Evolving to Digital and Programmable Value Based Economy: General Prospect and Specific Applications over Sustainability


Herraiz Faixó, Ferran


Arroyo Cañada, Francisco Javier

Data de defensa



260 p.


Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa


In the fields of economics, business and management, how could Digital Transformation (DT) advance value creation and reliably encourage value capture, exchange and distribution? This thesis aim to fill that gap with a novel framework to support policy-makers, countries, cities and businesses address the potential value that can be generated and captured by digitalization combining DT and Internet of Value theoretical perspectives and practical applications of them over concrete issues such as sustainability in cities, as an example. For this, it is proposed to make new contributions related to DT and Internet of Value in two main aspects: to explore DT countries’ mindsets when it relates to their value progress through Digital Ecosystems and to advance with the potential digital value applications through Programmable Economy advantages when it focus on concrete aspect such as sustainability in cities. Both perspectives, although it will be applied on different dimensions and on different purposes, have in common that they are focus on digital and programable value based economy and management and want to explore the best way to maximize and capture the DT potential in terms of value for organizations and society. Thus, first, it will be analysed the importance of knowing clearly the digital ecosystem in which the agents are operating in order to reinforce the value creation by promoting the inclusivity and connectivity of the endpoints involved in it. Secondly, it will be analysed how the digital value can be captured, exchanged and redistributed in a complex issues such as sustainability by deploying concrete digital applications that include human reinforcement aspects to, finally, closing the circle combining both perspectives in a single framework. To achieve these objectives in this thesis, own models are proposed, inspired by other theoretical models already contrasted, and some proven methodologies are used related to Conditional Probability, Forgotten Effects and Fuzzy Sets. As a main conclusion, Digital Transformation has the potential to generate immense value for economy and society. Although currently the capture of the vast majority of it is not guaranteed and its distribution between agents is no clear, new formulas are being explored supported by the Internet of Value. This thesis defends that if agents want to advance value creation and encourage value capture, they should consider to make their own Digital and Programmable Value Based Economy and Management framework through: - Allowing all functional agents work in a Digital Ecosystem embracing new relationships and ways of collaborating pursuing the same purpose. - Deploying Programmable Economy applications advantages, mixing digital's and analogue's world that can be interlinked and programmed by the blockchain allowing monetization and exploring new human and machine alliances. - Adopting strong and inclusive agents’ commitment in order to exploit the advantages that this smart economy system has from a human centric vision, discovering new forms of value, considering that, although tech can be everywhere, value not.

Paraules clau

Digitalització; Digitalización; Digitization; Cadena de blocs (Bases de dades); Blockchains (Bases de datos); Blockchains (Databases); Sostenibilitat (Ciències de la informació); Sostenibilidad (Información); Sustainability (Information science); Internet de les coses; Economia de la informació; Economía de la información; Knowledge economy; Internet de los objetos; Internet of things; Valor (Economia); Valor (Economía); Value (Economics)


33 - Economia

Àrea de coneixement

Ciències Jurídiques, Econòmiques i Socials


Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empresa






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