Anàlisi de l'obra narrativa de Ferrater Mora des de la seva filosofia 

    Bardera Poch, Damià (Date of defense: 2015-03-06)

    In this thesis we offer a philosophical reading of Josep Ferrater Mora’s narrative work, starting from Ferrater Mora’s philosophical thought. Thus, this is an intraferraterian doctoral thesis, which aims at proving that ...

    Una ecoética para el siglo XXI: la preocupación de José Ferrater Mora por la naturaleza 

    Molina Olivencia, Esther (Date of defense: 2024-03-21)

    José Ferrater Mora has been recognized as one of the most original and difficult to categorize thinkers of the 20th century. A tireless and restless intellectual, he was interested in a multitude of fields of knowledge ...