Supramolecular materials based on short peptides: design, synthesis and applications




Escuder, Beatriu ORCID


Escuder, Beatriu ORCID

Date of defense



182 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Ciències


In this study, we planned to obtain supramolecular materials based on short peptides with a low-cost and high-efficiency synthesis procedure, which have an acceptable toxicity rate and can be applied in biological systems and used for drug delivery applications. If the project is skimmed from a broad perspective, the fundamental properties of short peptides based on supramolecular materials; hydrophobicity, pH values, solubility, etc., and characteristics of compounds have been evaluated to obtain the optimal results and draw a roadmap to the advanced studies. During this doctoral thesis, short peptides based on L-lysine and L-glutamic acid were designed, and synthesized by solution-phase peptide synthesis. To monitor the structures of the synthesized compounds, they were elucidated by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), NMR spectroscopy by IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and electron microscopy techniques (SEM and TEM) or confocal microscopy.


Supramolecular hydrogels; Short peptides; Antimicrobial activity; PH-responsiveness


54 - Chemistry; 547 - Organic chemistry

Knowledge Area



Doctorat internacional


This document contains embargoed files until 2025-12-13


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