From energy saving technologies to green product innovation: evidence from the European Manufacturing Survey 

    Pons Pairó, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-07)

    Green manufacturers and an understanding of their differentiating characteristics and environmental and economic performance when applying green practices are at the centre of this doctoral thesis. The focus is set around ...

    Redefining tourism destination boundaries from a consumption-based perspective 

    Paulino Valldepérez, Isabel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-31)

    Tourism destinations usually follow the administrative boundaries of the corresponding territorial administration. In contrast, previous studies state that administrative boundaries are not the most effective framework ...

    Orchestrating organisational transformation for business model innovation towards servitization in the automotive industry 

    Kukkamalla, Prasanna Kumar (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-23)

    The objective of this dissertation is to present a firm’s business model innovation (BMI) and organisational change during the servitization process. It mainly aims to produce new knowledge on BMI and the factors that ...

    Noves tecnologies i aplicacions innovadores per l'ensenyament d'assignatures d’empresa en estudis d’enginyeria 

    Rafart Serra, Maria Assumpció (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-20)

    The present doctoral thesis explores an e-learning proposal fruit of using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with the objective of improving students’ learning experience. The proposal aims to facilitate the ...

    Capital intelectual y reporting financiero en España 

    Mayorga Ávalos, Myriam Jimena (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-05)

    Current accounting regulations do not allow intangible assets owned by companies to be fully accounted for in the Financial Statements. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the hidden ...

    The impact of ISO 9001 on employee engagement 

    Yazdani, Shirin (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-07)

    In the past few decades, ISO 9001 quality management and human resources are major issues in business and management research, due to their potential impact on a range of individual and organizational outcomes. In this ...

    L'expansió urbanística del Poble-sec de Barcelona. El cas dels molers de les pedreres de Montjuïc 

    Bellvehi Casadella, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-09)

    The community feeling associated to belonging to a neighbourhood is essential in our life quality. These emotions represent the relationship between the individual and the city. In this sense, this doctoral thesis analyzes ...

    L’impacte de les pràctiques de qualitat i mediambientals en el sector de l’hostaleria 

    Oliveras Villanueva, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-21)

    Tourism is one of the drivers of our economy. The importance of this sector, the high competition and the current crisis caused by Covid19 surfaced the need for the operators to gain competitive advantages. Therefore, an ...

    La transformació digital en el sector universitari i l'impacte en el model de negoci: abans, durant i després del xoc COVID-19 

    Rof Bertrans, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2022-03-03)

    This thesis explores the digital transformation (DT) phenomenon in the higher education sector, and its impact on the business model (BM) and in the learning value proposition. A qualitative research methodology based on ...

    Partners in innovation: cooperation between firms, universities and research institutes 

    Lara Burbano, Giovanna (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-26)

    The thesis aims to explore the cooperation of manufacturing industries and service companies, with universities and research institutes, their propensity to cooperate in innovation activities and their impact on innovation ...

    Aplicació del model Lean Healthcare en la gestió de blocs quirúrgics: model Vall d'Hebron de gestió quirúrgica 

    Sales Coll, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-13)

    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate, analyze and interpret the results of a series of interventions applied in the surgical area with the aim of increasing the productivity and efficiency of the care activity. A ...

    Competitiveness and performance measurements for outdoor hospitality park businesses: focusing on resource and capability strategies 

    Grande, Kévin (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-18)

    This doctoral thesis studies competitiveness and performance as complementary but distinct elements in strategic management. From the point of view of the literature review in hospitality management, this research shows ...

    Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) e inventario en consignación como facilitadores de la integración de las empresas de la cadena de suministro del sector farmacéutico 

    Amaro Martínez, Francisco (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-15)

    In the literature review carried out on the supply chain in the pharmaceutical sector, it became apparent that the companies (actors) in the different links of the supply chain in this sector are subject to a significant ...

    Gestión de la imagen de marca de destinos turísticos maduros usando herramientas online. El caso de la Costa Brava 

    Marin Rabiol, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-16)

    The marketing and promotion of tourist destinations have evolved exponentially with the passage of time and use of the internet. This change has generated different attitudes in tourists and altered how they consume ...

    The environmental management systems as a tool for integrating the principles of the circular economy within manufacturing firms 

    Barón Dorado, Alexandra (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-11)

    This thesis analyses the contribution of Environmental Management Systems (EMS)'s in adopting Circular Economy (CE) principles in manufacturing companies. It explores different aspects such as the reporting and communication ...

    Materiales compuestos a partir de filamentos naturales y matriz plástica biobasada, y sus posibles aplicaciones tecnológicas 

    Séculi, Faust (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-11)

    Nowadays the problem of climate change on planet Earth has aggravated, it has become extremely important to find solutions that considerably reduce or even eliminate its causes. Among the set of solutions that have been ...

    Technological innovations for sustainable change: a path to traceability 

    Gibovic, Denisa (Fecha de defensa: 2024-02-19)

    In today's world, sustainability is paramount amid environmental and social challenges. Technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain offer innovative solutions, particularly in addressing global supply chain complexities, ...