Ara mostrant els elements 479-498 de 512

    Tendinopatia rotuliana crònica en esportistes: efectes de l'entrenament de la força amb sobrecàrrega excèntrica. 

    Gual Crespí, Gabriel (Data de defensa: 2016-02-01)

    Antecedents: La tendinopatia rotuliana (TR) afecta molts esportistes, especialment aquells que han de realitzar accions de salt durant la seva pràctica. En la TR es dóna una situació paradoxal en la qual el treball ...

    Text i Tectònica 

    Ferre Ricart, Ernest (Data de defensa: 2012-07-13)

    La tesi Text i Tectònica, consta de tres parts. En la primera [capítol 1] s'ofereix un marc teòric sintètic sobre la necessitat de la concepció holística o globalitzant de la percepció de l’arquitectura com a necessitat ...

    The Aesthetics of Islamic Architecture & the Exuberance of Mamluk Design 

    El-Akkad, Tarek A. (Data de defensa: 2013-06-18)

    The Mamluk period was the most exuberant in Egypt. It lasted from 1250 to 1517, a short period of only 267 years but highly dynamic in art and architecture. No historian has given a documented and defendable reason for ...

    The Effect of 5 Proteins On DPPSC (Dental Pulp Pluripotent Stem Cells) For Osteoblast Differentiation Proliferation In 3D 

    Chatakun, Punjamaporn (Data de defensa: 2014-09-05)

    Bone-tissue engineering is a therapeutic target in the field of dental implant and orthopaedic surgery. It is therefore essential to find a microenvironment that enhances the growth and differentiation of osteoblasts both ...

    The epidemiology of catheter related bloodstream infections in Bellvitge University Hospital: Prevention and mortality 

    Saliba, Patrick (Data de defensa: 2018-10-31)

    • Vascular catheters are the most used medical devices in healthcare settings.For the last decade,catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) have been a major threat to patient’s safety.In Bellvitge University Hospital ...

    The Impact of the Digitalization on Shipping Organizations. 

    Parera Blanch, Clàudia (Data de defensa: 2023-11-07)

    Aquest estudi té com a objectius principals, en primer lloc, investigar la literatura existent per obtenir una millor comprensió de les implicacions de la digitalització en la gestió de la qualitat dins de la indústria del ...

    The Museum in the museum: stored collections and their usability. 

    Corona, Lara (Data de defensa: 2023-05-12)

    Throughout time museums have accumulated various items, of which only a part has been put on display. In museums all over the world, due to different circumstances, a large part of museum collections is held in storage, ...

    The pathway of forgiveness: unraveling the role of one’s decision to forgive 

    Recoder Fernández, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2019-03-08)

    Past research has suggested the potential benefits of forgiveness to overcome the negative consequences of experiencing interpersonal hurts. More specifically, forgiveness has been found to be very linked with health and ...

    The role of forgiveness in disclosure and victim suport after a patient safety incident 

    Martos Algarra, Carla (Data de defensa: 2022-01-21)

    In the healthcare field, we know patient safety incidents are unfortunate events that occur. Two groups are affected by these incidents: Patients become first victims and the professionals involved turn into second victims. ...

    The Situability of Turnaround Strategies for Non-Crisis Situations 

    GOTTEINER, Sharon Shimon (Data de defensa: 2018-12-18)

    For more than three decades it has been suggested that the management practices that had saved collapsing companies, could have also kept them well – if implemented earlier, in a preemptive manner. This research pursued ...

    Three-dimensional evaluation of changes in condylar morphology and position in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery 

    Méndez-Manjón, Irene (Data de defensa: 2017-07-06)

    La presente tesis doctoral es un compendio de 4 publicaciones sobre los cambios posicionales y morfológicos que ocurren en la articulación temporomandibular tras la realización de cirugía ortognática. Del estudio de ...

    Three-dimensional Impact of orthognathic surgery on the upper airway and the apnea-hypopnea index. 

    Giralt Hernando, María (Data de defensa: 2021-07-02)

    The present PhD investigation is a compendium of five related publications broadening the current state-of-the art and long-term three-dimensional effects of orthognathic surgery on the upper airway (UA) and the sleep-related ...

    Three-dimensional volumetric analysis of root coverage and gingival volume gain of multiple recession-type defects treated by Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access (VISTA). 

    Gil López-Areal, Alfonso (Data de defensa: 2019-11-13)

    Objective: To examine the outcome of root coverage and gingival volume changes, following the treatment of multiple recession-type defects treated with Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access (VISTA) in combination ...

    Topical Application of Bisphosphonates to Enhance Alveolar New Bone Formation 

    Lozano-Carrascal, Naroa (Data de defensa: 2017-06-21)

    This PhD thesis is a compendium of three publications, which sets out to broaden our knowledge and understanding of the topical application of bisphosphonates alone or mixed with a bone graft in alveolar bone defects, to ...

    Traditional Cosmological Symbolism in Ancient Board Games 

    Pujol Nicolau, Gaspar (Data de defensa: 2009-09-30)

    Aquest treball d'investigació analitza una selecció dels jocs de tauler més antics coneguts, trobant-hi els elements simbòlics clau del simbolisme cosmològic tradicional. Els jocs són part del patró estructural universal ...

    Trastorno por déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad y ejercicio físico 

    Santana Amador, Zaira del Carmen (Data de defensa: 2016-07-27)

    El TDAH es una patología que afecta entre un 3-5% de la población infantil en España. Los problemas que plantea este trastorno afectan a los propios niños, a nivel de comportamiento y rendimiento académico y a sus familias. ...

    Tributación sobre la renta de las personas físicas en EEUU desde la perspectiva del Convenio para evitar la Doble Imposición 

    Pujols Soler, Juan Manuel (Data de defensa: 2015-10-23)

    El objeto de esta tesis es la valoración del impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas en EEUU y el Convenio para evitar la doble imposición entre España y EEUU. Damos una visión global e interrelacionada de ambos ...

    Tutela y Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural de la Iglesia: análisis de actuación en la Diócesis de Lleida 

    Casaña Carabot, Luis (Data de defensa: 2015-03-04)

    En las primeras décadas del siglo XXI el desarrollo y profesionalización de las instituciones publicas dedicadas a la salvaguarda y transmisión del patrimonio cultural ha sido un hecho consolidado y a la vez en constante ...

    Un modelo racional de organización territorial. Aplicación a Cataluña 

    Franquet i Bernis, Josep Maria (Data de defensa: 2007-07-19)

    La divisió, organització i gestió del territori sobre el qual s'assenten i desenvolupen les activitats humanes són, segons el parer de l'autor, un clar exponent de mòbils transcendentals d'atenció per part de les diverses ...

    “University, Sustainability, and Reputation: Sustainability as a Strategic and Reputational Pillar in the Fifth Generation of Universities - Case Studies of the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) and the HSE University (Russia)” 

    Gaete Sepulveda, Magdalena (Data de defensa: 2023-09-26)

    This thesis aims to investigate the influence of sustainability on the reputation of universities, employing a comparative case study approach that centers on two renowned institutions recognized for their commitment to ...