Inversion Tectonics in the Alpine Foreland, Eastern Alps (Austria) 

    Martínez Granado, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-03)

    In this thesis, the 3D structure and kinematics of the locally and mildly inverted Lower Austria Mesozoic Basin beneath the Alpine-Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt is described. This study has been carried out by the ...

    Mesozoic extension and Cenozoic contraction in the Eastern Iberian Chain (Maestrat Basin) = Tectònica extensiva mesozoica i contractiva cenozoica a la Cadena Ibèrica oriental 

    Nebot Miralles, Marina (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-16)

    The Maestrat basin was one of the most subsident basins of the Iberian Rift System, which experienced two main rifting events: Late Permian-Late Triassic and Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. Its inversion during the Cenozoic ...

    Modelització paleoclimàtica del límit Eocè–Oligocè a Catalunya a partir de l’anàlisi CLAMP 

    Tosal Alcobé, Aixa (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-17)

    Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu modelitzar el paleoclima del trànsit Eocè−Oligocè de la Conca de l’Ebre i conèixer com aquest canvi afectà a la flora local. Aquesta caracterització paleoclimàtica s’ha obtingut a partir de ...

    Monitoring floating microplastics in coastal wasters of the Western Mediterranean Sea 

    de Haan, W. P. (Fecha de defensa: 2024-03-22)

    [eng] Plastic waste is a global threat to ecosystems, especially in marine systems where most of the threats from plastics occur. The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most polluted basins due to marine litter, particularly ...

    Monitoring the subsurface elastic properties using ambient seismic noise: 2011 El Hierro eruption and Reykjanes geothermal reservoir 

    Sánchez Sánchez-Pastor, Pilar (Fecha de defensa: 2019-06-21)

    Monitoring the elastic properties of the subsurface is of a special interest to mitigate the associated risk with natural and artificial hazards. In the last decade, coda-wave interferometry has become an excellent tool ...

    Multi-hazard assessment and risk management in volcanic islands 

    López Saavedra, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-25)

    [eng] Our planet is impacted by diverse natural and human-induced events, including weather-related events (floods, droughts, forest fires, etc.) and geological events (landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.). ...

    Numerical modeling of continental collision and intraplate deformation. Application to the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of North Iberia 

    Valverde Pérez, Ángel (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-27)

    This thesis aims at improving the current understanding of the geodynamic controls on tectonic deformation during plate collision, using the Cenozoic evolution of Iberia as a case scenario. Despite the vast efforts during ...

    Paleobiología de los artrópodos edáficos y acuáticos del ámbar del Cretácico Inferior de España 

    Sánchez García, Alba (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-07)

    El objetivo principal de la Tesis realizada ha consistido en el conocimiento de la fauna de organismos edáficos y acuáticos preservados como bioinclusiones en ámbar español de los yacimientos albienses de Peñacerrada I y ...

    Paleoclimatic reconstruction of past interglacial periods and their transitions in the Iberian Peninsula and its surrounding seas = Reconstruccions paleoclimàtiques dels interglacials recents i les seves transicions a la Península Ibèrica i mars circumdants 

    Torner Perez, Judit (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-24)

    This study combines cave speleothems and marine sediments to gain an insight into the climate variability of the Iberian Peninsula (IP) and its surrounding seas associated with previous warm interglacial periods. In ...

    Paleoseismic transect across the Alhama de Murcia Fault and implications of a fault-based seismic hazard assessment for the Eastern Betics 

    Gómez Novell, Octavi (Fecha de defensa: 2021-10-25)

    The Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ) is one of the most active fault systems in SE Spain. It has caused damaging earthquakes in historical times, including the 2011 Lorca earthquake, which evidenced that the regional hazard ...

    Post-Hercynian tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of SW Iberia and the Gulf of Cadiz 

    Ramos Ordoño, Adrià (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-29)

    This thesis addresses the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the SW Iberia Margin from the Mesozoic rifting stage to the post-rifting collision of Late Cretaceous through Miocene times and transpressive stages of ...

    Reconstrucció climàtica dels darrers 2.700 anys a la Mediterrània occidental: sediments marins i estalagmites 

    Cisneros Bermejo, Mercè (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-17)

    Donada l’alta sensibilitat de la regió central de la Mediterrània occidental a la variabilitat climàtica, s’han reconstruït les condicions de la mar superficials i profundes així com de les atmosfèriques pels darrers 2.700 ...

    Salt tectonics in contractional fold belts, the Kuqa foreland basin and thrust belt case (Tarim basin, China) 

    Pla de Casacuberta, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2019-05-15)

    The thesis presented here spins off from the 2-year oil-industry project entitled “Salt Tectonics Modelling at Kuqa Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt, Tarim Oilfield” that was a collaboration between the American-based company ...

    Salt Tectonics of the Offshore Tarfaya Basin (NW Africa): A Regional to Local Approach 

    Uranga Moran, Rodolfo Martín (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-01)

    [eng] Although there is certain consensus on the Middle Jurassic to Present evolution of the Central Atlantic, the Early Jurassic rift to drift transition stage is still under discussion. Through the interpretation of ...

    Sediment routing systems of the Eocene Tremp-Jaca basin: Stratigraphic analysis and numerical models 

    Vinyoles i Busquets, Andreu (Fecha de defensa: 2021-02-12)

    The Eocene South-Pyrenean foreland basin provides a continuum of outcrops representing a Source to Sink sediment routing system from subaerial canyons to deep marine environments. On this context, the specific objective ...

    Sedimentology and sedimentary architecture of the Middle Ordovician Hawaz Formation in the subsurface of the Murzuq Basin (Libya) 

    Gil-Ortiz, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2022-10-14)

    [eng] The Hawaz Formation is a Middle Ordovician siliciclastic succession which extends for hundreds of kilometres across North Africa. This thesis uses a subsurface-based approach, mainly utilizing well data, complemented ...

    Structure and Kinematics of the SW Taiwan Fold and Thrust belt 

    Biete Castells, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2019-10-22)

    Studies of mountain belts worldwide show that along-strike changes are common in their foreland fold-and-thrust belts. These are typically caused by processes related to fault reactivation and/or fault focusing along changes ...

    Teleconnexions atmosfera-oceà a la regió intertropical durant el Plistocè inferior 

    Povea de Castro, Patricia (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-02)

    Els sediments marins profunds són claus per a la comprensió de la variabilitat del clima al llarg de la història de la Terra. Aquests sediments contenen una gran varietat d’indicadors per reconstruir canvis tan de l’oceà ...

    Teleconnexions atmosfèriques i resposta oceanogràfica a les mars Mediterrània Nordoccidental i Cantàbrica 

    Rumín Caparrós, Aitor (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-23)

    Hom considera que els oceans són sistemes altament complexos, la dinàmica dels quals depèn de la interrelació de processos físics, químics i biològics. En aquests context, l’estudi dels intercanvis verticals de matèria ...

    Temporal Variability of Nepheloid Layer Structures on Continental Slope Environments: Natural and Anthropogenic Processes 

    Arjona Camas, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-17)

    This Thesis aims to investigate the contribution of the deep-sea trawling activities, besides that of natural processes, to the sediment dynamics in different continental slope areas, particularly in the NW Mediterranean ...