Ara mostrant els elements 1-5 de 5

    A Cognitive Linguistics Analysis of the Effect of a 3D Video Game as an Educational Resource on the Learning of the prepositions “in” and “on” in a Higher Education Context 

    Boghiu Balaur, Sorina (Data de defensa: 2024-02-16)

    This thesis investigates the pivotal role of prepositions in the English language, emphasizing their significance in conveying spatial and temporal relationships. Focusing on the challenges faced by EFL learners, the ...

    Discourse markers within the university lecture genre:A contrastive study between Spanish and North-American lectures 

    Bellés Fortuño, Begoña (Data de defensa: 2007-02-02)

    La tesis doctoral que aquí se presenta se podría enmarcar dentro de tres campos lingüísticos: el análisis de género, la retórica contrastiva y el análisis de corpus.<br/>El análisis de género (Swales 1981, 1990; Dudley-Evans ...

    Functional adequacy: The effect of Englsih Medium Instruction, English Proficiency and previous language learning experiences 

    Herraiz Martínez, Ana (Data de defensa: 2018-12-17)

    This thesis analyses undergraduate learners' pragmatic development. The participants of the study were enrolled in English-medium instruction atlhree different Spanish universities. Pragmatic development is operationalised ...

    L'aprenentatge de llengües a través de la traducció audiovisual: la subtitulació com a eina per a l'adquisició de lèxic en llengua estrangera 

    Torralba Miralles, Gloria (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Aquesta tesi s'emmarca dins dels Estudis de Traducció tot explorant els possibles vincles d'aquests amb la Didàctica de la Llengua i la Lingüística Aplicada ja que en ella s'indaga sobre el possible paper com a eina didàctica ...

    Mulilingual education: A contrastive analysis in Humanities, Social Sciences and Health Sciences 

    Bellés Calvera, Lucía (Data de defensa: 2021-11-15)

    This study seeks to present a comparative analysis of metadiscoursal features produced in CLIL lectures and seminars offered in the fields of Soft Sciences and Hard Sciences. As for the methodology, the data were retrieved ...