Kimberlites associated with the Lucapa structure, Angola 

    Robles Cruz, Sandra Elvira (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-12)

    Six kimberlite pipes within the Lucapa structure in northeastern Angola have been investigated using major and trace element geochemistry of mantle xenoliths, macro- and megacrysts. Geothermobarometric calculations were ...

    Mineralogy and geochemistry of the platinum group elements (PGE), rare earth elements (REE) and scandium in nickel laterites 

    Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-17)

    Ni laterites are considered worthy targets for critical metals (CM) exploration as rare earth elements (REE), Sc and platinum group elements (PGE) can be concentrated during weathering as a result of residual and secondary ...