Agricultural practices, biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by bats in Mediterranean crops 

    Puig, Xavier, 1975- (Date of defense: 2021-07-09)

    We study the effect of organic farming practices on several taxa in olive groves and vineyards. Sessile organisms show a stronger response to treatment, their diversity being higher in organic vineyards. Vagile organism ...

    Antioxidant enzyme activities in fluvial biofilms as biomakers of metal pollution 

    Bonet Sánchez, Berta (Date of defense: 2013-02-28)

    The present thesis aims to evaluate the use of antioxidant enzyme activities (AEA) of biofilm communities as biomarkers of metal pollution (mainly Zn) in fluvial ecosystems. In order to test AEA as biomarkers of metal ...

    Arsenic and fluvial biofilms: biogeochemistry, toxicity and biotic interactions 

    Barral Fraga, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-10-26)

    Based on the current knowledge about biofilm ecotoxicology and arsenic biogeochemistry in freshwater ecosystems, this thesis studied, under realistic environmental concentrations, i) the role of benthic biofilms in the ...

    At the edge of aquatic systems: intermittent streambed microbial communities’ responses to hydrological alterations 

    Gionchetta, Giulia (Date of defense: 2019-10-25)

    Hydrological drought is a process of natural desiccation mainly due to large shortage of rainfall events. Reduced precipitations and prolonged droughts are spreading worldwide and threaten the integrity of aquatic ...

    Balance or imbalance? The interplay of hydrology and nutrient dynamics in Mediterranean coastal lagoons 

    Meredith, Warren (Date of defense: 2024-03-14)

    Coastal wetlands and lagoons are some of the most fluctuating and productive ecosystems in the world. As transition zones between marine and continental environments, they provide numerous ecosystem services, including the ...

    Biofilm responses to flow intermittency in Mediterranean rivers 

    Colls Lozano, Miriam (Date of defense: 2020-07-31)

    Currently, global change is promoting the spatiotemporal occurrence of temporary streams, altering fluvial ecosystem function and structure, and the ecosystem services they provide. To effectively protect fluvial ecosystems, ...

    Climate change and the expansion of thermophilic fishes in the northwestern Mediterranean: the importance of studying condition and reproduction to understand the increase in their abundance 

    Villegas Hernández, Harold O. (Date of defense: 2015-09-04)

    A direct consequence of sea warming in the Mediterranean is a increase in the abundance of thermo-tolerant species fish species such as Sphyraena viridensis, Pomadasys incisus, Pomatomus saltatrix and Trachinotus ovatus. ...

    Comunidades de cianobacterias bentónicas, producción y liberación de microcistinas en el río Muga (NE Península Ibérica) 

    Vassal'lo Saco, Jara (Date of defense: 2010-02-24)

    El estudio de las comunidades de cianobacterias en la cuenca del río Muga permite profundizar en la búsqueda de factores que favorezcan o inhiban la acumulación intracelular de microcistinas y su liberación al medio externo ...

    Conservation biology of the Spanish toothcarp (Aphanius iberus): mechanisms of coexistence with eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) 

    Fernández-Vilar, Andrés Lucas (Date of defense: 2023-07-10)

    Inland waters are amongst the most diverse and impacted ecosystems globally, and they host many endangered taxa. Cyprinodontiforms are at the forefront of endangered freshwater fishes in Europe, with more than 80% of the ...

    Cystoseira-dominated assemblages from sheltered areas in the Mediterranean sea : diversity, distribution and effects of pollution 

    Sales Villalonga, Marta (Date of defense: 2010-06-08)

    Les algues del gènere Cystoseira són els principals organismes formadors d'estructura en fons rocosos ben il·luminats del Mar Mediterrani. Formen unes comunitats molt estructurades que s'assemblen ecològicament als boscos ...

    Decoding the enigma of Lophocladia: exploring its invasive behavior and the ecological implications 

    Golo, Raül (Date of defense: 2024-06-28)

    The synergy between climate change and biological invasions presents a significant threat to ecosystems worldwide. In the Mediterranean Sea, the proliferation of invasive species has surged since the early 20th century, ...

    Disentangling the complexity of chemical and physical stressors impacting river systems 

    Sabater Liesa, Laia (Date of defense: 2021-01-29)

    Humanity has always been closely linked to rivers, benefiting from their resources while producing impacts associated with their activity.Thus, river systems have been exposed to multiple stressors, which have affected the ...

    Dissecting the assembly process of benthic communities from Neotropical streams 

    González Trujillo, Juan David (Date of defense: 2020-07-30)

    I used the metacommunity framework to dissect the relative influences of dispersal (in ecological and evolutionary timeframes), selection (driven by abiotic factors) and ecological drift on the assembly process of freshwater ...

    Distribución geográfica, predicción espacial y diversidad de los hábitats litorales en la costa catalana 

    Cefalì, Maria Elena (Date of defense: 2019-03-07)

    According to the Habitats Directive (92/43/ECC) a habitat is defined as “the terrestrial or aquatic area, whether entirely natural or semi-natural, differentiated by its geographical, biotic and abiotic characteristics, ...

    Ecologia alimentària de la comunitat de peixos de l'Estany de Banyoles 

    García-Berthou, Emili (Date of defense: 1994-11-03)

    Before 1910, the fish assemblage of Banyoles Lake (Catalonia, Spain) consisted of: eel (Anguilla anguilla), Mediterranean barbel (Barbus meridionalis), freshwater blenny (Bennius fluviatilis), three-spined stickleback ...

    Ecologia demogràfica de la perca americana (Micropterus salmoides) a l'Estany de Banyoles 

    Pou i Rovira, Quim (Date of defense: 2004-07-23)

    L'Estany de Banyoles, sistema peculiar tant des del punt de vista de la seva formació geològica com de les seves característiques limnològiques, conté actualment una comunitat de peixos profundament modificada respecte de ...

    Ecological analysis of periphytic diatoms in Mediterranean coastal wetlands (Empordà wetlands, NE Spain) 

    Trobajo Pujadas, Rosa (Date of defense: 2003-11-06)

    S'han estudiat els efectes dels factors ambientals sobre el perífiton dels sistemes lenític fluctuants del aiguamolls de l'Empordà. L'estudi s'ha realitzat als tres nivells d'integració: nivell d'ecosistema considerant el ...

    Ecosystem functioning of Mediterranean confined coastal lagoons: ecosystem metabolism, main drivers and phytoplankton community 

    Bas Silvestre, Maria (Date of defense: 2021-10-19)

    Confined coastal lagoons are shallow and dynamic water bodies that play an important ecological role. Considering the severe degradation they have been facing in the last years, understanding the functioning of these ...

    Efecte de la formiga argentina en la pol·linització de diverses espècies mediterrànies 

    Blancafort Pujols, Xavier (Date of defense: 2005-12-02)

    Les inflorescències on és present la formiga argentina reben menys visitants, a les zones envaïdes, a més, desapareixen la majoria d'espècies de formigues autòctones, algunes de les quals podrien ser pol·linitzadores ...

    Effects of global change on fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams 

    Merciai, Roberto (Date of defense: 2016-09-30)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és de'explorar alguns aspectes de l'impacte humà sobre les poblacions de peixos i altres components dels ecosistemes fluvials Mediterranis de Catalunya. Es va mostrar com els peixos del Riu Llobregat ...