Emotional intelligence:a new way to assess it and its importance to understand work outcomes


Sánchez Gómez, Martín


Bresó Esteve, Edgar

Date of defense



141 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Psicologia


This doctoral thesis develops an instrument for measuring emotional intelligence that reduces the weaknesses of existing ones and makes it possible to determine the role of EI on some variables of great importance in the work environment. The main results of this thesis indicate that: 1) MEIT (Mobile Emotional Intelligence Test) is a reliable and valid measure of EI, as well as the advantages of taking advantage of technology for it; 2) EI of employees is indirectly related to job performance through professional efficiency and burnout; EI acts as a protective variable when it comes to preventing the development and chronic progression of worker burnout; 3) It is those workers with the highest EI and the capacity for emotional repair who achieve the greatest professional success, which leads to obtaining a higher salary.

La presente tesis doctoral desarrolla un instrumento de medida de inteligencia emocional que reduce las debilidades de los existentes y permite determinar el papel de la IE sobre algunas variables de gran importancia en el entorno laboral. Los principales resultados de esta tesis señalan que: 1) MEIT (Mobile Emotional Intelligence Test) es una medida fiable y válida de la IE, así como las ventajas de aprovechar la tecnología para ello; 2) la IE de los empleados está indirectamente relacionada con el rendimiento laboral a través de la eficacia profesional y el agotamiento; la IE actúa como variable protectora a la hora de prevenir el desarrollo y la progresión crónica del agotamiento de los trabajadores; 3) son aquellos trabajadores con mayor IE y capacidad de reparación emocional los que alcanzan mayor éxito profesional, lo que conduce a obtener un salario superior.


Emotional intelligence; Assessment; Performance; Burnout; Salary; Social psychology


159.9 - Psychology; 331 - Labour. Employment. Work. Organization of labour.

Knowledge Area

Salut i serveis socials


Compendi d'articles


2021_Tesis_Sanchez Gomez_Martin.pdf




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