Which start-ups do accelerators prefer?. A comprehensive approach


Torrecilla, Ricardo ORCID


Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina

Pierrakis, Yannis ORCID

Data de defensa



126 p.


Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Departament d'Economia i Organització d'Empreses


The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the role played by both the human capital of founders and the financing sources in startups, whether they are impactful or just for-profit ventures, in the odds of being accepted in a business accelerator, considering both for-profit and impact-driven programs. In the present investigation, the human capital is considered to be composed of three dimensions, namely, educational background, previous managerial experience, and previous founding experience, and the same division into three categories also applies to the financing sources: debt, equity, and philanthropy.

Paraules clau

Start-ups; Accelerators; Financing sources


33 - Economia

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