La Universitat Jaume I de Castelló és un centre públic d'ensenyament superior i d'investigació, creat en 1991, que persegueix el desenvolupament social, econòmic i cultural de la societat del seu entorn a través de la creació i transmissió de coneixements. En l'actualitat imparteix 31 titulacions de grau, 49 màsters i 19 programes de doctorat, i compta amb més de 15.000 estudiants.
L'Escola de Doctorat gestiona els estudis de Doctorat. Els seus programes abasten línies de recerca en arts, humanitats, ciències socials i jurídiques, salut, ciències experimentals i tecnologia i ofereixen una ampla varietat de cursos adaptats a diferents necessitats formatives.
Des de la Biblioteca s'introdueixen les tesis doctorals a TDX, que també es recol.lecten al Repositori UJI.
-------La Universitat Jaume I de Castelló es un centro público de enseñanza superior y de investigación, creado en 1991, que persigue el desarrollo social, económico y cultural de la sociedad de su entorno a través de la creación y transmisión de conocimientos. En la actualidad imparte 31 titulaciones de grado, 49 másteres y 19 programas de doctorado, y cuenta con más de 15.000 estudiantes.
LaEscuela de Doctorado gestiona los estudios de Doctorado. Sus programas comprenden líneas de investigación en artes, humanidades, ciencias sociales y jurídicas, salud, ciencias experimentales y tecnología y ofrecen una amplia variedad de cursos adaptados a diferentes necesidades formativas.
Des de la Biblioteca se introducen las tesis doctorales en TDX, que también son recolectadas por el Repositori UJI.
-------Universitat Jaume I of Castellón is a public higher education and research center, created in 1991, aiming at the social, economic and cultural development of the society of your environment through the creation and transmission of knowledge. Our university offers 31 degrees of grade, 49 master's degrees and 19 doctorate programs, and has more than 15,000 students.
TheDoctoral School manages doctoral courses. Their programs include research in arts, humanities, social sciences and law, health, experimental sciences and technology and offer a wide variety of courses adapted to different training needs.
The library introduces the doctoral theses in TDX, which are also collected by the Repository UJI.
Si sou doctor o doctora de la Universitat Jaume I i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents.
------Si sois doctores de la Universitat Jaume I y queréis publicar vuestra tesis en TDR, contactad con Para más información consultad las preguntas más frecuentes.
------If you are a doctor of Universitat Jaume I and you want to publish your thesis at TDX, contact with For more information check the frequently asked questions (in Catalan or in Spanish).
Akande, Adeoluwa Stephen (Data de defensa: 2020-03-13)
There has been an exponential growth of cities in the last decade. Rural to urban migration are occurring at an unprecedented level. This is partly because cities serve as hubs of innovation offering numerous economic ...
Beltrán Fonollosa, Arturo (Data de defensa: 2013-07-23)
El interés de los usuarios en la información con contexto geográfico hace que esta juegue un papel fundamental en la sociedad haciendo que la cantidad y variedad de recursos georreferenciados disponibles en la web aumente ...
Trilles Oliver, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2015-07-14)
En esta tesis se utiliza como hilo conductor el ciclo de vida de cualquier contenido geoespacial, que coincide con el ciclo de los datos proporcionados por sensores. Para ello, se presentan cuatro etapas que son: adquisición, ...
Gupta, Shivam (Data de defensa: 2018-11-15)
The thesis presents five contributions which address the issues mentioned above. The first contribution is the choice of a statistical method which can help in utilising existing open data and overcoming challenges imposed ...
Du, Guiying (Data de defensa: 2018-11-15)
The main contributions of this thesis can be summarized as: (1) the identification of key challenges and opportunities for future research in using public displays for public participation in urban contexts; (2) two sets ...
Bustamante Duarte, Ana María (Data de defensa: 2018-11-15)
This thesis focuses on the role and adaptation of participatory design (PD) approaches to create “safe spaces” where young forced migrants can be co-researchers on and co-designers of mobile (geospatial) services to support ...
Ataei, Mehrnaz (Data de defensa: 2018-11-15)
This thesis develops and evaluates approaches to facilitate the design and development of privacy-aware LBS. This work has explicitly focused on three areas: location data management in LBS, the design of UI for LBS, and ...
Smid, Marek (Data de defensa: 2018-11-29)
Urban systems are not only major drivers of climate change, but also impact hotspots. The processes of global warming and urban population growth make our urban agglomerations vulnerable to chain reactions triggered by ...
Acedo Sánchez, Albert (Data de defensa: 2018-11-28)
In this research, we highlight the need to understand and operationalize social concepts spatial dimension for a better understanding of a smart citizen-centric approach which is mainly dependent on our capability to ...
Naranjo Zolotov, Mijail (Data de defensa: 2018-11-29)
This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the determinants of e-participation adoption in the urban contexts at individual level. The dissertation first carries out a review of the existing literature following ...
Santa Guzmán, Luis Fernando (Data de defensa: 2018-11-30)
This doctoral dissertation proposed several statistical approaches to analyse urban dynamics with aiming to provide tools for decision making processes and urban studies. It assumed that human activity and human mobility ...
Pajarito Grajales, Diego Fabián (Data de defensa: 2018-11-23)
Although many cities are promoting urban cycling, they do not analyse behavioural patterns or barriers faced during cycling with geospatial technologies. This thesis, placed within the fields of geoinformatics and serious ...
Benítez Páez, Manuel Fernando (Data de defensa: 2018-11-22)
This book presents a user-centric framework that local open data authorities can use it to improve the ongoing initiatives towards a bottom-up approach. In an open data atmosphere where the accessibility of data portals ...
Ngo, Manh Khoi (Data de defensa: 2018-11-22)
The thesis details the design and implementation of a multi-purpose participatory sensing framework (Citizense) based on a list of requirements extracted from the literature. This framework enables ordinary users to ...
Moradi, Mohammad Mehdi (Data de defensa: 2018-11-21)
The last decade witnessed an extraordinary increase in interest in the analysis of network related data and trajectories. In the spatial statistics field, there are numerous real examples such as the locations of traffic ...
Portela, Manuel (Data de defensa: 2018-11-21)
This work addresses the development of digital technologies from the perspective of corporeal and embodied encounters. It offers a critical view of the openness and smartness of cities, at the same time that propose a novel ...