Ara mostrant els elements 1-3 de 3

    Construcción de la paz territorial y la paz ambiental en un contexto de cambio climático. Casos de estudio Antioquia y Guaviare 

    Franco Gantiva, Anna María (Data de defensa: 2021-09-24)

    Colombia is highly vulnerable to climate change due to its geographical position and its economic dependence in the first sector. In 2016 the country created a historic opportunity to end the armed conflict and build ...

    Environmental governance from a gender perspective. Theoretical reflections and case studies 

    Agüera Cabo, Mercè (Data de defensa: 2011-07-08)

    In the second half of the twentieth century we saw the environmental debate escalate into one of the most challenging and complex issues that authorities at international, national, regional and municipal levels have to ...

    Fronteras y europeización del territorio: el papel de ciudades y regiones en la cooperación transfronteriza 

    Martín Uceda, Javier (Data de defensa: 2019-07-16)

    he thesis aims to provide a new perspective for cross-border cooperation, as a key process in the construction of European territory. With cohesion policies, border areas become key to advancing community goals. And regions ...