Now showing items 48-54 of 54

    La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración pública urbanística 

    Lleal Grau, Mariona (Date of defense: 2013-11-29)

    The PhD thesis analyzes the town planning liability of Public Authority, based on section 35 of the Royal Decree – Act 2/2008, of 20th June, regulating the Land Act. The research focuses on the key new aspects introduced ...

    El règim jurídic del litoral català 

    Aguirre i Font, Josep M. (Date of defense: 2013-03-07)

    This thesis focuses on regional coastal planning, starting with a look at the scope of the new coastal planning responsibilities assumed by the Catalan Government as established in article 149.3 of the Statute of Autonomy ...

    Régimen fiscal especial de las aportaciones no dinerarias 

    Chasco Arellano, Benjamín (Date of defense: 2024-02-23)

    The economic environment in which companies operate has changed dramatically in recent decades. From a stable and local environment, we have moved to a global ecosystem, where technological and organizational changes happen ...

    Régimen jurídico de la seguridad alimentaria. De la policía administrativa a la gestión de riesgos 

    Rodríguez Font, Mariola (Date of defense: 2006-07-04)

    La policia administrativa, una de les més clàssiques formes d'intervenció pública en l'esfera jurídica dels particulars, ha vingut caracteritzant fins a temps recents l'acció administrativa en el sector dels aliments. No ...

    El tribunal del jurado como instrumento de participación ciudadana en el sistema penal 

    López Anguita, Judit (Date of defense: 2022-09-09)

    This thesis represents a first step in the study of the Spanish Jury as a participatory and deliberative institution that has the capacity to democratize punishment. While the first chapter analyses the debate about the ...

    Urbanismo ambiental y evaluación estratégica 

    Cuyás Palazón, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2005-10-07)

    La tesis doctoral "Urbanismo Ambiental y Evaluación Estratégica" investiga y propone un renovado papel del urbanismo y muy especialmente de la ordenación del territorio como instrumentos no tan sólo de valor para la ...

    Vivir a oscuras: la construcción analítica de la exclusión energética como problema de política pública 

    Varo Barranco, Anaïs (Date of defense: 2022-09-09)

    The research is built around the idea of energy precarity as an "umbrella" concept in which various manifestations linked to difficulties of access to energy can be included. This thesis dissertation analyzes two of these ...