Innovation systems: the european experience and opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean


Rullán Rosanis, Samantha Rebeca


Bacaria i Colom, Jordi

Casanova, Lourdes

Date of defense


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244 p.


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Sociologia


The elaboration of this thesis involved several stages, and since it is a complex subject matter, it was imperative to maintain a multidisciplinary focus. In the rst stage, the need to improve the innovation performance in Latin America and the Caribbean is identied. In the second, the appropriate methodology for this research is selected. Here, it was determined that a framework comprising the innovation system approach is the most suitable framework for this research. In the third stage, the relevant body of extant literature is reviewed and the research problem formulated. In the fourth stage, the data is collected and characterized. During the fth stage, the gathered information is analyzed and the results presented. In the sixth stage, experiences in other regions are examined and best practices acquired. In the nal stage, the key enablers, best practices and the elements are identied, transformed and adapted into several recommendations for Latin American and Caribbean policy makers.


Innovation; Supranational; Mobile phones


338 - Economic situation. Economic policy. Management of the economy. Economic planning. Production. Services. Tourism. Prices

Knowledge Area

Ciències Socials






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