Family business daughter:motivation, barriers and position in famiy firms


Akhmedova, Anna


Marimon Viadiu, Frederic

Cavallotti, Rita

Data de defensa



215 p.


Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Departament d'Economia i Organització d'Empreses


Family businesses play important role in economy of all countries. The research on the family business, since it became a separate discipline, continue to grow. It was found that family firms have many aspects that distinguish them from non-family organizations. Despite of the seeming career attractiveness of family business, women, and specifically family business daughters, are underrepresented in high-level management positions in family firms. Although, some external factors based on negative gender stereotyping contribute to this gender imparity, recent streams of research suggest that internal factors, such as lack of motivation, might also be related to the problem. To date, no attempt has been made to bring together barriers and motivation of family business daughters and their position in the company. This research closes this gap, providing an extensive study of the situation of family business daughters in family firms. Mixed methodology was used to view different aspects of interrelation between motivation, barriers and position. Contributions to family firm literature, theory and practice are discussed.

Paraules clau

Family business; Family business daughters; Work motivation; Gender barriers; primogeniture; Succession; Perez Lopez Theory; Gender underrepresentation; Gender career


33 - Economia


Tesi_Anna Akhmedova.pdf




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