Al límite del principio de autoria: la propiedad intelectual de la Inteligencia Artificial 

    Balagué Sierra, Carmen (Date of defense: 2023-03-30)

    Desde hace algún tiempo la tecnología está generando contenidos susceptibles de ser catalogados como obras —música, teatro, cine, literatura, pintura, etc.— protegibles por la propiedad intelectual (PI) y/o el copyright. ...

    Els infants i les mares de la Maternitat de Les Corts de Barcelona (1960-1970): Respostes per a unes víctimes oblidades 

    Arantegui Arràez, Laura (Date of defense: 2024-07-15)

    Aquest estudi presenta una contextualització històrica per, posteriorment, centrar-se en les experiències viscudes pels infants i les mares ingressats a la Casa de Maternitat i Expòsits de Barcelona-Les Corts i a les Llars ...

    One law to rule them all? Strengthening global legal certainty for transborder flows of personal data 

    Fischer, Philipp E. (Date of defense: 2024-02-12)

    Global capabilities of interlinked networks have freed data processing activities from their spatial limitations. This led to an increase in transborder flows of personal data (“TFPD”). Innovative forms of technology ...

    The role of information and communication technology and the Internet in the acces to justice: effective online dispute resolution in low-value, high-volume business-to-consumer (B2C) cross-border e-Commerce disputes 

    Dal Pubel, Luca (Date of defense: 2014-06-14)

    The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ITC) and the Internet have enormously impacted our society, with positive and negative effects on our civilization. This information and communication ...