Now showing items 88-90 of 90

    "Visch de mon treball y seguint los amos". Francesos i treballadors a la Catalunya de mas (Bisbat de Girona, ss. XVI-XVII) 

    Barquer Cerdà, Arnau (Date of defense: 2019-01-25)

    Since carachterization of French migration during 16th and 17th centuries in the Bishopric of Girona, I obtained huge data pointing out the strong presence of treballador label, mainly among French immigrants, increasing ...

    Els visitants infantils dels museus gironins en el marc d'una visita familiar i no organitzada 

    Servitja Tormo, Lada (Date of defense: 2012-11-28)

    The present research try to analyze the objectively patterns of visitor behavior focused on 5 and 12 years old kids, which visited the museums of the city of Girona in a non organized tour. We combined different methodologies ...

    World heritage brand personality comparative analysis 

    Hassan, Mohamed Abdalla Elsayed (Date of defense: 2023-01-27)

    Currently, World Heritage Sites (hereafter, WHSs) are perceived as a prominent tourism brand, a fact that encourages many countries to increase their listed WHSs (Su & Lin, 2014) so that they may benefit from the use of ...