Sustainability implementation and management in organizations. Proposal of framework, methodologies and business intelligence computer tools.


Ferrer Estévez, María


Chalmeta, Ricardo ORCID


Pucheta-Martínez, María Consuelo ORCID

Date of defense



147 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Economia i Empresa


The thesis, titled "Sustainability Implementation and Management in Organizations: Proposal of Framework, Methodologies, and Business Intelligence Computer Tools," explores the integration of sustainability into organizational practices, focusing on two contexts: incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainable practices within higher education institutions, as well as the Sustainable Customer Relationship Management (SCRM). The main objective is to address research gaps and enhance managerial practices related to sustainability implementation and management. Practical tools are presented to guide organizations on their sustainability journey, including information systems and Business Intelligence tools explicitly aimed at creating a positive societal impact. These tools serve as resources, translating abstract sustainability concepts into actionable strategies and facilitating organizations in advancing towards sustainable objectives. The research employs a dual approach, using exploratory research to identify and structure new issues and constructive research to develop corresponding solutions. Systematic literature reviews on education and SDGs and SCRM provide insights into key aspects of the research topics, aiding in organizing the field. Constructive research is evident in the formulation of three tools: the SDG4-IRIS framework, the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) methodology, and the nine-phase methodology for SCRM. The thesis advances the theoretical and practical domains of sustainability implementation and management. It enhances understanding of sustainable practices across diverse organizational contexts and identifies gaps and future research needs. The proposed tools—the SDG4-IRIS Framework, SBSC methodology, and nine-phase SCRM methodology—foster sustainability practical implementation and management in organizations. In conclusion, the thesis contributions extend beyond individual chapters, providing organizations with practical tools, frameworks, and insights for their sustainability journey. Acknowledging limitations, the thesis serves as a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers navigating the complexities of integrating sustainability into organizational practices. Furthermore, it has resulted in the publication of three papers in international journals, with a fourth paper currently under revision.


Sustainability; SGDs; Management; Implementation; Tools; Customer relationship management


33 - Economics; 334 - Forms of organization and cooperation in the economy

Knowledge Area

Economia i empresa


Compendi d'articles. Doctorat internacional.


2024_Tesis_Ferrer Estévez_María.pdf




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