Now showing items 21-40 of 68

    Expresión y funcionalidad de los heterómeros de GPCR en las enfermedades neurodegenerativas de Parkinson y Alzheimer 

    Rivas Santisteban, Rafael (Date of defense: 2021-10-15)

    Los receptores acoplados a proteína G o GPCRs conforman la mayor familia de receptores de membrana celular en organismos eucariotas. En humanos se han descrito más de 800 GPCRs, gran parte de ellos descubiertos mediante ...

    Experimental and human studies on aging of adipose tissues: Role for Parkin 

    Delgado Anglés, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2021-10-25)

    Brown and beige adipose tissues are mediators of adaptive energy expenditure in mammals, in contrast with the energy storage role of white fat. Mitochondrial activity, including uncoupled respiration, and the release of ...

    Complejos del receptor sigma y de heterómeros de receptores acoplados a proteínas G en adicción y control de apetito 

    Casanovas Ferrero, Mireia (Date of defense: 2021-09-06)

    Actualmente, entre el 30-40% de los medicamentos comercializados tienen como diana a un receptor acoplado a proteína G (GPCR). Además, la capacidad que tienen estos receptores para interaccionar físicamente entre ellos y ...

    Farmacologia Molecular dels Transportadors de Nucleòsids en Teràpia del Càncer: Nucleòsids Naturals No Canònics i Ruxolitinib 

    Mas Marin, Eduard (Date of defense: 2021-07-23)

    Nucleoside transporters are essential for nucleotide homeostasis as well as for nucleoside-derived drugs bioavailability. Non-canonical natural nucleosides or “epigenetic nucleosides” are endogenously produced and possess ...

    Estudios de la interacción de los receptores de dopamina con otros receptores implicados en la enfermedad de Huntington 

    Castellanos Martínez, Antonio (Date of defense: 2021-03-22)

    En la enfermedad de Huntington (HD), muchos síntomas están asociados con alteraciones en las funciones reguladas por la dopamina y el glutamato; una intervención directa sobre los receptores de dopamina D1 (D1R) pueden ...

    The interplay of the adipokine neuregulin-4 on the inflammation, autophagy, oxidative stress and insulin responsiveness in adipocytes and skeletal muscle 

    Díaz Sáez, Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-02-12)

    Neuregulin-4 has emerged as a novel adipokine in recent years. Several authors have previously explored the endocrine role of this adipocyte-secreted growth factor in the liver metabolism. In those studies, it has been ...

    Bariatric surgery and diet change in rats 

    Rossell Rusiñol, Joana (Date of defense: 2021-02-26)

    An unbalanced, unhealthy diet is one of the main causes leading to obesity and the apparition of comorbidities. Bariatric surgery is currently the most effective and durable treatment against obesity. Despite being a ...

    Nous factors implicats en la patologia cardíaca i l’obesitat 

    Ferrer Curriu, Gemma (Date of defense: 2020-07-23)

    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of mortality in industrialized countries and are caused by genetic factors, environmental factors or comorbidities. This thesis is focused on three cardiovascular risk ...

    Study of the metabolic reprogramming associated to metastasis in colon cancer 

    Tarragó Celada, Josep (Date of defense: 2020-09-16)

    Metastasis is the main cause of cancer-related deaths and it is of great biomedical importance to develop new therapeutic strategies that specifically target metastatic cells. Therefore, a better comprehension of the process ...

    Implicació del miRNorma tumoral en l´expressió del transportador concentratiu de nucleòsids hCNT1 

    Boces Pascual, Clara (Date of defense: 2020-06-17)

    Human Concentrative Nucleoside Transporters (hCNTs) are encoded by SLC28 gene family. It has been demonstrated that hCNT1 is lost in some cancers. Furthermore, hCNTs have the ability of translocating selected nucleoside- ...

    Lligams funcionals i bioquímics entre els transportadors de nucleòsids i el metabolisme de nucleòtids 

    Perelló-Reus, Catalina (Date of defense: 2020-06-02)

    Maintenance of balanced nucleotide pools is necessary for cellular homeostasis. The nucleotide content of the cell is determined by the uptake of nucleosides by specific transporters, the salvage pathway and de novo synthesis ...

    Papel de la enterocina FGF15/19 en la plasticidad adiposa y cardíaca 

    Morón Ros, Samantha (Date of defense: 2020-11-09)

    [spa] El objetivo de la presente tesis se basa en establecer, mediante el uso de modelos experimentales animales y celulares, cuál es el papel de la enterocina FGF15/19: a) en la adiposidad y plasticidad de los ...

    Definition and validation of targets associated with the metabolic reprogramming of haematological malignancies 

    Contreras Mostazo, Miriam Guadalupe (Date of defense: 2020-10-21)

    Cancer cells, including leukemic cells, can react to therapeutic treatment by altering their metabolic phenotype (“metabolic reprogramming”) to keep their accelerated proliferative state, eventually becoming resistant to ...

    Bioanalytical and proteomic approaches in the study of pathologic ECs dysfunctionality, oxidative stress and the effect of PFKFB3 modulators 

    Nukala, Sarath Babu (Date of defense: 2019-05-23)

    The vascular endothelium is one of the major targets of oxidative stress, playing an important role in the development of vascular-related disorders, such as atherosclerotic disease1. Oxidative stress increases the formation ...

    Metabolic adaptations in liver-specific OPA1 knockout mice 

    Barros, Susana Raquel Costa (Date of defense: 2020-02-13)

    OPA1 is a dynamin-related protein that is responsible for the fusion of the internal mitochondrial membrane and essential to control the morphology of the mitochondrial cristae. Thus, it directly impacts the efficiency of ...

    Oligomerización de receptores α₁ᴀ adrenérgicos y receptores dopaminérgicos en el SNC: implicación en la modulación de la atención 

    Homar Ruano, Patricia C. (Date of defense: 2020-01-24)

    La atención es el proceso cognitivo básico que nos otorga la capacidad de seleccionar aquella información interna o externa que va a ser relevante para la toma de decisiones y el control del comportamiento. Múltiples ...

    Biology of the cardiovascular Kv7.1 functional complex 

    Serrano Novillo, Clara (Date of defense: 2020-01-17)

    Voltage gated K+ channels (Kv) are transmembrane proteins that allow the pass-thorugh of potassium ions, regulating the electrochemical gradient of the cell membrane. This way, they modulate several physiological processes, ...

    Development of model-driven approaches for metabolic flux analysis and anticancer drug discovery 

    Foguet Coll, Carles (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    Metabolism is a hallmark of life and underlies most biological processes in both health and disease. For instance, dysregulation of liver metabolism underlies multifactorial disorders such as diabetes or obesity. Similarly, ...

    Characterization of Endothelial Cells dysfunction associated to Acute Myocardial Infarction: modulation of metabolic pathways as a new therapeutic approach 

    Zodda, Erika (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    The endothelium plays a pivotal role in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and emerging evidence indicates that pathological blood vessel responses and endothelial dysfunction are associated with metabolic ...