Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 32

    An Analytics Platform for Integrating and Computing Spatio-Temporal Metrics in Location-aware Games 

    Rodríguez Pupo, Luis Enrique (Data de defensa: 2021-04-28)

    This thesis presents an analytics platform for calculating spatio-temporal metrics in the context of geogames and context-based applications. It is based on an underlying conceptual model for spatio-temporal metrics, which ...

    Analysis and Development of a Platform for Generating Context-Aware Apps for Mental Health 

    Miralles Tena, Ignacio (Data de defensa: 2019-12-19)

    This work gathers a research carried out on the use of context-aware technologies in their application to the field of mental health. It starts performing a review of mobile technologies used in psychological interventions ...

    Analysis of Parallelization Strategies in the context of Hierarchical Matrix Factorizations 

    Carratalá Sáez, Rocío (Data de defensa: 2021-03-26)

    H-matrices offer log-linear storage and computations costs, thanks to a controlled accuracy loss. This is the reason why they are specially suitable for Boundary Element Methods (BEM). Task-parallelism strategies are applied ...

    Análisis y modelización de los procesos de aprendizaje profundo 

    Catalán Carbó, Mar (Data de defensa: 2024-03-22)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es el diseño, implementación y validación experimental de soluciones software paralelas para el aprendizaje automático mediante redes neuronales profundas (RNPs). Estos estudios abordan tres ...

    Aplicación de la visión artificial a la manipulación robótica en el contexto de la intervención subacuática 

    Fornas García, David (Data de defensa: 2019-02-06)

    En esta tesis se describe un sistema integral para la manipulación de objetos guiada por visión en escenarios subacuáticos en el contexto de la arqueología. El sistema propuesto consiste en la reconstrucción en 3D del ...

    Application and use of quality metrics for the prediction of grasp success and evaluation of artificial hands 

    Rubert Escuder, Carlos (Data de defensa: 2018-10-08)

    Artificial manipulation has been one of the main areas of interest in robotics for decades. Finding a proper grasp to seize objects and design robotic hands capable of such grasps are two of the main problems in such ...

    Applying Mobile and Geospatial Technologies to Ecological Momentary Interventions 

    González Pérez, Alberto (Data de defensa: 2023-09-07)

    Today a large percentage of the population suffers from anxiety-related problems. This anxiety can appear in day-to-day situations. An effective therapy for these problems is exposure. In it, the person is gradually exposed ...

    Avances en Telerobótica Inalámbrica Submarina 

    Centelles Beltrán, Diego (Data de defensa: 2021-03-26)

    Los estándares de comunicación sin umbilicales utilizados a través del aire son inútiles bajo el agua debido a la elevada atenuación de las ondas de radiofrecuencia. Esto obliga al uso de otras tecnologías con capacidades ...

    Beyond saccadic movements for interactive perception in robotics 

    Durán Bosch, Angel Juan (Data de defensa: 2022-10-24)

    This thesis takes inspiration from biology to replicate in robots the oculomotor strategies humans and other species use to acquire visual information. Firstly, it establishes the foundations of the work by reviewing current ...

    Computación de altas prestaciones en genómica 

    Martínez Pérez, Héctor (Data de defensa: 2020-01-28)

    Esta tesis se centra en la aplicación de técnicas de computación de altas prestaciones a dos problemas bioinformáticos. La primera parte del trabajo ha consistido en el desarrollo de un software eficiente para el alineamiento ...

    Contact driven robotic grasping 

    Felip León, Javier (Data de defensa: 2016-04-01)

    As a result, in this thesis we provide a complete implementation of a manipulation system that can operate in unstructured environments. However, there is room for improvement in all the components presented and many ...

    Deep learning models for multimodal and multispectral remote sensing image processing. 

    Ibáñez Fernández, Damián (Data de defensa: 2024-09-19)

    Remote sensing (RS) images have become fundamental in many important application fields, including land-cover and mapping, urban planning, forest monitoring, agricultural land management, or weather forecasting, among ...

    Definition and analysis of strategic predictive indicators for social networks 

    Lanza Cruz, Indira Lázara (Data de defensa: 2024-01-19)

    This thesis delves into a novel research area in Social Business Intelligence (SBI) focusing on social indicators. It proposes advanced methodologies for discovering and describing social indicators, using social network ...

    Design and evaluation of variable-stiffness robotic grippers 

    Cardín Catalán, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2022-03-16)

    In store warehouses, objects differ in terms of shape. During the automation process, reliable grasping is required, due to the variability of object shapes and positions. The main objective is to create and validate a ...

    Extremely Low and Variable Bandwidth Image Compression with Region of Interest Applied to Real Time Underwater Robotic Interventions 

    Moscoso Rubino, Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2018-04-11)

    A new fast and progressive set-partitioning image compression parallel algorithm with Region Of Interest (ROI) which outputs an embedded bit oriented rate-distortion optimized stream and addresses very low bit rate compression ...

    Framework for Autonomous Underwater Grasping of Unknown Objects 

    Peñalver Monfort, Antonio (Data de defensa: 2018-11-30)

    This thesis studies the problem of autonomously grasping an unknown object in an underwater scenario using an I-AUV. Firstly, a new approach to autonomously obtain an accurate and complete 3D reconstruction of an object ...

    Game Development Based on Multi-agent Systems 

    Marín Lora, Carlos (Data de defensa: 2022-10-06)

    Video game development is a multidisciplinary process that requires both technical and artistic knowledge. Even though there are tools to ease the creation of video games, they are still complex applications that require ...

    High-throughput Computation through Efficient Resource Management 

    Iserte Agut, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2018-11-23)

    This proposal addresses, from two different approaches, the improvement of data centers productivity through an efficient resource management. On the one hand, the combination of GPU remote virtualization technologies with ...

    "Horizon: Resilience": A Smartphone-based Serious Game Intervention for Depressive Symptoms 

    Gomez-Cambronero, Águeda (Data de defensa: 2023-12-11)

    Depression is the most prevalent mental disorder in our society, leading to disability and suicide deaths. Although effective evidence-based psychological treatments exist, they reach only a fraction of those in need. ...

    Machine learning-based techniques for indoor localization and human activity recognition through wearable devices 

    Sansano Sansano, Emilio (Data de defensa: 2020-12-22)

    This thesis approaches the study of several machine learning techniques to improve the performance of indoor positioning systems, with a special focus on wearable and low-cost devices. It also presents some tools designed ...