Ara mostrant els elements 1-3 de 3

    El copago como mecanismo de financiación de los servicios del Estado social: problemas jurídicos 

    Navarro García, Albert (Data de defensa: 2014-01-30)

    The doctoral thesis studies the legal problems created by the progressive establishment of various co-payment systems for welfare state services. Previously, these services were mostly funded by tax revenues and users were ...

    La fiscalitat dels treballadors transfronterers entre Espanya i França 

    Sicre, Monique (Data de defensa: 2021-11-19)

    European Union law provides that persons may move freely for professional reasons from one Member State to another without suffering any discrimination in relation to employment, remuneration or other working conditions. ...

    Mapping the crimes of the powerful and the economic crisis: crime, state and power 

    Bernat Molina, Ignasi (Data de defensa: 2020-12-18)

    The ‘Mapping the Crimes of the Powerful and the Economic Crisis: Crime, State and Power’ focuses on four recent episodes of the different crisis affecting Southern Europe. Departing from criminological literature and crimes ...