Ara mostrant els elements 2-3 de 3

    Inter-limb asymmetries and sports performance: from assessment to the application of a sport-specific iso-inertial resistance training in young athletes 

    Madruga Parera, Marc (Data de defensa: 2020-06-03)

    The asymmetries detected in the different multi-directional sports vary in magnitude depending on the test selected. Furthermore, in the individual analysis of the different tests administered, it was observed that athlete’s ...

    Physical performance and hamstring injury risk factors during the off-season period in footballers: inertial flywheel versus gravity-dependent resistance training methods 

    Vicens Bordas, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2021-06-16)

    The physical demands (high-intensity running and sprinting) of football match-play place footballers at increased risk of hamstring injuries. Some of the negative effects of a hamstring injury such as neuromuscular ...