Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat
Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empresa
Este proyecto pretende profundizar en el grado de implicación del constructo COO en su relación con el consumidor del sector calzado español. En este sentido, parece que el contexto socioeconómico, político y cultural actual español se erige como el más propio para desarrollar un estudio de tal enfoque ya que, tras los acontecimientos producidos por el Covid-19 ha resurgido de nuevo en algunos países el sentimiento de consumo patriótico, nacionalista y etnocentrista como vía para reflotar una economía visiblemente hundida tras la crisis sanitaria. La gran atención que el tema ha recibido históricamente y la necesidad de profundizar en el comportamiento de los consumidores de un sector estratégico fundamental para la economía del país nos parece razón suficiente para defender esta tesis.
This doctoral thesis aims to examine the significance of the Country of Origin concept in relation to the Spanish footwear consumer. In recent years, as globalisation has progressed, some countries have seen a resurgence of patriotic, nationalistic, and ethnocentric consumption as a way to support their economies, which have been visibly affected by the emergence of new players in the international footwear industry. In this context, it is worth exploring the behaviour of consumers in a strategic sector that is fundamental to the Spanish economy. To understand the factors affecting purchasing choices, an online survey was conducted of 713 Spanish consumers. The results show that Spanish consumers appreciate Spanish footwear for its origin, craft tradition, identification with its origin and other particularities linked to the place of production, regardless of its price or design. Likewise, the extrinsic characteristic of a Country of Origin designation could potentially serve to promote footwear of Spanish origin among the population.
Country of origin; Calzado; Etnocentrismo; Teoria del comportamiento planificado; Zapatos; Consumidor; Footwear; Ethnocentrism; Theory of planned behaviour; Shoes; Consumer
338 - Economic situation. Economic policy. Management of the economy. Economic planning. Production. Services. Tourism. Prices
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