Reconciling standardised inventories and DNA barcoding to infer diversity patterns in Iberian spider communities 

    Domènech Andreu, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2021-10-29)

    Unveiling the patterns and identifying the factors that drive community assembly are key questions in ecology and evolution, especially in the current state of climate change and biodiversity loss. Because of its particular ...

    Regulació hormonal i redox de processos de senescència d'òrgans 

    Miret Barrio, Javier Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-25)

    El malbaratament dels productes frescos suposa la pèrdua de fins a un 45% dels fruits i vegetals. El canvi global i el previst increment de la freqüència de fenòmens meteorològics extrems representaran una major pressió a ...

    Regulación hormonal del crecimiento, maduración y sobremaduración en un modelo de fruto no climatérico: Prunus avium L var. Pime Giant 

    Tijero Esteve, Verónica (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-10)

    Las cerezas (Prunus avium L.) son frutos muy apreciados por el consumidor, alrededor del mundo, debido a sus características visuales y organolépticas. Como un fruto carnoso con hueso no climatérico, los cambios bioquímicos ...

    Resilience of Long-lived Mediterranean Gorgonians in a Changing World: Insights from Life History Theory and Quantitative Ecology 

    Montero Serra, Ignasi (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-07)

    Temperate benthic communities face cumulative impacts from multiple stressors acting both at local and global scales. Understanding how local management and ocean warming affect the dynamics and resilience of dominant ...

    The response of Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages to climate change: an integrated, long-term view from species and populations to the ecosystem level 

    Gómez Gras, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2021-04-23)

    Climate change has emerged as one of the greatest and most pervasive threats that our natural heritage will have to face in the coming decades. Together with other anthropogenic pressures such as pollution, overfishing or ...

    Responses of Mediterranean riparian forests to water availability: Insights of present and future conditions. A case study in La Tordera catchment = Respostes dels boscos de ribera mediterranis a la disponibilitat d'aigua: estudi de les condicions presents i futures a la conca de Tordera 

    Poblador Ibáñez, Sílvia (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-10)

    During the last decades, most of the studies based on climate change effects on vegetation physiology have focused on upland forests and species at their border of distribution, since, in both conditions, species are highly ...

    Respuestas de los primates a demandas sociales y ecológicas: La importancia de los métodos no invasivos 

    Flores Escobar, Elizabeth (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-10)

    Las selvas tropicales mexicanas resguardan la distribución más septentrional de los platirrinos en el Neotrópico, representada por tres especies: el mono aullador de manto (Alouatta palliata), el mono aullador negro (Alouatta ...

    Restauración de bosques de Pinus halepensis mediante la introducción de especies rebrotadoras para aumentar su resiliencia ante incendios forestales 

    Granados García, Maria Elena (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-18)

    Los ecosistemas de la Cuenca Mediterránea han experimentado a lo largo de tiempos ancestrales fuertes y prolongados procesos de degradación, por lo que desde el último tercio del siglo XIX se han realizado forestaciones ...

    Riparian forest quality, land-use dynamics and their influence on macroinvertebrate communities. An evaluation of the ecological status of Pesquería River (N.E., Mexico) 

    Castro López, Daniel (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-22)

    Worldwide, biological diversity is declining at an unprecedented rate. Current environmental changes are causing water, ecological and biodiversity crises that, coupled with climate change, are affecting landscape patterns ...

    The role of species niche, species dispersal and landscape factors in the assembly of novel woody communities in metropolitan Mediterranean regions 

    Gamboa Badilla, Nancy (Fecha de defensa: 2017-12-19)

    Biological diversity in a global scale has been threaten seriously by anthropogenic disturbances in ecosystems. Changes in land cover and land use affect biodiversity, causing habitat loss and species extinction, or ...

    Root traits and stable isotopes as phenotyping approaches to enhance wheat adaptation to Mediterranean conditions 

    Rezzouk, Fatima Zahra (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-15)

    [eng] Wheat is a major staple food worldwide. Its cultural and economic importance is mainly highlighted in the Mediterranean region, among other regions of the world. However, wheat production is frequently challenged by ...

    Seagrass responses to climate change: effects of warming and the interaction with local stressors = Respuestas de las angiospermas marinas al cambio climático: efectos del calentamiento y la interacción con estresores locales 

    Ontoria Gómez, Yaiza (Fecha de defensa: 2020-02-14)

    Coastal ecosystems are highly threatened worldwide by multiple anthropogenic stressors that act at a range of spatial scales, from local to the global, and adversely affect their ecological functions and associated ...

    Seed treatments for the protection of crops 

    Estévez Geffriaud, Virginia (Fecha de defensa: 2021-02-03)

    This thesis focuses on the development and subsequent application of a seed treatment protocol using a phytosanitary product named T34 Biocontrol (Biocontrol Technologies S.L., Spain) containing the active ingredient ...

    Sexual segregation in spatial and feeding ecology of seabirds 

    Pereira de Felipe, Fernanda (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-15)

    Sexual Segregation (SS) is a phenomenon that occurs across a wide range of animal species, and that had been broadly categorized in spatial/habitat segregation and social segregation. SS of a given species is often related ...

    Silicon consumption by marine sponges: an empirical approach and its ecological implications 

    López Acosta, María (Fecha de defensa: 2018-09-21)

    Silicon (Si), in its dissolved form of silicic acid (DSi), is a key nutrient in the ocean. The availability of such nutrient in marine ecosystems is regulated through its use by silica-secreting organisms, a variety of ...

    Snow avalanches in the Pyrenees: dendrochronological dating, dendrogeomorphological mapping and detection of past snow-avalanche seasons at a regional scale = Allaus de neu al Pirineu : datació dendrocronològica, cartografia dendrogeomorfològica i detecció d'allaus del passat a escala regional 

    Muntán Bordas, Elena (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-13)

    In recent decades, information about past snow avalanches in the Pyrenees is being acquired by searching in different sources. One of these sources are tree rings. In this Ph.D. thesis, dendrogeomorphological techniques ...

    Soil water availability regulates soil respiration temperature dependence in Mediterranean forests 

    Chang, Chao-Ting (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-07)

    The variations of ecosystem and soil respiration are mainly driven by temperature and precipitation, but the importance of temperature and precipitation could vary across temporal and spatial. At diurnal to annual temporal ...

    Spatial ecology and migration of Calonectris shearwaters: new insights from Spanish populations revealed by biologging 

    Reyes González, José Manuel de los (Fecha de defensa: 2021-05-26)

    The revolution in biologging and satellite telemetry technologies in the last two decades has led to a new era in seabird research. This thesis brings new insights into the spatial ecology and migration of the Cory’s and ...

    Spatial Ecology of the Endangered Egyptian Vulture: from Distribution and Movement to Biological Conservation 

    Cerecedo Iglesias, Catuxa (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-14)

    [eng] The current rampant loss of biodiversity is known to be affecting human well-being the world over. Sustainability has become the global go-to solution to ensure the balance between economic growth, social well-being ...

    Stopover ecology of migrant songbirds at the Ebro delta = Ecologia de parada migratòria de passeriformes al Delta de l'Ebre 

    Guerreiro Duarte Rivaes da Silva, Ana Sofia (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-14)

    Migration associated with movements between breeding and wintering areas allow animals to maximize fitness in response to seasonal changes in resources (Dingle 2014). Some of the most incredible migrations in the animal ...