Assessment of the biological risks associated to the use of biosolids and wastewater 

    Sanz Lanzas, Claudia (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    (English) The circular economy is an emerging concept presented as a solution to counteract the damage caused by the linear economic scheme followed in the past decades. It is based on the principle of "closing the life ...

    Challenges for shellfish aquaculture in Mediterranean coastal areas 

    Fernández Tejedor, Margarita (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    (English) The increase in the production of marine bivalves targets the sustainable development of aquaculture to improve global food and nutrition security. Bivalve aquaculture is currently facing challenges and threats ...

    Closing loops in intensive livestock systems: innovative strategies for nutrient recycling and emissions reduction 

    Morey Gual, Lluís (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    (English) The exponential growth of world population is leading to a high demand of food products and, consequently, to the development of intensive agricultural and livestock systems. In this sense, synthetic fertilizers ...

    El costo del impacto sobre el litoral debido al cambio climático en Cataluña 

    Lomelí Quintero, Víctor Manuel (Date of defense: 2023-10-13)

    (English) Climate change is a major issue that is having a significant impact on coastal areas globally. This phenomenon is generating processes of erosion, flooding and sea level rise, which is of great concern. These ...

    Ecosystem modelling for the ocean decade - facing the challenge 

    Steenbeek, Jeroen (Date of defense: 2024-10-22)

    (English) The worlds’marine ecosystems are degrading under wide ranges of ever intensifying, diversifying and co-occurring human pressures. Ecosystem-based management (EBM) approaches have emerged as an alternative to ...

    Eliminación de blanqueadores ópticos de aguas textiles residuales y reutilización de efluentes 

    Salas Olivares, Héctor Manuel (Date of defense: 2021-09-14)

    (English) he textile industry consumes a large volume of water in various activities and is an importan! wastewater generator. Colorless dyes that emit fluorescence when exposed to UV light are used in the optical whitening ...

    Lagrangian modeling of reactive transport in heterogeneous porous media 

    Solé Marí, Guillem (Date of defense: 2020-03-13)

    Fluid flow, solute transport, and chemical reactions in porous media are highly relevant for multiple applications and in several fields of knowledge. Aquifers are a typical example of porous media, but many others exist, ...

    Modelo de priorización de inversiones de soluciones tecnológicas en smart buildings con criterios de desarrollo sostenible 

    Vinyeta Medina, Gil (Date of defense: 2024-07-22)

    (English) This Doctoral Thesis addresses aspects of interest for designers, promoters, owners, and managers of office buildings, with the intention of providing clarity on the Smart Building paradigm, as well as identifying ...

    Opening the black box of coastal inshore waters in the NW Mediterranean Sea : environmental quality tools and assessment 

    Flo Arcas, Eva (Date of defense: 2017-11-20)

    Coastal inshore waters (CIW) are defined as the area of coastal waters between 0 and 200 m from the shoreline. They only represent < 1% of coastal waters, even though they are of main ecological, social, and economic ...

    Remobilització dels contaminants orgànics persistents en els ecosistemes polars costaners 

    Casal Rodríguez, Paulo (Date of defense: 2018-11-12)

    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) constitute an heterogeneous group of chemical substances of great environmental relevance. Its persistence, bioaccumulation, long-range transport potential and negative effects on health ...

    Seagrass meadow: a coastal protection perspective 

    Astudillo Gutiérrez, Carlos Salvador (Date of defense: 2024-06-26)

    (English) Over the decades, the global coastlines have been a key indicator of the development of actual societies. However, the cost of this growth has resulted in the depredation of natural environments. The increased ...

    Secondary air pollutants in urban and rural Catalonia, Spain: characterizing the precursors, source-contributions, and toxicity 

    In 't Veld, Marten (Date of defense: 2023-11-29)

    (English) Air pollutants can be classed as either primary or secondary pollutants. Primary air pollutants are those that are directly emitted into the atmosphere, whereas secondary air pollutants are generated in the ...

    Technologically-sustained ecological monitoring of a coastal fish community with a highly integrated biological and environmental data 

    Francescangeli, Marco (Date of defense: 2023-10-30)

    (English) The Monitoring of coastal marine ecosystems has been traditionally carried out with man and vessel-assisted methodologies. In the last decades, new technologies have been progressively integrated by platforms ...

    Towards a better water resources management and control using bioelectrochemical systems 

    Fernández Gatell, Marta (Date of defense: 2024-06-11)

    (English) Freshwater is an extremely scarce yet essential resource for all life forms on planet Earth. Its quality directly impacts the development of human societies as well as the ecosystems balance and health. However, ...

    Understanding size-resolved dust emission from field measurements in Morocco 

    González Flórez, Cristina (Date of defense: 2023-10-06)

    (English) Atmospheric mineral dust is composed of a variety of mineral particles exhibiting distinct composition, shape, and size. The wide range of diameters exhibited by dust particles, spanning more than three orders ...

    Use of alternative materials in soil stabilization: mechanical and environmental aspects 

    Baloochi, Hani (Date of defense: 2023-03-17)

    (English) Currently, the two most raw material consumer industries are civil engineering and the pulp and paper industry. Meanwhile, these sectors face severe criticism due to their environmental impact. Additionally, by ...