementary array of molecular ...

    Freezability markers for boar sperm: new proteomic approaches 

    Vilagran Martí, Ingrid (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Sperm cryopreservation is currently the most suitable technique to store boar sperm samples for a long period of time. However, not all boar ejaculations present the same freezability, this allows the classification of ...

    Functional genomics of the periderm: the biosynthetic gene FHT, the transcriptional regulator StRiK and the transcriptome deciphering 

    Boher Genís, Pau (Data de defensa: 2017-02-06)

    We have developed new molecular tools to characterize the FHT and StRIK genes in the tuber periderm. Regarding FHT gene, our results demonstrated that is induced very specifically in suberizing tissues what makes FHT a ...

    Genetic characterization of the Iberian populations of two invasive mollusks: zebra mussel and asiatic clam 

    Peñarrubia Lozano, Luis (Data de defensa: 2016-10-21)

    The zebra mussel and the Asian clam are two invasive aquatic species worldwide. Both species are present in the Iberian Peninsula for several years. However, introduction history and colonization routes of these two invasive ...

    Estudis bioquímics i moleculars en pacients amb deficiències mitocondrials i de coenzim Q10 

    Buján Murlà, Núria (Data de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The diagnose of a mitochondrial disease implies biochemical studies such as the enzymatic activities of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) and the quantification of the amount of CoQ10 in energetic tissues. Throughout ...

    Bacteriospermia and porcine reproduction: effects on sperm quality and fertility potential of boar spermatozoa 

    Sepúlveda, Lilian (Data de defensa: 2016-09-30)

    Boar semen is not collected under sterile conditions,so boar ejaculates are commonly contaminated with a broad range of microorganisms, which may affect sperm quality and lead to a low reproductive performance and severe ...

    Anàlisi de la selectivitat per a cèl·lules tumorals de ribonucleases citotòxiques i desenvolupament d'eines per augmentar aquesta selectivitat 

    García Galindo, Glòria (Data de defensa: 2016-07-19)

    Les ribonucleases són enzims que presenten citotoxicitat selectiva per a cèl·lules tumorals. S'ha proposat l’ús de ribonucleases dirigides a nucli (ND-RNases) com a fàrmacs antitumorals. En aquest treball s'ha caracteritzat ...

    Structural and functional characterization of Apoptin and design of a monomeric variant with antitumor activity 

    Ruiz Martínez, Santiago (Data de defensa: 2016-07-08)

    The main aim of the present study is to characterize the biological and biophysical properties of Apoptin, a viral protein that selectively induces apoptosis of a wide range of tumor cells. Apoptin has been produced and ...

    Pancreatic cancer markers based on aberrant glycosylation of serum proteins 

    Balmaña Esteban, Meritxell (Data de defensa: 2016-07-07)

    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by high intrinsic aggressiveness and late diagnosis, causing poor prognosis and resulting in the lowest ...

    From inocula to biological reactors: molecular characterization of N-cycle bacterial assemblages in a PANAMMOX process 

    Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre (Data de defensa: 2015-06-05)

    Nowadays, the combination of the autotrophic nitrification together with heterotrophic denitrification is the most common process for N-removal in the WWTPs. However, when the C:N ratio is low, this two-step process does ...

    Antitumoral properties of epidermal growth factor derivatives 

    Panosa Roqueta, Clara (Data de defensa: 2015-12-14)

    The members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) / ErbB family are prime targets for cancer therapy. However, the therapeutic efficiency of the existing anti-ErbB agents is limited. Thus, identifying new molecules that ...

    Ecophysiology and philogeny of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in healthy and diseased gut. Application in Inflamatory Bowel Disease diagnostics 

    López Siles, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2016-01-25)

    In this PhD thesis Faecalibacterium prausnitzii populations of patients with gut disease and healthy individuals have been characterized. First, isolates from healthy volunteers have been phenotypically characterised, ...

    Flora i vegetació a l'Alta Garrotxa 

    Viñas i Teixidor, Xavier (Data de defensa: 1993-04-01)

    Hem dut a terme l'estudi de la flora i la vegetació de la l'Alta Garrotxa, territori situat a la part oriental de la serralada pirinenca que abasta aproximadament les terres compreses entre el curs mitjà del riu Fluvià i ...

    Genetic diversity and population structure of the non-native Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in Mediterranean streams 

    Díez del Molino, David (Data de defensa: 2015-06-05)

    Mosquitofish is a small, voracious, highly fecund freshwater fish species originated from northeaster America, that was introduced worldwide to control mosquito populations. In this thesis we have studied the genetics of ...

    Bioenergetics mechanism and autophagy in breast cancer stem cells 

    Cufí González, Sílvia (Data de defensa: 2015-05-22)

    Aquest és el primer informe que demostra que l'autofàgia està mecànicament vinculat al manteniment de les cèl•lules tumorals que expressen alts nivells de CD44 i baixos nivells de CD24, que són típics de les cèl•lules mare ...

    Disseny, construcció i caracterització de zimògens de ribonucleases 

    Callís i Figueres, Mariona (Data de defensa: 2015-04-17)

    El disseny i la producció de zimògens de ribonucleases que puguin ser específicament activats per la proteasa d’un patogen, constitueix un enginyós mecanisme per controlar la seva activitat enzimàtica i, conseqüentment, ...