Now showing items 22-41 of 54

    L'edificació en el dret andorrà 

    Figuereda, Pere (Date of defense: 2017-05-16)

    The thesis of the construction in the Andorran Law has been focused on the study of the building law in the Principality of Andorra. Throughout seven chapters, introductory aspects on urban planning and building are ...

    La afección de bienes en las haciendas locales 

    Martínez de Trinchería, Sebastián (Date of defense: 2022-03-11)

    My dissertation examines a specific local tax lien on real property (derecho de afección). Firstly, I analyse the position of this particular tax lien from among the other real and personal tax collection guarantees that ...

    La ejecución de las sentencias urbanísticas 

    Geis i Carreras, Gemma (Date of defense: 2009-03-27)

    El Estado español tiene más de 100.000 construcciones ilegales. En la actualidad, la ejecución de las sentencias en materia urbanística no es eficaz. Existe, por tanto, una situación de inejecución de las sentencias ...

    La exhibición de documentos probatorios y soportes informáticos 

    Pereira Puigvert, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2012-09-14)

    The objective of the PhD thesis is the analysis of the institute of the exhibition of documents (of an evidentiary nature and technical support) in the Spanish civil procedure. It deals with addressing a momentous problem ...

    La eximente de miedo insuperable (art. 20.6 CP) 

    Varona Gómez, Daniel (Date of defense: 1999-02-05)

    La te si doctoral tracte d' una causa d' exempció de la responsabilitat penal reconeguda a l'article 20.6 del vigent codi penal: la por insuperable. L' objectiu principal de la tesi és donar un contingut a aquesta eximent ...

    La fiscalitat dels treballadors transfronterers entre Espanya i França 

    Sicre, Monique (Date of defense: 2021-11-19)

    European Union law provides that persons may move freely for professional reasons from one Member State to another without suffering any discrimination in relation to employment, remuneration or other working conditions. ...

    La legitimación activa en las acciones colectivas 

    Corominas Bach, Sergi (Date of defense: 2015-07-08)

    This doctoral thesis is orientated towards the study of standing in collective actions, which are a procedural remedy for the damages caused to legally-protected and collective interests. Beginning with the nature, types, ...

    La problemática de los usos del suelo no urbanizable 

    Capell Fabri, Anna (Date of defense: 2021-06-16)

    The aim of this thesis is to analyse, study and evaluate the different problems that have arise from the uses that have been authorised on undeveloped land, derived from the urban planning regulations that preceded them, ...

    La protección de los flujos masivos en el ordenamiento jurídico internacional y en el Derecho venezolano 

    Suárez Ostos, María Lorena (Date of defense: 2007-05-22)

    En caso de desplazamiento masivo, resulta imposible determinar inmediatamente de manera individual los temores de persecución de las personas que integran el grupo. Precisamente, ante la realidad desconsoladora de la ...

    La regla de exclusión de la prueba ilícita en España, estudio comparado con la actualidad mexicana 

    Alday López Cabello, Fernando (Date of defense: 2018-05-25)

    The present study’s objective is to develop a comprehensive explanation on the origin and development of the exclusionary rule in the Spanish legal system. This rule, created from the interpretation of the exclusionary ...

    La responsabilidad medioambiental 

    Rocasalva, Carles G. (Carles Garcia) (Date of defense: 2016-12-02)

    This work focuses on the study of current European environmental liability legislation and its implementation in Spain, noting its actual scope. In order to do this, we analyzed all its implementing regulations and subsequent ...

    La responsabilidad patrimonial de las administraciones públicas por cambio de la ordenación urbanística y por la anulación de los títulos administrativos habilitantes, a la luz de la doctrina de la Comissió jurídica assessora de la Generalitat de Catalunya y de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo 

    Capilla Vidal, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2020-07-14)

    The work, based on an applied and academic legal methodology, carries out a critical analysis of the current regulation of the institution of patrimonial responsibility as a guarantee of the citizens in our legal system. ...

    La transparencia en el arbitraje internacional y en los tratados bilaterales de inversión 

    Febles Pozo, Nayiber (Date of defense: 2019-03-29)

    The thesis's main objective is the analysis of transparency in international arbitration. To this purpose, we start from a broad conception of the notion 2/2 of transparency and its relevance in the current Bilateral ...

    Las garantías del crédito tributario 

    Fernández Caballero, Zuley (Date of defense: 2013-11-11)

    La Hacienda Pública tiene un derecho de crédito frente al obligado tributario. Con la función recaudatoria se realiza aquel derecho, pero cuando se producen actuaciones evasivas del deudor, la Administración puede recurrir ...

    Las reformas a la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y las modificaciones que se han llevado a cabo desde su propia práctica 

    Romero, Yordanka Javib (Date of defense: 2015-06-12)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral té per objectiu analitzar els procediments jurídics utilitzats per les Nacions Unides i els seus Estats membres per a reformar o modificar la Carta de les Nacions Unides amb l'objectiu de contribuir ...

    Los casos inaudita parte 

    Roig Mateo, Betlem (Date of defense: 2017-06-02)

    The legal provision that the Spanish legislator makes about absence at trial is adequate and proportionate to its ultimate goal, which is to fully guarantee the rights of those who are party to a process in all branches ...

    Los conflictos de jurisdicción entre la Administración y los tribunales. Evolución histórica, análisis y propuestas de lege ferenda 

    Aurich Taberner, Jordi (Date of defense: 2022-04-05)

    Conflicts of jurisdiction, currently regulated in articles 38 to 41 of the LOPJ and in Organic Law 4/1987, of July 15, represent an oddity in the spanish constitutional system, particularly due to the especial features ...

    Los derechos de información y de participación ciudadanas en materia urbanística 

    Llorens Ferrer, Marta (Date of defense: 2013-04-19)

    This thesis has the aim of establish a compilation of the citizen’s rights in urbanism. By one hand, the right of having access to the urbanistic information, means to study exhaustively the right of having access to the ...

    Los límites del pluralismo jurídico. Una revisión del caso de Venezuela: ¿Fractura o aporía? 

    El Fakih Rodríguez, Fátima Josefina (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    Since the approval of the Constitution in 1999, the Venezuelan state recognizes a set of collective rights for indigenous peoples that imply, therefore, the incorporation of legal pluralism as a regulating principle of ...

    Mapping the crimes of the powerful and the economic crisis: crime, state and power 

    Bernat Molina, Ignasi (Date of defense: 2020-12-18)

    The ‘Mapping the Crimes of the Powerful and the Economic Crisis: Crime, State and Power’ focuses on four recent episodes of the different crisis affecting Southern Europe. Departing from criminological literature and crimes ...