Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 64
Figueras Barnera, Pau (Data de defensa: 2007-09-21)
L'objectiu del projecte era el d'estudiar diversos aspectes dels forats negres en dimensions més altes que quatre. Concretament, volíem estudiar els anells negres en cinc dimensions amb l'objectiu de generalitzar les ...
Haddad, Nidal (Data de defensa: 2012-10-27)
However successful classical general relativity is, it faces non-normalizability problems at the quantum mechanical level. Nevertheless, it predicts the existence of black holes, which are thermal objects that are expected ...
Navarro Veguillas, Luis (Data de defensa: 1965-01-01)
En el estudio de la Física del Plasma y, más concretamente, en la llamada aproximación del centro guía se trata el problema del movimiento de partículas cargadas en un campo magnético variable. Los resultados obtenidos se ...
Aznar Palenzuela, María (Data de defensa: 2013-10-31)
The main goal of this thesis is to study the physical mechanisms implicated in the self-assembly and mechanical properties of non-enveloped viral capsids using coarse-grained models. The thesis has been divided into three ...
Arcella, Annalisa (Data de defensa: 2014-06-25)
During my PhD thesis used theoretical techniques, in particular Molecular Dynamics to study the structural properties of nucleie acids in non-canonical environment, especially in the gas phase and apolar conditions. The ...
Alarcón Oseguera, Francisco (Data de defensa: 2016-02-08)
It is known that active particles induce emerging patterns as a result of their dynamic interactions, giving rise to amazing collective motions, such as swarming or clustering. Here we present a systematic numerical study ...
Perelló, Josep, 1974- (Data de defensa: 2001-12-20)
Thesis investigates the dynamics of financial markets. Nowadays, this is one of the emergent fields in physics and requires a multidisciplinary approach. The thesis studies the first work made by the financial mathematicians ...
Di Dato, Adriana (Data de defensa: 2015-11-12)
In this thesis we have made progress on the study of higher dimensional gravity by focusing on the properties of black holes and branes and their dynamics. We have developed two main projects: • provide several maps ...
Manera Miret, Marc (Data de defensa: 2007-06-27)
In this thesis we push forward techniques to learn about the large scale structure formation of the universe. The approach is from theory, observations and simulations. From theory we study the growth of four non standard ...
Fariña Sierra, Noela (Data de defensa: 2011-10-17)
In this thesis we study the Einstein-Aether (E-A) theory from the point of view of its cosmological perturbations. We are interested in the constraints that may be obtained from this analysis and the special features that ...
Fröb, Markus Benjamin (Data de defensa: 2013-12-09)
In this thesis we studied quantum effects in de Sitter space coming from the interaction of gravitons and matter. We derived the lowenergy effective action for metric perturbations which includes corrections from matter ...
Montejo Estevez, Manuel (Data de defensa: 1999-11-09)
El objetivo de esta tesis es construir un modelo cuántico para las ondas gravitatorias planas, unas soluciones de vacío de las ecuaciones de Einstein que presentan simetrías análogas a las ondas electromagnéticas en un ...
Carbonell Cortés, Carla (Data de defensa: 2012-06-22)
The work presented in this thesis consists of two distinct parts. The first years of my work focused on the development and improvement of a new equipment built to study magnetic and electrical properties, particularly ...
Miguel López, María del Carmen (Data de defensa: 1985-10-06)
Our main goal is to study certain aspects of the dynamics of fluids with magnetic particles in suspension, based on their promising practical applications as new materials as welI as on its fundamental scientific interest. In ...
Isalgué Buxeda, Antoni (Data de defensa: 1984-06-04)
S'ha obtingut la comprensió dels fenòmens donant lloc a l'ordenament magnètic i l'anisotropia magnetocristal.lina de ferrites hexagonals uniaxials. S'han realitzat mesures de difracció de raigs X i de neutrons (per afinar ...
Fernàndez Martínez, Antonio (Data de defensa: 2014-06-13)
La resposta dels materials i/o sistemes físics quan interactuen amb la radiació electromagnètica ens dóna informació sobre les propietats físiques d’aquesta classe de materials i/o sistemes, com per exemple la conductivitat ...
Valentí i Vall, M. Roser (Data de defensa: 1989-01-01)
Els sistemes de baixa dimensionalitat han sigut i són atractius als física per diverses raons: - A nivell estrictament teòric són els sistemes més senzills d'estudiar, i, de fet, molts models no trivials en tres dimensions ...
Batlle Gelabert, Xavier (Data de defensa: 1990-07-02)
En aquesta Tesi Doctoral ens hem plantejat dos objectius fonamentals: d'una banda, la caracterització de materials magnètics adients per a l'enregistrament magnètic perpendicular i, d'altra banda, l'estudi de les propietats ...
Montserrat Sangrà, Jesús Maria (Data de defensa: 1996-02-27)
Aquesta tesi està dedicada a l'estudi de les explicacions dels fenòmens físics relacionats amb el pes, la calor i l'aigua, ofertes pel poema De rerum Natura de l'atomista epicuri llatí Lucreci (Titus Lucretius Carus, ...
Malgaretti, Paolo (Data de defensa: 2013-10-23)
In this thesis we characterize the behavior of molecular motors when the properties of the cytoplasm they displace through are not homogeneous or isotropic. Anisotropies in the cytoplasm can be induced, for example, by net ...