Now showing items 106-125 of 181

    La incorporación de prácticas de conservación en cultivos herbáceos extensivos de secado en la región mediterránea 

    Baldivieso Freitas, Paola (Date of defense: 2017-06-26)

    La intensificación de las actividades agrícolas en los últimos años ha supuesto un uso excesivo de insumos externos y un intenso laboreo del suelo que ha provocado contaminaciones a veces de carácter irreversible, el ...

    La invasió de Gambusia holbrooki en ecosistemes eutrofitzats. Dels mecanismes ecològics a la seva gestió 

    Cano Rocabayera, Oriol (Date of defense: 2019-10-29)

    La introducció d’espècies invasores, juntament amb altres pertorbacions com l’augment dels nutrients, amenacen la biodiversitat nativa globalment. Les invasions biològiques d’espècies exòtiques es troben íntimament lligades ...

    La recuperació dels coneixements tradicionals relatius a la biodiversitat com a eina per al desenvolupament d'un model agroalimentari més sostenible: estudi etnobotànic de la comarca de l'Anoia, desenvolupament de nous cultius amb espècies silvestres, i acceptació per part dels consumidors dels productes elaborats amb espècies silvestres i varietats tradicionals 

    Talavera Roma, Marc (Date of defense: 2018-06-29)

    Des de principis del segle XX fins a l’actualitat s’han produït importants transformacions socioeconòmiques (despoblament rural, industrialització, globalització) i ambientals (canvi climàtic, uniformització del mosaic ...

    La Restauració fluvial a Catalunya: desenvolupament de protocols d'avaluació = River restoration in Catalonia: assessment protocols development 

    Puértolas i Domènech, Laura (Date of defense: 2016-11-30)

    La recuperació d’espais fluvials és una activitat que ha anat en augment en els darrers anys però no disposava de mètodes d’avaluació que n’orientessin el disseny. L’objectiu de la tesi ha estat explorar la pràctica de la ...

    Life history, population dynamics and conservation of underwater Mediterranean forests: insights from the long-lived alga Cystoseira zosteroides = Història de vida, ecologia de poblacions i conservació dels boscos submergits del Mediterrani: el cas de l'alga longeva Cystoseira zosteroides 

    Capdevila Lanzaco, Pol (Date of defense: 2017-09-26)

    Life history theory and population ecology have been especially neglectful of marine species, with most ecological principles developed from studies based on terrestrial species. This is especially true for macroalgae ...

    Limnology of Tropical Mountain Lakes: Analysis of the hydromorphological, physical and biogeochemical variability of the Cajas Massif lake district 

    Mosquera Vintimilla, Pablo (Date of defense: 2023-04-19)

    [eng] High-mountain tropical lakes in the South American continent are located in the upper part of the Andes range in the equatorial zone (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia), altitudinally, usually above the ...

    The links between global climatic cycles and the diversification and migration of Arctic shorebirds = La relación entre los ciclos climáticos y la diversificación y migración de las aves limícolas árticas 

    Arcones Segovia, Ángel (Date of defense: 2019-09-19)

    In this thesis we studied how the changes in the climate determine the distribution, diversity and conservation of a very representative group of the Arctic avifauna, the shorebirds. In the first chapter we explored the ...

    Living on the edge: modeling climate change impacts on sub-humid forests growing in semi-arid environments = Vivint al límit: modelant els impactes del canvi climàtic sobre els boscos semi-humits creixent en entorns semi-àrids 

    Nadal Sala, Daniel (Date of defense: 2019-11-28)

    Semi-arid environments are zones where annual precipitation is less than a half of annual potential evapotranspiration, yet water availability is high enough to allow tree growth. Climate change is expected to have a major ...

    Local adaptation by birds to human-altered habitats: the great tit and the house sparrow as model species 

    Riyahi, Sepand (Date of defense: 2017-09-21)

    Human-altered environments have expanded rapidly in the past decades and made a huge impact on living organisms. Inhabiting in such a habitat can modify different traits in animals, allowing for a better adaptation to these ...

    Local renewable energy projects on remote islands: Impacts, ethics, and transformative potential 

    Tsagkari, Marouko (Date of defense: 2022-06-01)

    In the discussions on climate change, the transition to renewable energy is seen as one of the biggest and most urgent steps the world can take to avoid ecological collapse. At the same time, the decentralized and abundant ...

    Macroalgal forests ecology, long-term monitoring, and conservation in a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area 

    Medrano Cuevas, Alba (Date of defense: 2020-02-21)

    All marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea are highly threatened by anthropogenic stressors that can alter their structure and function, especially in rocky shores. Moreover, extreme climate events are becoming more ...

    Macroevolutionary patterns of habitat transitions in aquatic Coleoptera 

    Villastrigo Carbajo, Adrián (Date of defense: 2019-09-27)

    Understanding the evolutionary processes underlying extant biodiversity may help us to comprehend why species richness is not equally distributed between clades. One of the main causes to explain the disparity of species ...

    Mecanismos de protección frente al déficit hídrico reiterado en plantas 

    Fleta Soriano, Eva (Date of defense: 2017-06-07)

    En esta tesis doctoral se estudian los mecanismos que las plantas pueden disponer para hacer frente al déficit hídrico reiterado, ya que en la naturaleza los ciclos repetidos de estrés son mucho más frecuentes que un solo ...

    Mestizaje genético en las poblaciones humanas de Argentina 

    Resano Fantino, Magdalena (Date of defense: 2018-10-25)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis es hacer un estudio completo del mestizaje genético de Argentina. Se pretende valorar la distribución territorial y regional del mestizaje y contrastarla con la información histórica y ...

    Modelización biomecánica de la locomoción bípeda en humanos y homininos 

    Saborit González, Gerard (Date of defense: 2019-07-10)

    La locomoción bípeda humana es un importante hito evolutivo. Los humanos aprendemos a caminar a temprana edad, aunque no por ello los procesos mecánicos involucrados son simples. Fuerzas y energía deben sincronizarse creando ...

    Modern-analog studies and high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last 500 years using the varved sediments of the Mediterranean Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees) 

    Trapote Forné, Mari Carmen (Date of defense: 2019-09-16)

    Varved lake sediments also known as annually laminated sediments, are natural paleoenvironmental archives containing high-resolution proxy data and precise chronologies. They are one of the few natural archives that can ...

    Movement ecology in pelagic seabirds 

    Zajková, Zuzana (Date of defense: 2020-01-20)

    Movement is a fundamental component of behaviour and thus both are inextricably linked. Variation in movement patterns usually reflects different behaviours, including those most glaring, such as foraging, dispersal, ...

    Movement ecology of coastal fishes in a marine protected area: implications for management and conservation 

    Aspillaga Cuevas, Eneko (Date of defense: 2017-07-27)

    Animal movement is a key biological process for the maintenance of ecosystem services, and a major concern for the conservation of biodiversity. The aim of movement ecology is to understand the causes and consequences of ...

    Multi-colony approaches to study migratory and foraging strategies in pelagic seabirds 

    Morera Pujol, Virginia (Date of defense: 2020-01-17)

    Movement is a widespread characteristic in the animal kingdom —occurring at many spatiotemporal scales— with consequences at an individual, population, species, and even ecosystem level. It is a very diverse character, ...

    Multi-scale and multi-sensor remote sensing in international agricultural development 

    Buchaillot, Maria Luisa (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    [eng] Personal food security means that they have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and quality food. On the other hand, there are three main causes of food insecurity: 1. the high vulnerability of agriculture ...