Connecting biodiversity and biogeochemical role by microbial metagenomics 

    Llorens Marès, Tomàs (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-28)

    The main objective of this PhD dissertation was to unveil the links between biogeochemistry and microbial diversity using metagenomics functional potential as a proxy to connect a mechanistic perspective with whole-system ...

    Molecular and functional characterization of the immunoreceptors CD300d and CD300f / Caracterització molecular i funcional dels immunoreceptors CD300d I CD300f 

    Comas Casellas, Emma (Fecha de defensa: 2013-03-08)

    The main goal of this thesis was to investigate the function of the endogenous CD300f. Initially, CD300f was described as an inhibitory receptor, although some data generated in our lab strongly suggested the possibility ...

    Nuevos avances en el desarrollo de vacunas frente a la peste porcina africana 

    Lacasta Marín, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2013-02-20)

    La peste porcina africana (PPA) es una enfermedad hemorrágica altamente infecciosa que afecta principalmente a cerdos domésticos, causando verdaderos estragos en la producción porcina en los países afectados. El agente ...

    Regulation of ribonucleotide reduction in facultative anaerobic pathogens and its influence in bacterial fitness, virulence and biofilm formation 

    Pedraz López, Lucas (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-13)

    The perpetuation of life depends on the ability to reproduce. All known forms of life use DNA as genetic information storage. Ribonucleotide reduction is the process by which ribonucleotides (NTPs) are transformed into ...

    Responses to environmental xenobiotics: from endocrine disruption to lipid homeostasis imbalance 

    Dimastrogiovanni, Giorgio (Fecha de defensa: 2015-09-18)

    Many chemicals are continuously entering into the aquatic environment, as a result of their widespread use, disposal and accidental release. Several of these xenobiotics may disrupt reproductive functions of both vertebrates ...

    Role of Mfn2 in Macrophage Inflammatory Responses 

    Tur Torres, Juan (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-22)

    Mitochondria are well known for their role as bioenergetic and biosynthetic organelles. Recently, they also have emerged as one of the main regulators of innate immune responses, mostly for its ability to modulate several ...