Ultrafast quantum control of atoms and molecules : a density matrix approach 

    Afa, Iduabo John (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-24)

    Control is important for transferring theoretical scientific knowledge into practical technology for applications in numerous fields. This is why coherent control study is significant on every timescale to have a complete ...

    Understanding secondary emission processes and beam matter interactions for optimization of diagnostic wire grid system in particle accelerators : thermal modeling for beam power limits calculation 

    Navarro Fernández, Araceli (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-21)

    (English) Thin targets, in form of foils, stripes or wires, are widely used in beam instrumentation to measure various beam parameters, such as intensity, position and size. All these monitors can differ in geometry and ...

    World-wide analysis and modelling of the ionospheric and plasmaspheric electron contents by means of radio occultations 

    Shao, Yixie (Fecha de defensa: 2019-02-25)

    The research of this dissertation is studying the ionosphere by GPS radio occultation (RO) techniques. It is mainly divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the methodology in electron density profile retrievals ...